objects: 114
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 9 (May 1973)

John Coplans, James Collins, Rosalind Krauss, Virginia Gunter, Max Kozloff, Peter Plagens, Angela Westwater, Mark Berger, Theodore Reff, Carol Duncan, Lizzie Borden, Bruce Boice, Roberta Smith, April Kingsley, Pablo Picasso

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Things and Theories," by James Collins; "Max Ernst: Speculations Provoked by an Exhibition," by Rosalind Krauss; "Gerald Hayes: The Creativity of the Psychological Eye," by Virginia Gunter; "American Painting During the Cold War," by Max Kozloff; "No/Yes on the West Coast," by Peter Plagens; Meredith Monk: "An Introduction," by Angela Westwater; "A Metamorphic Theater," by Mark Berger; "Love and Death in Picasso's Early Work," by Theodore Reff; "Book Review," by Carol Duncan. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 10 (June 1973)

John Coplans, Peter Plagens, Rudolf W. Oxenaar, Hans Haacke, Bruce Boice, Annette Michelson, Max Kozloff, Louis Finkelstein, Lucinda Childs, Mel Bochner, Joseph Masheck, Lizzie Borden, Roberta Smith, James Collins, Dan Flavin

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Rays of Hope, Particles of Doubt," by Peter Plagens; "The Birth of de Stijl, Part Two: Bart van der Leck," by Rudolf W. Oxenaar; "Hans Haacke's Gallery Visitors' Profile," by Hans Haacke and Bruce Boice; "Rose Hobart and Monsieur Phot: Early Films from Utopia Parkway," by Annette Michelson; "The Uncanny Portrait: Sander, Arbus, Samaras," by Max Kozloff; "Seeing Stella," by Louis Finkelstein; "Notes on Batya Zamir," by Lucinda Childs; "Book Review," by Mel Bochner. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 6 (February 1973)

John Coplans, Hans Namuth, Preston Heller, Andrew Menard, Lawrence Alloway, Robert Morris, Lucinda Childs, Kermit Champa, Robert Smithson, Bruce Boice, Max Kozloff, Joseph Masheck, Lizzie Borden, Bruce Boice, April Kingsley, Peter Plagens, Jasper Johns

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "In Memoriam: Joseph Cornell," by Hans Namuth; "Kozloff: Criticism in Absentia," by Preston Heller and Andrew Menard; "Sam Francis: From Field to Arabesque," by Lawrence Alloway; "Some Splashes in the Ebb Tide," by Robert Morris; "Lucinda Childs: A Portfolio," by Lucinda Childs; "Miró," by Kermit Champa; "Frederick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape," by Robert Smithson; "After the Quality Problem," by Bruce Boice; "Book Review," by Max Kozloff. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 3 (November 1972)

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Mark di Suvero," by Carter Ratcliff; "Digressions on the Photographic Agony," by Hollis Frampton; "Robert Smithson's Development," by Lawrence Alloway; "Atget's Trees," by Max Kozloff; "Jungian Aspects of Jackson Pollock's Imagery," by Judith Wolfe; "Eva Hesse: Last Words," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Man Ray as Film Maker," by Steven Kovács; "The Venice Film Festival," by Manny Farber and Patricia Peterson; "Book Review," by lawrence Alloway. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 2 (October 1972)

John Coplans, Lawrence Alloway, Claes Oldenburg, Angela Westwater Reaves, Robert Smithson, Carter Ratcliff, Lizzie Borden, Max Kozloff, Eleanor Green, Walter D. Bannard, Bruce Boice, Peter Plagens, Lawrence Alloway, Bill Simon, Robert Jensen, Lizzie Borden, Jerome Tarshis

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Documenta: A Portfolio:" "'Reality': Ideology at D5," by Lawrence Alloway; "Claes Oldenburg, An Interview," by Angela Westwater Reaves; "Cultural Confinement," by Robert Smithson; "Adversary Spaces," by Carter Ratcliff; "Cosmologies," by Lizzie Borden. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 1 (September 1972)

John Coplans, Lawrence Alloway, Max Kozloff, David Antin, Rosalind Krauss, Francis V. O'Connor, Annette Michelson, Robert Pincus-Witten, Alan C. Birnholz, John Elderfield, Joan Braderman

Tenth Anniversary Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Network: The Art World Described as a System," by Lawrence Alloway; "The Trouble with Art-as-Idea," by Max Kozloff; "Talking at Pomona," by David Antin; "A View of Modernism, " by Rosalind Krauss; "Notes on Patronage: the 1960s," by Francis V. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.6 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 10, No. 10 (June 1972)

John Coplans, Jeanne Siegel, Lawrence Alloway, Rose-Carol Washton Long, Robert Pincus-Witten, Sybil Schwarz, Anthony Caro, Phyllis Tuchman, Walter D. Bannard, Max Kozloff, Alexis Rafael Krasilovsky, Bernhard Leitner, Joseph Masheck, Lizzie Borden, Kenneth Baker, Peter Plagens, James Rosenquist

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "An Interview with James Rosenquist," by Jeanne Siegel; "Derealized Epic," by Lawrence Alloway; "Kandinsky and Abstraction," by Rose-Carol Washton Long; "Ryman, Marden, Manzoni: Theory, Sensibility, Mediation," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Russia's Underground Art Market," by Sybil Schwarz; "An Interview with Anthony Caro," by Phyllis Tuchman; "Caro's New Sculpture," by Walter D. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 10, No. 6 (February 1972)

John Coplans, Phyllis Tuchman, Barbara Rose, Max Kozloff, Hollis Frampton, Robert Pincus-Witten, Jerrold Lanes, Albert Elsen, William C. Seitz, Peter Plagens, Kenneth Baker, Robert Pincus-Witten, Joseph Masheck, Jerrold Lanes, Lizzie Borden, John Chamberlain

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Bruce Nauman: Another Kind of Reasoning," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "An Interview with John Chamberlain," by Phyllis Tuchman; "On Chamberlain's Interview," by Barbara Rose; "The Futurist Campaign," by Max Kozloff; "Meditations Around Paul Strand," by Hollis Frampton; "Minneapolis: Burgoyne Diller," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Richard Diebenkorn: Cloudy Skies over Ocean Park," by Jerrold Lanes; "Drawing and the True Rodin," by Albert Elsen; "Mondrian and the Issue of Relationships," by William C. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 74 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 6, No. 10 (Summer 1968)

Philip Leider, Sidney Tillim, Hilton Kramer, Jerrold Lanes, Allan Kaprow, Emily Wasserman, Kermit Champa, Fidel A. Danieli, Robert Pincus-Witten, Max Kozloff, Robert Pincus-Witten, Emily Wasserman, Jerrold Lanes, Jane Livingston, Palmer D. French, Whitney Halstead, Manny Farber, Annette Michelson, Margery Mann, Larry Poons, Edward Ruscha

Issue edited by Philip Leider. Essays "Evaluations and Re-Evaluations," by Sidney Tillim; "Soutine and the Problem of Expressionism," by Hilton Kramer; "Romantic Painting in England," by Jerrold Lanes; "The Shape of the Art Environment," by Allan Kaprow; "Richard Van Buren, David Novros, Charles Ross," by Emily Wasserman; "New Paintings by Larry Poons," by Kermit Champa; "Greg Card and Mary Corse," by Fidel A. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 74 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 6, No. 9 (May 1968)

Philip Leider, Irving Sandler, Ellen Mandelbaum, Jane Harrison Cone, Rosalind E. Krauss, Emily Wasserman, Max Kozloff, Annette Michelson, Robert Pincus-Witten, Jerrold Lanes, Jane Livingston, Alvind Balkind, Palmer D. French, Manny Farber, Robert Irwin, Brian O'Doherty, Edward Ruscha

Issue edited by Philip Leider. Essays "Dada, Surrealism and their Heritage," "1. A Beautiful Exhibition," by Philip Leider; "2. The Surrealist Emigres in New York," by Irving Sandler; "3. Surrealist Composition: Surprise Syntax," by Ellen Mandelbaum; "Judd at the Whitney," by Jane Harrison Cone; "On Frontality," by Rosalind E. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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objects: 114