Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Troubleshooters: Barbara Ehrenreich on the Moral Majority," by Barbara Ehrenreich; "Democracy, Inc.: Gary Indiana on Censorship in the Arts," by Gary Indiana; "The Cave: Jeanne Silverthorne on 'Batman,'" by Jeanne Silverthorne; "Ground Up: Herbert Muschamp on Architecture," by Herbert Muschamp; "Environment: Molly Hankwitz on Ideal Cities," by Molly Hankwitz; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Video Games," by Glenn O'Brien; "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television," by Barbara Kruger; "Undertone: David Sternbach on Rap," by David Sternbach; "At First Light: A Glance at the Discovery and Early Years of Photography," by Amy Baker Sandback; "Parts and Parcels: Thomas Virnich," by Annelie Pohlen; "Cubist Hypochondria: On the Case of Picasso and Braque," by Donald Kuspit; "This is Only a Test: Chris Burden," by C. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Exits and Entrances: John Howell on Voguing," by John Howell; "Folio: Andrew Solomon on Bookbinding," by Andrew Solomon; "Believe It of Not: J. Hoberman on American Myths," by J. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Object," Alessandro Mendini on Design; "Like Art," Glenn O'Brien on Advertising; "Ground Up," Herbert Muschamp on Architecture; "Here, There & Otherwise," John Welchman on Elsewhere; "Curies' Children," Vilem Flusser on Discovery; "Between the Lines," Dan Cameron on Criticism; "Books," Melissa Harris on Dance and Photography; "Working Watteau," by Mike Glier; "Body Building," by Mario Pisani; "Vanishing Act: Philippe Thomas," by Claudia Hart; "Borrowed Shoes," Suzanne Bloom and Ed Hill; "Diffusions: A Project for Artforum," by Susan Rothenberg; "The History of X," by Mary Josephson; "Under the Singing Eucalyptus Tree. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Like Art," Glenn O'Brien on Advertising; "The Cave," Vera Dika on Film; "Exits and Entrance," Melissa Harris on Dancing in the Streets; "Special Effects," Carol Squiers on the News and Its Pictures; "Here There & Otherwise," John Welchman on Elsewhere; "Books," Max Wechsler on Sigmar Polke - Zeichnungen 1963 - 1969; "In Living Chaos: Joan Mitchell," by Bill Berkson; "Koudelka's Theater of Exile," by Max Kozloff; "Signs of the Cross," by Claudia Hart; "Fautrier: Through Paint, Alone," by Siegfried Gohr; "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted," by Maria Nadotti; "Venezia 23: Unter den Linden," by Alessandra Mammi; "The Four-Corners Game," by Daniel Soutif; "Said the Spider to the Fly," by Luciana Rogozinsky; "Dear Harry. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Curie's Children: Vilem Flusser on Science," by Vilem Flusser; "Here There & Otherwise: John Welchman on Elsewhere," by John Welchman; "Believe it or Not: J. Hoberman on American Myths," by J. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "What in the World," Andrew Solomon on the Art of Perestroika; "Here There & Otherwise," John Welchman on Elsewhere; "Like Art," Glenn O'Brien on Advertising; "Special Effects," Carol Squiers on the News and its Pictures; "Books," Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe on "Peter Halley: Collected Essays 1981 - 87"; "The World According to Douglas Huebler," by Colin Gardner; "The Benefit of Doubt or Loving Modernism to Death," by Judith Russi Kirshner; "Charon's Boat," by Francesco Pellizzi; "Image of a Second Skin," by Mark Holborn; "Miguel Angel Rios: Epics from the Earth," by Frederick Ted Castle; "A Gentle Guide," by Ida Panicelli, an Introduction to "Territory"; "Territory: A Project for Artforum," by Leonel Moura; "Face(t)s: Notes on Faciality," by John Welchman. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'Brien; "The Cave: Maria Nadotti on Film," by Maria Nadotti; "Object: Alessandro Mendini on Design," by Alessandro Mendini; "Ground Up: Herbert Muschamp on Architecture," by Herbert Muschamp; "Here There & Otherwise: John Welchman on Elsewhere," by John Welchman; "Museum Piece: Karen Marta on Malcolm McLaren," by Karen Marta; "Something to Do with Jennifer Bolande," by Paula Marincola; "You Are a Camera," by Roselee Goldberg; "Sorry: A Project for Artforum," by Guillaume Bijl; "Ritual Ecstasies: Lars Nilsson," by Lars Nittve; "Not Vital's Relics of the Present," by Donald Kuspit; "Foul Perfection: Thoughts on Caricature," by Mike Kelley; "We Androids," by Doreet Levitte Harten; "Tear Sheet: A Project for Artforum," by Tear Sheet. ... [details]
Special issue of artforum on "wonder" edited by Ida Panicelli. "As you will see, no article focuses particularly on the field of art. Instead, we asked over 200 artists to respond to the word 'wonder' by supplying us with an image, a statement, or both. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "The Public Eye: Stuart Ewen on the Gulf War, A Report from the Couch," by Stuart Ewen; "Real Life Rock: Greil Marcus' Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Commedia Dell'Arte: A Project for Artforum," by Charles Burns; "The Cave: Jeanne Silverthorne on Jonathan Demme's 'Silence of the Lambs,'" by Jeanne Silverthorne; "Media Kids: C. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Troubleshooters: David Sternbach on Blue Planet, Green Dollars," by David Sternbach; "Commedia Dell'Arte: A Project for Artforum," by Mark Alan Stamaty; "Slant: Thomas Crow on Being 'Economical with the Truth,'" by Thomas Crow; "Democracy, Inc. ... [details]