objects: 36
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 21 cm.
  • 336 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3211829253

Austria im Rosennetz

Harald Szeemann, Rudolf Scholten, Felix A. Baumann, Peter Neover, Paul Flora, Peter Assmann, Wolfgang Kos, Christian Theo Steiner, Tobia Bezzola, Walter Methlagl, Otto Breicha, Zsuszanna Gahse, Markus Brüderlin, Franz Schuh, AAO, Friedrich Achleitner, Gabriele D'Annunzio, H.C. Artmann, Carl Freiherr Auer von Welslbach, Belà Balasz, Konrad Bayer, Alban Berg, Elisabeth Bergner, Thomas Bernhard, Günter Brus, Ernst Caramelle, Michael Curtiz, Dada in Tirol, William S. Darling, Carl Djerassi, Heinrich Dunst, Tilla Durieux, Albert Ehrenstein, Kaiserin Elsabeth von Österreich, Valie Export, Ferenc Feher, Max Fleischer, Paul Flora, Heinz Frank, Freaks, Sigmund Freud, Padhi Friedberger, Rainder Ganahl, Ricahrd Gerstl, Bruno Gironcoli, Gustav Arthur Graeser, Franz Graf, Nora Gregor, Franz Grillparzer, Hans Gross, Otto Gross, Anton Grot, Franz Gsellmann, Willy Haas, Josef Matthias Hauer, Johann Hauser, Raoul Hausmann, Helenberg, Paul Henreid, Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando, Richard Hoeck, Hanns Hörbinger, Josef Hoffmann, Oscar Homolka, Hans Hollein, harry Houdini, Franz Huemer, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Ernst Jandl, Erzherzog Johann, Johann Orth, Erzherzog Josef Karl Ledwig, Frank Kafka, Frederick J. Kiesler, Josua Klein, Gustav Klimt, Peter Kogler, Oskar Kokoschka, Sir Alexander Korda, Fritz Kortner, Joseph Kosma, Karl Kraus, Kurt Kren, Peter Kubelka, Alfred Kubin, Anton Kuh, Joseph Kyselak, Rudolf von Laban, Fritz Lang, Hedy Lamarr, Lotte Lenya, Erzherzog Leopold, Erzherzog Leopold Ferdinand Salvator, Leopold Lindtberg, Herbert Lom, Adolf Loos, Peter Lorre, Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator, Bela Lugosi, Paul Lukas, Edmund Mach, Erich Mallina, Ida Franziska Maly, Maria-Theresien-Taler, Rudolph Maté, Mausfallen, Carl Mayer, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, Laszló Móholy-Nagy, Jakob Levi Moreno, Otto Mühl, Paul Muni, Robert Musil, Max Nettlau, Hermann Nitsch, Oswald Oberhuber, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Laurids Ortner, Die Österreichische Exilregierung, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Georg Pal, Mikelis Pankoks, Friederike Pezold, Walter Pichler, Otto Preminger, Ferry Radax, Arnulf Rainer, Pierre Ramus, Wilhelm Reich, Max Reinhardt, Walter Reisch, Max Riccabona, Paul von Rittinger, Leopold Wolfgang Rochowanski, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Gerhard Rühm, Felix Salten, Viktor Schauberger, Egon Schiele, Eva Schlegel, Arnold Schönberg, ManfreDU SCHU, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Selten gehörte Musik, Walter Serner, Pater Peter Singer, Sam Spiegel, Anna Stainer-Knittel, Dominik Steiger, Max Steiner, Rudolf Steiner, Josef von Sternberg, Martin Strauss, Otto Mittmannsgruber, Erich von Stroheim, George Tabori, Der Tod in Österreich, Alexandre Trauner, Elmar Trenkwalder, Christian Josef Tschuggmall, Edgard George Ulmer, Charles Vidor, Otto Wagner, August Walla, Anton Webern, Weegee, Hans Weigand, Lois Weinberger, Lois Weinberger, Otto Weininger, Johnny Weissmüller, Franz West, Oswald Wiener, Wiener Aktionismus, Billy Wilder, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wilhelm Adolf Wohlbruck, Fritz Wotruba, Hella Zahnreich, Ruperta Zahnreich, Robert Zeppel-Sperl, Fred Zinnemann, Heimo Zobernig, Aloys Zötl

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at MAK - Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, September 11 - November 10, 1996. Traveled to the Kunsthaus Zürich, December 6, 1996 - February 23, 1997. ... [details]

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Emanuel Hoffmann Stiftung
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 22.5 x 29 cm.
  • 363 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3909158579

Emanuel Hoffmann Stiftung

Vera Oeri-Hoffmann, Christian Geelhaar, Katharina Steib, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Gottfried Boehm, Coosje van Bruggen, Edward Dwurnik, Patrick Frey, Claude Gaçon, Claudia Jolles, Thomas Kellein, Dieter Koepplin, Franz Meyer, Werner von Mutzenbecher, Tim Rollins, Dieter Roth, Martin Schwander, Reinhardt Stumm, Paul Tanner, Theodora Vischer, John Wesley, Jörg Zutter, Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Stephan Balkenhol, Robert Barry, Joseph Beuys, Alighiero Boetti, Christian Boltanski, Jonathan Borofsky, Peti Brunner, Erik Bulatow, Miriam Cahn, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Walter Dahn, Hanne Darboven, Martin Disler, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Rainer Fetting, Peter Fischli, Katharina Fritsch, Hamish Fulton, Alberto Giacometti, Neil Jenney, Ilya Kabakov, On Kawara, Sol LeWitt, Richard Long, Robert Mangold, Mario Merz, Bruce Nauman, Guido Nussbaum, Giulio Paolini, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Thomas Ruff, Robert Ryman, Julian Schnabel, Jean-Frederic Schnyder, Richard Serra, Anselm Stalder, Jean Tinguely, Richard Tuttle, Cy Twombly, Hannah Villiger, Jeff Wall, David Weiss, Réme Zaugg

Reference book of the works in the Emanuel Hoffmann Stiftung. Contributions by Vera Oeri-Hoffmann, Christian Geelhaar, Katharina Steib, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Gottfried Boehm, Coosje van Bruggen, Edward Dwurnik, Patrick Frey, Claude Gaçon, Claudia Jolles, Thomas Kellein, Dieter Koepplin, Franz Meyer, Werner von Mutzenbecher, Tim Rollins, Dieter Roth, Martin Schwander, Reinhardt Stumm, Paul Tanner, Theodora Vischer, John Wesley and Jörg Zutter. ... [details]

Basel, Switzerland: Wiese Verlag,
Condition:  Used
It Is : A Magazine for Abstract Art
  • periodical
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 23 cm.
  • 80 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

It Is : A Magazine for Abstract Art

No. 4 (Autumn 1959)

P.G. Pavia, Peter Agostini, Mary Bonnell, Peter Busa, Emil Hess, Alfred Jensen, Elaine de Kooning, Albert Kotin, John Little, Adja Yunkers, William Baziotes, Robert Goldwater, Jack Tworkov, Andre Breton, John Cage, Sari Dienes, Thomas B. Hess, Hans Hofmann, Harry Holtzman, Allan Kaprow, Frederick J. Kiesler, Kermit Lansner, Nicholas Marsicano, Ad Reinhardt, Jeanne Reynal, John Stephan, James J. Sweeney, Mary Abbott, Peter Agostini, Williams Baziotes, Janice Biala, Mary Bonnell, Peter Busa, Nicholas Carone, Francesco di Cocco, Edward Corbett, Sari Dienes, Enrico Donati, John Ferren, Sam Francis, Ilse Getz, Sidney Gordon, Arshile Gorky, Philip Guston, Emil Hess, Hans Hofmann, Harry Holtzman, Alfred Jensen, Aristodimos Kaldis, Allan Kaprow, Frederick J. Kiesler, Franz Kline, Elaine de Kooning, Albert Kotkin, Nicholas Krushnick, Ibram Lassaw, John Little, Carrado Marca-Relli, Nicholas Mariscano, Knox Martin, Alice Mason, Constantino Nivola, Stephen Pace, Raymond Parker, Domenico Paulon, Ad Reinhardt, Robert Richenburg, Jeanne Reynal, Mark Rothko, John Saccaro, Thomas Sills, John Stephan, Sal Sirugo, Jack Tworkov, Adja Yunkers, Wilfrid Zogbaum

Issue number four out of six issues, published from 1958 - 1965. Edited by P.G. Pavia. Artists statements by Peter Agostini, Mary Bonnell, Peter Busa, Emil Hess, Alfred Jensen, Elaine de Kooning, Albert Kotin, John Little, and Adja Yunkers. ... [details]

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Los Angeles to New York : Dwan Gallery, 1959 - 1971,
  • reference book
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28.6 x 24.6 cm.
  • 384 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780226425108

Los Angeles to New York : Dwan Gallery, 1959 - 1971,

Dwan Gallery, Virginia Dwan, James Meyer, Paige Rozanski

Large scale catalogue on the history of Dwan Gallery published on the occasion of an exhibition featuring highlights from Dwan''s promised gift of her personal collection to the National Gallery of Art held at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, September 30, 2016 – January 29, 2017. ... [details]

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Property of a Distinguished American Collection
  • reference book
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 21 x 27 cm.
  • 207 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Property of a Distinguished American Collection

Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Robert Bechtle, Marcel Broodthaers, Scott Burton, Richard Deacon, Richard Estes, Dan Flavin, Gilbert & George, Rodney Graham, Donald Judd, Anselm Kiefer, Ellsworth Kelly, Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Guillermo Kuitca, Sol LeWitt, Sherrie Levine, Richard Long, Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, Robert Motherwell, Juan Munoz, Gabriel Orozco, Philip Pearlstein, Sigmar Polke, Ad Reinhardt, Thomas Ruff, Peter Saul, Thomas Schutte, Cindy Sherman, Robert Smithson, Frank Stella, Thomas Struth, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Sam Taylor-Wood, Richard Tuttle, Jeff Wall, Christopher Wool

Catalogue published in conjunction with auction held May 14 - 15, 2008. Artists include Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Robert Bechtle, Marcel Broodthaers, Scott Burton, Richard Deacon, Richard Estes, Dan Flavin, Gilbert & George, Rodney Graham, Donald Judd, Anselm Kiefer, Ellsworth Kelly, Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Guillermo Kuitca, Sol LeWitt, Sherrie Levine, Richard Long, Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, Robert Motherwell, Juan Munoz, Gabriel Orozco, Philip Pearlstein, Sigmar Polke, Ad Reinhardt, Thomas Ruff, Peter Saul, Thomas Schutte, Cindy Sherman, Robert Smithson, Frank Stella, Thomas Struth, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Sam Taylor-Wood, Richard Tuttle and Jeff Wall, Christopher Wool. [details]

New York, NY: Sotheby's,
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  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24 x 16 cm.
  • 565 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0374102384

The Age of the Avant-Garde : An Art Chronicle of 1956 - 1972

[First Printing]

Hilton Kramer, J.M.W. Turner, Gustave Courbet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Odlon Redon, Medardo Rosso, Simeon Solomon, Puvis de Chavannes, Aubrey Beardsley, Mary Cassatt, James McNeill Whistler, Lovis Corinth, Edvard Munch, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele, Lyonel Feininger, George Grosz, Emil Nolde, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, László Moholy-Nagy, Alexandr Rodchenko, Vladimir Tatlin, Oskar Schlemmer, Walter Sickert, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Jacob Epstein, Henri Matisse, Antoine Bourdelle, Edouard Vuillard, Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard, Georges Braques, Juan Gris, Julio Gonzalez, Henri Laurens, Marc Chagall, Jacques Lipchitz, Chaim Soutine, Hans Arp, Joan Miró, Amedeo Modigliani, Alexander Archipenko, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Salvador Dalí, Alberto Giacometti, Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Pierre Lachaise, Maurice Prendergast, Marsden Hartley, Arthur Dove, Alfred Maurer, Man Ray, H. Lyman Saÿen, Arnold Friedman, Charles Sheeler, John Storrs, John Graham, Edward Hopper, Saul Baizerman, Romaine Brooks, Arshile Gorky, Milton Avery, Abraham Walkowitz, David Smith, Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, Willem de Kooning, Jean Dubuffet, Hans Hofmann, Josef Albers, Louise Nevelson, Joseph Cornell, Balthus, Francis Bacon, Saul Steinberg, Isamu Noguchi, José de Rivera, Helen Frankenthaler, Jean Hélion, Mark di Suvero, Anthony Caro, Frank Stella, Robert Morris, Claes Oldenburg, Matta, Jean Ipousteguy, Nicolas de Staël, Fairfield Porter, Jim Dine, Ernest Trova, George Segal, Philip Pearlstein, Ellsworth Kelly, Mary Frank, Richard Hunt, Leland Bell, Anne Arnold, Alex Katz, William King, David Hockney, Cecil Beaton, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Edward Weston, Paul Strand, Bill Brandt, Walker Evans, Diane Arbus, Clement Greenberg, Herbert Read, Harold Rosenberg, William Bailey, Andy Warhol

Anthology of the writings of art critic Hilton Kramer. "In the eight years since he became art news editor of The New York Times, Hilton Kramer has emerged as perhaps the most perceptive and influential art critic in America. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
objects: 36