objects: 102
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 134 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 33 No. 9 (May 1995)

Rhonda Lieberman, Richard Martin, Simon Reynolds, Andrew Ross, Mark Van de Walle, Robert Fleck, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Timo Valjakka, Whitney Davis, Thryza Nichols Goodeve, Matthew Barney, Herbert Muschamp, Frank Gehry, Paul Schrader, Larry Clark, Bruce Hainley, Wayne Koestenbaum, Barry Yourgrau, Donald Kuspit, Elizabeth Janus, John Ash, David Rimanelli, Neville Wakefield, K. Marriott Jones, Ingrid Schaffner, Thad Ziolkowski, Barry Schwabsky, Dan Cameron, Keith Seward, Joshua Decter, Jenifer P. Borum, David Levi Strauss, RoseLee Goldberg, James Yood, Tom Moody, Maria Porges, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Amelia Jones, Laura U. Marks, Yishai Jusidman, Catherine Cafopoulos, Michael Corris, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Anthony Iannacci, Giorgio Verzotti, Jérôme Sans, Peter Nesweda, Noemi Smolik, Sabine B. Vogel, Michael Archer, Charles Green

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Glamour Wounds: Rhonda Lieberman on Fashion Week in New York," by Rhonda Lieberman; "Fashion: Richard Martin on the Menswear Closet," by Richard Martin; "Music: Simon Reynolds on Charles Long and Sterolab," by Simon Reynolds; "Weather Report: Andrew Ross on the Rap Channel," by Andrew Ross; "Television: Mark Van de Walle on 'The X-Files,'" by Mark Van de Walle; "Curator Interview," Robert Fleck talks with Hans Ulrich-Obrist; "Letter from Helsinki," by Timo Valjakka; "Books: Whitney Davis Reviews Klaus Theweleit's 'Object-choice: All You Need is Love," by Whitney Davis; "Travels in Hypertrophia: A Project for Artforum," Thyrza Nichols Goodeve talks with Matthew Barney; "Critical Reflections," Herbert Muschamp with an introduction by Frank Gehry; "Babes in the Hood," Paul Schrader talks with Larry Clark; "O Jackie," Bruce Hainley talks with Wayne Koestenbaum; "Paul Outerbridge, Jr. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
out of stock
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 130 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 33, No. 10 (Summer 1995)

Jeffery Slonim, Pascaline Cuvelier, Olivier Zahm, Jutta Koether, Elisabeth Sussman, Brooks Adams, Brian D'Amato, Robert Longo, R. U. Sirius, J. C. Herz, Christina Kelly, Jenny Toomey, Greil Marcus, Donald Kuspit, Georg Baselitz, Dave Hickey, Peter Schjeldahl, Meyer Vaisman, Jesús Fuenmayor, Collier Schorr, Todd Haynes, Gregg Bordowitz, Nan Rosenthal, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Jan Avgikos, Peter Bowen, Barry Schwabsky, Andrew Solomon, Joshua Decter, David Rimanelli, Keith Seward, Ingrid Schaffner, Faye Hirsch, Dan Cameron, John Ash, Ronny Cohen, Steven Drukman, Nico Israel, Joan Seeman Robinson, Laurie Palmer, Rosetta Brooks, Benjamin Weissman, Thomas McEvilley, John K. Grande, José Luis Brea, Menene Gras Balaguer, Massimo Carboni, Mario Codognato, Michael Tarantino, Jérôme Sans, Anne Dagbert, Elizabeth Janus, Yilmaz Dziewior, Noemi Smolik, Daniel Birnbaum, Michael Archer

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Q & A: Jeffrey Slonim on Pet Piles," by Jeffery Slonim; "Letter from Paris: Pascaline Cuvelier [and] Olivier Zahm on A.P.C," by Pascaline Cuvelier and Olivier Zahm; "Preview: Florine Stettheimer at the Whitney: Jutta Koether talks with Elisabeth Sussman," by Jutta Koether; "Preview: Florine Stettheimer at the Whitney: Brooks Adams on the Florine Scene," by Brooks Adams; "Film: Brian D'Amato on Robert Longo's Johnny Mnemonic," by Brian D'Amato; "Gadget Love: R. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 124+ pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 38, No. 5 (January 2000)

Jack Bankowsky, Raymond Bellour, Howard Hampton, Dennis Cooper, Katy Siegel, Emily Erikson, Arthur C. Danto, Daniel Birnbaum, Valérie Breuvert, Miriam Rosen, Rachel Withers, Daniel Birnbaum, Dennis Cooper, Ralph Rugoff, Katy Siegel, Dave Hickey, Barry Schwabsky, Ronald Jones, Jeff Gibson, Andrew Perchuk, Frances Richard, Margaret Sundell, Donald Kuspit, David Frankel, Meghan Dailey, David Levi Strauss, Julie Caniglia, Thad Ziolkowski, James Yood, Christopher Miles, Bruce Hainley, Lisa Gabrielle Mark, Adriano Pedrosa, Giorgio Verzotti, Miriam Rosen, Hans Rudolf Reust, Yilmaz Dziewior, Harald Fricke, Michael Archer, James Hall, Stan Douglas

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Books: Raymond Bellour on Jonathan Crary," by Raymond Bellour; "Howard Hampton on 'Straight Story,'" by Howard Hampton; "Dennis Cooper on Harmony Korine," by Dennis Cooper; "Regional Exhibitions: Forty Shows Worldwide"; "The Long List: Katy Siegel on the Whitney Biennial," by Katy Siegel; "US Shorts," by Emily Erikson; "Travel Brief: Exhibitions on the Road"; "From the Vault: Arthur C. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
out of stock
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 153 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 166 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 42, No. 5 (January 2004)

Tim Griffin, Germano Celant, J. Hoberman, Gary Indiana, Nico Israel, Daniel Herman, Steven Shaviro, David Joselit, Banks Violette, Svetlana Alpers, Carol Armstrong, Rachel Kushner, Bruce Hainley, Matthew Higgs, Martin Herbert, Jeffrey Kastner, Dennis Cooper, Debra Singer, David Rimanelli, Katy Siegel, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Carroll Dunham, Daniel Birnbaum, Wolfgang Tillmans, Hamza Walker, Irving Blum, Max Kozloff, Angela Westwater, Mel Bochner, Peter Plagens, Susan Kismaric, Judith Eisler, Tom Holert, Elisabeth Sussman, Ronald Jones, Sara Arrhenius, Frances Richard, John Kelsey, David Frankel, Johanna Burton, Donald Kuspit, Tom Breidenbach, Julie Caniglia, Michael Wilson, Jan Avgikos, Nell McClister, Martha Schwendener, Philip Auslander, Ellen Berkovitch, Jan Tumlir, Christopher Miles, Maria Gainza, Marek Bartelik, Nina Möntmann, Francesca Pasini, Brigitte Huck, Guitemie Maldonado, Giorgio Verzotti, Miriam Rosen, Felicity Lunn, Jos Van den Bergh, Jennifer Allen, Barry Schwabsky

Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Passages: Germano Celant on Mario Merz," by Germano Celant; "Books: J. Hoberman on 'Shooting Kennedy,'" by J. Hoberman; "Film: Gary Indiana on Errol Morris," by Gary Indiana; "Slant: Nico Israel on Artists on the Iraqi Front," by Nico Israel; "On Site: Daniel Herman on the Center for Land Use Interpretation," by Daniel Herman; "Tech: Steven Shaviro on Bioaesthetics," by Steven Shaviro; "Media: David Joselit on the Televised War in Iraq," by David Joselit; "Top Ten," by Banks Violette; "Winter 2004 Exhibitions: 50 Shows Worldwide"; "US News: Tim Griffin Talks with the Curators of the 2004 Whitney Biennial," Tim Griffin with Chrissie Iles, Shamim Momin, and Debra Singer; "On the Road: Traveling Exhibitions"; "From the Vault: Svetlana Alpers on 'Rubens,'" by Svetlana Alpers; "From the Vault: Anne Pontégnie on Fernand Khnopff," by Anne Pontégnie; "The Dilation of Attention: The Photography of Craigie Horsfield," by Carol Armstrong; "1000 Words: Paul McCarthy," by Rachel Kushner; "Teen Angle: The Art of Sue de Beer," by Bruce Hainley; "First Take: 12 New Artists:" "Matthew Higgs on Simon Evans," by Matthew Higgs;; "Martin Herbert on Guy Bar-Amotz," by Martin Herbert; "Jeffrey Kastner on Judith Eisler," by Jeffrey Kastner; "Dennis Cooper on Matthew Greene," by Dennis Cooper; "Debra Singer on Gareth James," by Debra Singer; "David Rimanelli on Nate Lowman," by David Rimanelli; "Katy Siegel on Tomma Abts," by Katy Siegel; "Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev on Micol Assaël," by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev; "Carroll Dunham on Scott Grodesky," by Carroll Dunham; "Daniel Birnbaum on Tomas Saraceno," by Daniel Birnbaum; "Wolfgang Tillmans on Donald Urquhart," by Wolfgang Tillmans; "Hamza Walker on Adrian Paci," by Hamza Walker; "Sum of His Parts: John Coplans (1920-2003)," by Irving Blum, Max Kozloff, Angela Westwater, Mel Bochner, Peter Plagens, and Susan Kismaric. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 233 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 42, No. 9 (May 2004)

Tim Griffin, Svetlana Alpers, Amy Taubin, Gary Indiana, Daniel Herman, Theresa Duncan, Alan Gilbert, Miranda July, Jeffrey Kastner, Scott Rothkopf, Linda Nochlin, David M. Lubin, Martin Herbert, Jeff Gibson, Jack Bankowsky, David Joselit, Pamela M. Lee, Christine Mehring, Bennett Simpson, Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Peter Halley, Giorgi Verzotti, Daniel Birnbaum, Frances Richard, Maria Gough, David Frankel, Michael Wilson, Barry Schwabsky, Lytle Shaw, Elizabeth Schambelan, Johanna Burton, John Kelsey, Jonathan Raymond, Donald Kuspit, Tom Breidenbach, Martha Schwendener, Jan Avgikos, Francine Koslow Miller, Philip Auslander, Glen Helfand, Emily Hall, Bruce Hainley, Christopher Miles, Jan Tumlir, Alexandre Melo, Marco Meneguzzo, Francesca Pasini, Massimo Carboni, Paul Galvez, Hans Rudolf Reust, Felicity Lunn, Nina Möntmann, Noemi Smolik, Liutauras Psibilskis, Rachel Withers, Michael Archer

Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Editors Letter"; "Passages: Svetlana Alpers on Richard Wollheim," by Svetlana Alpers; "Film: Amy Taubin on 'Superstar in a Housedress: The Life and Legend of Jackie Curtis,'" by Amy Taubin; "Film: Gary Indiana on 'Los Angeles Plays Itself,'" by Gary Indiana; "Architecture: Daniel Herman on Yves Klein's Air Architecture," by Daniel Herman; "Sound: Theresa Duncan on Game Boy Music," by Theresa Duncan; "Sound: Alan Gilbert on Ultra Red," by Alan Gilbert; "Top Ten," by Miranda July; "Summer 2004 Exhibitions: 50 Shows Worldwide"; "US News: Jeffrey Kastner on the SITE Santa Fe Biennial," by jeffrey Kastner; "US News: Scott Rothkopf Interviews the Curator of the 2004 Carnegie International," Scott Rothkopf with Laura Hoptman; "From the Vault: Linda Nochlin on 'Turner, Whistler, Monet,'" by Linda Nochlin; "From the Vault: David M. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 289 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 42, No. 10 (Summer 2004)

Tim Griffin, Caroline A. Jones, Thad Ziolkowski, Isaac Julien, Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Tom Vanderbilt, Jonathan Gilmore, David Rimanelli, Peter Plagens, Lucy McKenzie, Yve-Alain Bois, Ann Temkin, Josiah McElheny, Robert Gober, Andrea Zittel, Jeffrey Weiss, Jeffrey Kastner, James Meyer, Scott Rothkopf, Jan Tumlir, John Waters, John Kelsey, Barry Schwabsky, Daniel Birnbaum, Carol Armstrong, Michelle Kuo, Jan Avgikos, Elizabeth Schambelan, Michael Wilson, David Frankel, Nell McClister, Johanna Burton, Meghan Dailey, Jonathan Raymond, Donald Kuspit, Domenick Ammirati, Martha Schwendener, RoseLee Goldberg, T.J. Demos, Howard Risatti, James Yood, Glen Helfand, Christopher Miles, Jan Timlir, Maria Gainza, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Marco Meneguzzo, Alessandra Pioselli, Francesca Pasini, Paul Galvez, Miriam Rosen, Anne Pontégnie, Felicity Lunn, Wolf Jahn, Astrid Wege, Giorgio Verzotti, Ronald Jones, Lars Bang Larsen, Martin Herbert, Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith

Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Books: Caroline A. Jones on 'Mirror-Travels: Robert Smithson and History,'" by Caroline A. Jones; "Film: Thad Ziolkowski on 'Riding Giants,'" by Thad Ziolkowski; "Film: Isaac Julien on 'Baadasssss!,"' by Isaac Julien; "Media: Abigail Solomon-Godeau's Dispatches from the Image Wars," by Abigail Solomon-Godeau; "On Site: Tom Vanderbilt on New-model Flash Mobs," by Tom Vanderbilt; "Performance: Jonathan Gilmore on William Kentridge's 'Ritorno d'Ulisse,'" by Jonathan Gilmore; "Slant: David Rimanelli Gives his Class Homework," by David Rimanelli; "News: Peter Plagens on the Whitney's New Curators," by Peter Plagens; "Top Ten," by Lucy McKenzie; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Specific Objections: Three Exhibitions," by Yve-Alain Bois; Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Wear and Care: Preserving Judd," by Ann Temkin; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Artists Takes," by Josiah McElheny, Robert Gober, and Andrea Zittel; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Language in the Vicinity of Art: Artists' Writings, 1960-1975," by Jeffrey Weiss; "1000 Words: Anthony McCall," by Jeffrey Kastner; "No More Scale: The Experience of Size in Contemporary Sculpture," by James Meyer; "Portfolio: Ed Ruscha," by Scott Rothkopf; "Openings: Taft Green," by Jan Tumlir. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 322 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 45, No. 3 (November 2006)

Tim Griffin, Carey Lovelace, Elizabeth Schambelan, Tom Vanderbilt, Gregory Sholette, Damon Krukowski, Michael Wilson, Fia Backström, Alain Badiou, Lauren Sedofsky, Thomas Lawson, Lucy McKenzie, Briony Fer, Seth Price, Anne M. Wagner, Robin Wood, Suzanne Hudson, James Quandt, Pamela M. Lee, Philip Tinari, Steven Henry Madoff, Lisa Turvey, Johanna Burton, Jeffrey Kastner, Frances Richard, Jan Avgikos, Martha Schwendener, Brian Sholis, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Donald Kuspit, Emily Hall, Nick Stillman, Larissa Harris, Francine Koslow Miller, James Yood, Michelle Grabner, Patricia Briggs, Glen Helfand, Bruce Hainley, Michael Ned Holte, Christopher Miles, Dan Adler, Marek Bartelik, Catherine Cafopoulos, Pablo Llorca, Filippo Romeo, Alessandra Pioselli, Stefan Zucker, Eva Scharrer, Noemi Smolik, Jennifer Allen, Sven Lütticken, Lars Bang Larsen, T.J. Demos, Eugenia Bell, Gilda Williams, Tacita Dean

Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Passages: Carey Lovelace on Arlene Raven," by Carey Lovelace; "Film: Elizabeth Schambelan on Diane Arbus," by Elizabeth Schambelan; "Film: Tom Vanderbilt on 'Our Daily Bread,'" by Tom Vanderbilt; "On Site: Gregory Sholette on Hans Haacke's Memorial to Rosa Luxembourg," by Gregory Sholette; "On Site: Carol Armstrong on the Whitney Museum and Tate Modern Collections; "Sound: Damon Krukowski on Bob Dylan's 'Theme Time Radio Hour,' by Damon Krukowski; "Sound: Michael Wilson on Dubstep," by Michael Wilson; "Top Ten," by Fia Backström; "Matters of Appearance: An Interview with Alain Badiou," by Lauren Sedofsky; "Outside In: The Art of Lucy McKenzie," by Thomas Lawson; "Something Different: Lucy McKenzie Curates"; "Sculpture's Orbit: The Art of Gabriel Orozco," by Briony Fer; "1000 Words: Joan Jonas," by Seth Price; "According to What: Jasper Johns's Flag," by Anne M. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 332 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 9 (May 2012)

Michelle Kuo, Thomas Crow, Suzanne Cotter, Adam Szymczyk, T.J. Demos, Jeffrey Kastner, Robert Pincus-Witten, Barry Schwabsky, Frances Richard, Johanna Burton, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Donald Kuspit, Joshua Decter, Michael Wilson, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Emily Hall, Brian Sholis, Sam Pulitzer, Eva Diaz, Nuit Banai, Nick Stillman, Joan Kee, Jan Tumlir, Catherine Taft, Gareth James, Sherman Sam, Steven Cairns, Claire Moulène, John Beeson, Daniela Stöppel, Hans Rudolf Reust, Quinn Latimer, Marco Meneguzzo, Gianfranco Baruchello, Alessandra Pioselli, Saskia van der Kroef, Filipa Oliveira, Midori Matsui, Ronald Jones, Zehra Jumabhoy, Anthony Byrt, Jon Bywater, Mike Kelley, J. Hoberman, Michael Wood, Elizabeth Schambelan, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Ken Okiishi, Elizabeth Mangini, Adriana Lara, Graham Bader, Ann Goldstein, Michael Smith, Tony Oursler, Paul McCarthy, Jim Shaw, Kim Gordon, James Quandt, David Rimanelli, Amy Taubin, David Velasco, Martin Herbert

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Books: J. Hoberman on 'Mad' Magazine's Early Imitators," by J. Hoberman; "Film: Michael Wood on Grant Gee's 'Patience (After Sebald),'" by Michael Wood; "News: Elizabeth Schambelan talks with Curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev About Documenta 13," by Elizabeth Schambelan; "Slant: Ken Okiishi on Forrest Bess," by Ken Okiishi; "Slant: Elizabeth Mangini on Arte Povera in Naples," by Elizabeth Mangini; "Top Ten," by Adriana Lara; "Summer 2012 Exhibitions: 45 Shows Worldwide"; "Graham Bader on 'Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective,'" by Graham Bader; "Image of the People: Mike Kelley (1954-2012)," by Ann Goldstein, Michael Smith, Tony Oursler, Paul McCarthy, Jim Shaw, and Kim Gordon; "Magnificent Obsession: The Films of Werner Schroeter," by James Quandt; "False Front: The Art of Ming Wong," by Joan Kee; "A Room of Their Own: Three Views on the Whitney Biennial," by David Rimanelli, Amy Taubin, and David Velasco; "1000 Words: Kraftwerk," by Michelle Kuo; "After Effects: The Art of Anja Kirschner and David Panos," by Martin Herbert; "Openings: Dave Miko," by Sam Pulitzer. ... [details]

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  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 33 x 25 cm.
  • 248 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0262071312

Arts & Architecture : The Entenza Years

Barbara Goldstein, Esther McCoy, Ray Eames, Jacob I. Zeitlin, Ralph Rapson, David Runnells, R.M. Schindler, Jackson Pollock, Dalton Trumbo, Arnold Schoenberg, Peter Yates, Charles Ives, Sidney Janis, James Whitney, John Whitney, Herbert Matter, R. Buckminster Fuller, Robert Joseph, Eva Maria Neumeyer, Henry Moore, Garrett Eckbo, Alexander Calder, Eliot Noyes, Konrad Wachsmann, Gyorgy Kepes, Walter Gropius, Ad Reinhardt, Margaret DePatta, George Nelson, László Moholy-Nagy, Alfred Auerbach, Jan de Swart, Gregory Ain, Joseph Johnson, Alfred Day, John Lautner, Raphael S. Soriano, James Prestini, Elodie Courter, Victor Gruen, Hans Hofmann, Paul Ellsworth, Oscar Niemeyer, George Nakashima, Sibly Moholy-Nagy, Robert Motherwell, Adolf Gottleib, Jules Langsner, Richard Neutra, Frederick E. Emmons, A. Quincy Jones, Harry Seidler, Bernard Rudofsky, Wayne Thiebaud, Jerry McLaughlin, Harry Bertoia, Craig Ellwood, Pierre Koenig, Gibson Danes, Theodore Little, Max Bill, Roberto Brle Marx, Peter Yates, Peter Blake, Raymond Kappe, Michel Tapié, Claire Falkenstein, Rico Le Brun, June Wayne, Felix Candela, Paul Rudolph, Thornton M. Abell, Brassaï, Edward Steichen, Stanley Tigerman, Dore Ashton, Isamu Noguchi, Constantino Nivola

"This anthology brings together seminal articles from one of America's most distinguished architecture magazines, copies of which are now extremely difficult to locate. Published and edited by John Entenza from 1938 to 1962, when he left Los Angeles to direct the Graham Foundation full time, Arts & Architecture played a significant role in the cultural history of Los Angeles and in the development of American modernism in general. ... [details]

Cambridge / London, MA / United Kingdom: The MIT Press,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
objects: 102