April 1989 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television" by Barbara Kruger; "The Cave: Michele Wallace on Invisibility Blues" by Michele Wallace; "Environment: Vilem Flusser on Future Architecture" by Vilem Flusser; "Expertease: Silvia Kolbowski on Knowledge and Power" by Silvia Kolbowski; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'brien; "Books: Alice Yaeger Kaplan on 'Nuclear Fear,'" by Alice Yaeger Kaplan; "Signs of Light: Walker Evans' American Photographs," by Max Kozloff; "Subjectivity in Time: Kasimir Malevich," by Rainer Crone and David Moos; "Protection: A Project for Artforum," by Christian Boltanski and Annette Messager; "The Erography of Cy Twombly," by Demosthenes Davvetas; "We ? New Jersey," by Komar & Melamid; "The Passageway: A Project for Artforum," by Wolgang Laib; "Words around Warhol," by Jack Bankowsky; "Space around Warhol," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Phoenix of the Self," by John Yau; "Turning Japenese (In)," by John Welchman; "Ambitious: A project for Artforum," by Janet Zweig. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "What in the World: Arthur C. Danto on Haruspicy," by Arthur C. Danto; "Believe it or Not: J. Hoberman on American Myths," by J. Hoberman; "Slant: Manohla Dargis on the Deadman," by Manohla Dargis; "Museum Piece: A Project for Artforum," by William Anthony; "The Cave: Marco Giusti on Federico Fellini," by Federico Fellini; "Troubleshooters: Stuart Morgan on English Drag," by Stuart Morgan; "Curies' Children: Vilém Flusser on Future Architecture," by Vilém Flusser; "Left-Right: A Project for Artforum," by Judy Pfaff; "Requiem for the Degas of the B-Boys: Keith Haring," by Robert Farris Thompson; "Light in Geometry: A Project for Artforum," by Dorothea Rockburne; "Fausto Melotti, The Enchanted Lyricist," by Jole de Sanna; "The Weather is Here, Wish you Were Beautiful," by John Miller; "Invocations of The Surge Protector: Doug Hall," by Bill Berkson; "Heads: A Project for Artforum," by Jeanne Dunning; "Syncopated Thriller: Dennis Potter's Singing Detective," by Therese Lichtenstein; "Joyce Kozloss's Crimes of Passion," by Peggy Phelan; "Modernism's Many Lives: David Diao," by Bruce Ferguson. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Object: Maud Lavin on New Traditionalism and Corporate Identity," by Maud Lavin; "Invisibility Blues: Michele Wallace on Doing the Real Thing," by Michele Wallace; "Books: Marianna Torgovnik on the Art of the Monument," by Marianna Torgoynik; "Believe it or Not: J. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Exits and Entrances: Maria Nadotti on Reinterpreting Chekov," by Maria Nadotti; "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television," by Barbara Kruger; "Appetizers: Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett on Edible Art," by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett; "Undertone: Scott Gutterman on Rhythm and Rage," by Scott Gutterman; "Books: Diedrich Diederichsen on Greil Marcus' European Dream," by Diedrich Diederichsen; "Icons at Large: Maureen Connor on Modesty," by Maureen Connor; "Another Alphabet: The Art of Marcel Broodthaers," by Thomas McEvilley; "On Fire: A Project for Artforum," by Nic Nicosia; "Critical Reflections," Cornel West; "Listen Carefully: The Mahabharata on Film," by Ida Panicelli; "Contents Under Pressure: Equipo Crónica," by Dan Cameron; "Hapless Figures in an Artificial Storm," by Max Kozloff; "Satanic Paintings: A Project for Artforum," by Mario Nigro; "Nancy Dwyer Makes Trubble," by Marcia Tucker. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Expertise: Neil Smith on Making M/other Nature," by Neil Smith; "The Cave: Greg Tate on 'Looking for Langston,'" by Greg Tate; "Books: Mira Schor on Remedios Varo," by Mira Schor; "Exits and Entrances: Peter Stellars on Opera," by Peter Stellars; "Troubleshooters: David Sternbach on the Trials of Men," by David Sternbach; "Special Effects: Carol Squiers on the New Racism," by Carol Squiers; "Lili Dujourie's Image and Afterimages," by Michael Tarantino; "We Eat We Are Eaten: A Project for Artforum," by David Byrne; "A Systematic Bewildering: The Art of John Baldessari," by Colin Gardner; "On Gérôme, Bouguereau, Ingres, and 'They Died with their Boots on: Notes from a Journal," by Sidney Tillim; "Stages of Strehler," by Maria Nadotti; "The Word Unspoken," by Pat Steir; "Critical Reflections," by Bice Curiger; "Narrative Art: Twelve Artists on the Year's Books," by Papo Colo, Jessica Diamond, Braco Dimitrijevic, Michele Oka Doner, Candida Höfer, Cristina Iglésias, Alfredo Jarr, Robert Kushner, Hirsch Perlman, Lucio Pozzi, Stephen Prina, Nancy Spero. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Troubleshooters: Barbara Ehrenreich on the Moral Majority," by Barbara Ehrenreich; "Democracy, Inc.: Gary Indiana on Censorship in the Arts," by Gary Indiana; "The Cave: Jeanne Silverthorne on 'Batman,'" by Jeanne Silverthorne; "Ground Up: Herbert Muschamp on Architecture," by Herbert Muschamp; "Environment: Molly Hankwitz on Ideal Cities," by Molly Hankwitz; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Video Games," by Glenn O'Brien; "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television," by Barbara Kruger; "Undertone: David Sternbach on Rap," by David Sternbach; "At First Light: A Glance at the Discovery and Early Years of Photography," by Amy Baker Sandback; "Parts and Parcels: Thomas Virnich," by Annelie Pohlen; "Cubist Hypochondria: On the Case of Picasso and Braque," by Donald Kuspit; "This is Only a Test: Chris Burden," by C. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Exits and Entrances: John Howell on Voguing," by John Howell; "Folio: Andrew Solomon on Bookbinding," by Andrew Solomon; "Believe It of Not: J. Hoberman on American Myths," by J. ... [details]
Special "Best of the '90s" issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. "Best of the '90s: 10 Top Tens," by Dave Hickey, Daniel Birnbaum, Robert Rosenblum, Jan Avgikos, David Rimanelli, Peter Plagens, Carol Squiers, Bruce Hainley, Dan Cameron, Boris Groys. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Curies' Children: Vilem Flusser on Science," by Vilem Flusser; "Exits and Entrances: A Project for Artforum," by Marianne Goldberg; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'Brien; "Believe It or Not: J. ... [details]
Special issue of artforum on "wonder" edited by Ida Panicelli. "As you will see, no article focuses particularly on the field of art. Instead, we asked over 200 artists to respond to the word 'wonder' by supplying us with an image, a statement, or both. ... [details]