objects: 50
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Die Zwanziger Jahre in München
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 24 x 22 cm.
  • 768 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Die Zwanziger Jahre in München

Christoph Stötzl, Josef Achmann, Eduard Aigner, Karl Arnold, Gustav Lörincz de Baranyai, Carl Johann Becker-Gundahl, René Beeh, Fritz Behn, Otthans Beier, Rudolf Belling, Karl Bertsch, German Bestelmeyer, Peter Birkenholz, Bernhard Bleeker, Albert Bloch, Georg Brenninger, Albert Burkart, Yorgo Busianis, Heinrich Campendonk, Felice Casorati, Karl Caspar, Maria Caspar-Filser, Fritz Claus, Oskar Coester, Eugen Maria Cordier, Lovis Corinth, Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Julius Diez, Otto Dill, Erna Dinklage, Franz Doll, Heinrich Düll, Elk Eber, Josef Eberz, Eduard Ege, Henry Ehlers, Fritz Hellmuth Ehmecke, Heinrich Ehmsen, Edgar Ende, Julius Ussy Engelhard, Adolf Erbslöh, Fritz Erler, Ernesto de Fiori, Max Eschle, Max Fischbach, Alexander Fischer, Theodor Fischer, Hermann Geibel, Otto Geigenberger, Willi Geiger, Theodor Georgii, Franz Paul Glass, Erich Glette, Benjamin Godron, Georg Graessegger, Günther Graßmann, Rudolf Grossmann, Olaf Gulbransson, Hugo von Habermann, Hermann Hahn, Thomas Theodor Heine, Wilhelm Heise, Edwin Hermann Richard Henel, Josef Henselmann, Christian Hess, Julius Heß, Friedrich Heubner, Anton Hiller, Josef Hillerbrand, Käthe Hoch, Ludwig Hohlwein, Julius Hüther, Walter Jacob, Angelo Jank, Mary Kaemmerer, Alexander Kanoldt, Ludwig Kaspar, Hermann Keimel, Heinrich Kirchner, Karl Knappe, Fritz Koelle, Gertrud Kraut, Erwin von Kreibig, Alfred Kubin, Otto Gottlieb Konstantin von Kursell, Martin Lauterburg, H. Reinhold Lichtenberger, Ferdinand Liebermann, Hans Lindl, Richard Lindner, Johann Baptist Maier, Wilhelm Maly, Carlo Mense, Paul Mildner, Hubert Netzer, Paul Neu, Wilhelm Neuhäuser, Aldelbert Niemeyer, Paul Niemeyer, Otto Nückel, Otto Obermeier, Max Oppenheimer, Max Olofs, Gabriele Ott-Brödinghaus, Otto Ottler, Tommi Parzinger, Bruno Paul, Oskar Petersen, Georg Pezold, Eduard Pfeiffer, Maritius Pfeiffer, Heinrich Pössenbacher, Carl Theodor Protzen, Hennry Protzen-Kundmüller, Leo Putz, Max Radler, Max Rauh, Paul Friedrich August Renner, Richard Riemerschmid, Franz Roh, Karl Röhrig, Else Rosenbusch, Karl Roth, Walter von Ruckteschell, Clara von Ruckteschell-Trueb, Karl Rüble, Carl Sattler, Heinrich Sattler, Christian Schad, Fritz Schaefler, Edwin Scharff, Josef Scharl, Ruth Schaumann, Arthur Schellenberger, Erich Schilling, Adolf Ferdinand Schinnerer, Kurt Schmid-Ehmen, Fritz Schmoll, Walter Schnackenberg, Georg Schrimpf, Julius W. Schülein, Walter Schulz-Matan, Reinhard Schumann, Hans Schwegerle, Carl Schwalbach, Hans Schweitzer, Josef Sechehaye, Richard Seewald, Alois Seidl, Renée Sintenis, Franziska Slopsnies, Toni Stadler, Ferdinand Staeger, Franz von Stuck, Siegmund von Stuck, Walter Teutsch, Siegmund von Suchdolski, Eduard Thöny, Hermann Tiebert, Hugo Troendle, Paul Ludwig Troost, Peter Trumm, Jans Tschichold, Max Unold, Charles Vetter, Ludwig Vierthaler, Hermann Virl, Robert Vorheolzer, Josef Wackerle, Heinrich Waldmüller, Karl Weinmair, Else Wenz-Viëtor, Herthe von Wersin, Wolfgang von Wersin, Max Wiederanders, Hanns Wolff, Fritz Wrampe, Oskar Zeh, Karl Zerbe, Walenty Zietara, Tono Zoelch

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May - September 1979. Edited by Christoph Stötzl. Artists include Josef Achmann, Eduard Aigner, Karl Arnold, Gustav Lörincz de Baranyai, Carl Johann Becker-Gundahl, René Beeh, Fritz Behn, Otthans Beier, Rudolf Belling, Karl Bertsch, German Bestelmeyer, Peter Birkenholz, Bernhard Bleeker, Albert Bloch, Georg Brenninger, Albert Burkart, Yorgo Busianis, Heinrich Campendonk, Felice Casorati, Karl Caspar, Maria Caspar-Filser, Fritz Claus, Oskar Coester, Eugen Maria Cordier, Lovis Corinth, Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Julius Diez, Otto Dill, Erna Dinklage, Franz Doll, Heinrich Düll, Elk Eber, Josef Eberz, Eduard Ege, Henry Ehlers, Fritz Hellmuth Ehmecke, Heinrich Ehmsen, Edgar Ende, Julius Ussy Engelhard, Adolf Erbslöh, Fritz Erler, Ernesto de Fiori, Max Eschle, Max Fischbach, Alexander Fischer, Theodor Fischer, Hermann Geibel, Otto Geigenberger, Willi Geiger, Theodor Georgii, Franz Paul Glass, Erich Glette, Benjamin Godron, Georg Graessegger, Günther Graßmann, Rudolf Grossmann, Olaf Gulbransson, Hugo von Habermann, Hermann Hahn, Thomas Theodor Heine, Wilhelm Heise, Edwin Hermann Richard Henel, Josef Henselmann, Christian Hess, Julius Heß, Friedrich Heubner, Anton Hiller, Josef Hillerbrand, Käthe Hoch, Ludwig Hohlwein, Julius Hüther, Walter Jacob, Angelo Jank, Mary Kaemmerer, Alexander Kanoldt, Ludwig Kaspar, Hermann Keimel, Heinrich Kirchner, Karl Knappe, Fritz Koelle, Gertrud Kraut, Erwin von Kreibig, Alfred Kubin, Otto Gottlieb Konstantin von Kursell, Martin Lauterburg, H. ... [details]

München, Germany: Münchner Stadtmuseum,
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Robert Breyer und die Berliner Secession
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26 x 24 cm.
  • 192 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Robert Breyer und die Berliner Secession

Sammlung Rolf Deyhle I

Robert Beyer, Heinz Spielmann, Curt Glaser, Thomas Gädeke, Harry Schlichtenmaier, Walter Benjamin, Gottfried Benn, Oskar Kokoschka, Thomas Mann, Max Liebermann, Jens Peter Jacobsen, Carl Zuckmayer, Ernst Bloch, Karl Wolfskehl, Max Beckmann, Lovis Corinth, Rudolf Grossmann, Hugo Freiherr von Habermann, Dora Hitz, Carl Hofer, Ludwig von Hofmann, Leo von König, Käthe Killwitz, Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth, Hans Meid, Emil Orlik, Emil Pottner, Hans Purrmann, Max Slevogt, Eugen Spiro, Wilhelm Trübner, Lesser Ury

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig, March 8 - June 8, 1992. Traveled to the Landesmuseum Mainz, June 13 - August 1, 1993; at the Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle, August 29 - October 10, 1993; and the Städtische Galerie Stuttgart, December 8, 1993 - March 6, 1994. ... [details]

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  • artists' book
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • photocopy / xeroxed
  • sewn bound
  • slipcase
  • monochrome
  • 44 x 30 cm.
  • [440] pp.
  • edition size 1000
  • signed and numbered
  • ISBN 3936859000



Sigmar Polke, Reiner Speck

Extremely large-scale artists' book. Introductory text by Reiner Speck. "In Greek mythology, Daphne is the nymph who runs from Apollo's love, determined not to marry. She ends up a Laurel tree. In contemporary art mythology, Sigmar Polke is a magician who transforms seemingly unrelated imagery and techniques into whirlwind, idiosyncratic collages that astonish the expectant eye. ... [details]

Ghent / Köln, Belgium / Germany: Snoeck Publishers,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Art After Modernism : Rethinking Representation
  • critical theory
  • partial cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 25 x 18 cm.
  • 461 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0879235632
Art Metropole Catalogues
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26. 5 x 20.5 cm. each
  • 12 vol. : 39 pp. ; 47 pp. ; 46 pp. ; 46 pp. ; 31 pp. ; 47 pp. ; 47 pp. ; 47 pp. ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; 75 pp. ; 59 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Art Metropole Catalogues

[12 Individual Volumes] / No. 4 ; No. 5 ; No. 6 ; No. 7 ; 1981 Catalogue of Videotapes, Installations, Performances ; No. 8 ; No. 9 ; No. 10 ; Trade Catalogue ; No. 11 ; No. 12 ; No. 13

Michael Snow, Rudolf Schwarkogler, Joseph Beuys, Giuliano Paolini, James Lee Byars, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Murray, Jenny Holzer, Daniel Buren, Ian Murray, Lawrence Weiner, Giulio Paolini, James Lee Byars, AA Bronson, Peggy Gale, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Michael Asher, Marcel Broodthaers, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Filliou, Vera Frenkel, General Idea, Walter Grasskamp, Hans Haacke, Wulf Herzogenrath, Image Bank, Donald Judd, On Kawara, Gary Neill Kennedy, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, Glenn Lewis, George Maciunas, Piero Manzoni, N.E. Thing Co., Claes Oldenburg, Harald Szeemann, Ursula Wevers, Rudolf Schwarzkogle

Lot of twelve Art Metropole catalogues : No. 4 (Spring 1977), No. 5 (Fall 1977), No. 6, No. 7, 1981 Catalogue of Videotapes, Installations, Performances, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, Trade Catalogue, No. 11, No. ... [details]

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Juliana Force and American Art : A Memorial Exhibition
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 25.5 x 19 cm.
  • 75 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Juliana Force and American Art : A Memorial Exhibition

Juliana Force, Herman More, Lloyd Goodrich, John Sloan, Guy Pène du Bois, Alexander Brook, Forbes Watson, Ivan Le Lorraine Albright, Edmund Archer, George C. Ault, William Baziotes, Gifford Beal, George Bellows, Ben Benn, Thomas H.Benton, George Biddle, Henry Billings, Isabel Bishop, Arnold Blanch, Lucile Blanch, Oscar Bluemner, Peter Blume, Louis Bouché, Alexander Brook, Audrey Buller, Henri Burkhard, Paul Burlin, David Burliuk, Paul Cadmus, Blendon Campbell, John Carroll, Robert W. Chanler, Glenn O. Coleman, Francis Criss, John Steuart Curry, Andrew Dasburg, Arthur B. Davies, Stuart Davis, Charles Demuth, Preston Dickinson, Thomas Donnelly, Arthur G. Dove, Guy Pène du Bois, Louis M. Eilshemius, Philip Evergood, Lyonel Feininger, Ernest Fiene, Karl Free, Jared French, Emil Ganso, Elizabeth Bart Gerald, William J.Glackens, Arshile Gorky, Adolph Gottlieb, Harry Gottlieb, Balcomb Greene, Stephen Greene, William Gropper, George Grosz, Louis Guglielmi, Robert Gwathmey, Carl Hall, Samuel Halpert, Leon Hartl, Marsden Hartley, Robert Henri, Eugene Higgins, Stefan Hirsch, Edward Hopper, Walter Houmère, John Kane, Morris Kantor, Bernard Karfiol, Rockwell Kent, Georgina Klitgaard, Karl Knaths, Henry Koerner, Benjamin D. Kopman, Leon Kroll, Max Kuehne, Walt Kuhn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Edward Laning, Ernest Lawson, Doris Lee, Julian Levi, Jakc Levine, Molly Luce, Luigi Lucioni, George Luks, Loren MacIver, Peppino Mangravite, Reginald Marsh, Henry Mattson, Jan Matulka, Henry Lee McFee, Kenneths Hayes Miller, Hermon More, Jerome Myers, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lloyd Parsons, Waldo Peirce, I.Rice Pereira, George Picken, Joseph Pickett, Joseph Pollet, Henry Varnum Poor, Charles Prendergast, Maurice Prendergast, Abraham Rattner, Louis Ribak, Paul Rohland, Charles Rosen, Andree Ruellan, Katherine Schmidt, Henry Schnakenberg, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler, Everett Shinn, Mitchell Siporin, John Sloan, Isaac Soyer, Raphael Soyer, Eugene Speicher, Niles Spencer, Theodoros Stamos, Joseph Stella, Bradley Walker Tomlin, Allen Tucker, Dorothy Varian, Abraham Walkowitz, Franklin C. Watkins, Nan Watson, Max Weber, Grant Wood, Marguerite Zorach, Peggy Bacon, Aaron Bohrod, Charles Burchfield, Adolf Dehn, Morris Graves, George O."Pop" Hart, Bertram Hartman, Rosella Hartman, Jacob Lawrence, Charles Locke, John Marin, Boardman Robinson, Caroline Speare Rohland, Georges Schreiber, Edward John Stevens, Andrew Wyeth, Richmond Barthé, F. Bilotti, Alexander Calder, Jo Davidson, José de Creeft, Alfeo Faggi, Paul Fiene, John B. Flannagan, Eugenie Gershoy, Maurice Glickman, Dorothea S.Greenbaum, Chaim Gross, Milton E. Hebald, Cecil Howard, Gaston Lachaise, Robert Laurent, Arthur Lee, Oronzio Malderelli, Isamu Noguchi, Hugo Robus, Theodore J.Roszak, Concetta Scaravaglione, David Smith, Carl Walters, Heinz Warneke, Nat Werner, Warren Wheelock, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Harry Wickey, Mahonri Young, William Zorach

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show of the personal art collection of Juliana Force held at the Whitney Museum of American Art, September 24 - October 30, 1949. Text by Juliana Force, Herman More, Lloyd Goodrich, John Sloan, Guy Pène du Bois, Alexander Brook, Forbes Watson. ... [details]

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Alack (For To No Other Pass My Verses Tend)
  • fiction / literature
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 17.8 x 12.6 cm.
  • 18 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Alack (For To No Other Pass My Verses Tend)

Raymond Pettibon, Kristine McKenna

Prospectus / monograph published in conjunction with the release of a limited edition bound book of twenty-five hand-printed lithographs, with text by Pettibon derived from Henry Adams, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Carlyle, Henri-Benjamin Constant, Saint John of the Cross, Gustav Dore, Pliny the Elder, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frank O'Hara, Alice James, Malcolm Lowry, Blaise Pascal, Walter Pater, Ad Reinhardt, Ernest Renan, John Ruskin, William Shakespeare and James McNeill Whistler. ... [details]

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ARS Electronica : Im Rahmen des Internationalen Brucknerfestes Linz
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 21 x 21 cm.
  • 281 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

ARS Electronica : Im Rahmen des Internationalen Brucknerfestes Linz

Hannes Leopoldseder, Horst Stadlmayr

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the "Sky Arts Festival," September 24 - January 10, 1982. Text by Franz Hillinger, Dr. Hannes Leopoldseder, Giorgio Battistelli, Robert Adrian X, Bernhard Leitner, Dr. ... [details]

Linz, Austria: Bruckner Haus,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 80 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 15, No. 6 (February 1977)

Nancy Foote, Jeff Perrone, Colin L. Westerbeck Jr., David Alfaro Siqueiros, Laurance Hurlburt, Phil Patton, Nancy Marmer, Eric Cameron, Robert Jensen, Ross Skoggard, Barbara Baracks, Leo Rubinfien, Judith Cardozo, Phil Patton, C.L. Morrison, Robert Rauschenberg

Issue edited by Nancy Foote. Essays "Robert Rauschenberg," by Jeff Perrone; "Sweet Reason: Marcel Ophuls' 'The Memory of Justice," by Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr.; "David Alfaro Siqueiros' 'Portrait of the Bourgeoisie,'" by Laurance Hurlburt; "Walter Benjamin's 'Short History of Photography,'" translated by Phil Patton; "Waiting for Gloire," by Nancy Marmer; "Bill Beckley's Lies," by Eric Cameron; "Book Review: Ada Louise Huxtable's 'Kicked a Building Lately,'" by Robert Jensen. ... [details]

out of stock
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 114 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
objects: 50