objects: 262
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Art Conceptuel Formes Conceptuelles / Conceptual Art Conceptual Forms
  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • screenprint
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24.5 x 16.5 cm.
  • 598 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • artists' book
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26.5 x 26.6 cm.
  • 442 pp.
  • edition size 200
  • signed and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780440153252



James Hoff, David Adjaye, Vince Aletti, Pawel Althamer, Rae Armantrout, Art Club 2000, Jan Avgikos, Fia Bakström, Jack Bankowsky, Clive Bell, Daniel Birnbaum, Ian Birnie, Claire Bishop, Nayland Blake, Francesco Bonami, David Bordwell, Lizzi Bougatsos, Andrea Bowers, AA Bronson, Delia Brown, Louisa Buck, Richard Buckley, Kate Bush, David Byrne, Dan Cameron, Laura Cantrell, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Monsieur Chat, Lynne Cooke, Dennis Cooper, Christopher Cox, Arthur C. Danto, Diedrich Diederichsen, Trisha Donnelly, Sam Durant, Marcel Dzama, Dave Eggers, Okwui Enwezor, Roe Ethridge, Matias Faldbakken, Johanna Fateman, Wendy Fonarow, Forcefield, Iain Forsyth, Brendan Fowler, Thomas Frank, Anna Gaskell, Alison M. Gingeras, Thelma Golden, Ann Goldstein, Loren Goodman, Isabelle Graw, Rachel Greene, Boris Groys, Bruce Hainley, Peter Halley, Howard Hampton, Richard Hawkins, Martin Herbert, Dave Hickey, Matthew Higgs, J. Hoberman, Tom Holert, A.M. Homes, Julia House, Andrew Hultkrans, Susie Ibarra, Chrissie Iles, Gary Indiana, Jim Isermann, Darius James, Kent Jones, Ronald Jones, Isaac Julien, Miranda July, Charlie Kaufman, Matt Keegan, Mike Kelley, Christina Kelly, John Kelsey, Rita Kersting, Karen Kilimnik, Alison Knowles, Kode9, Wayne Koestenbaum, Barbara Kruger, Christina Kubisch, Friedrich Kunath, Marta Kuzma, Steve Lafreniere, Alix Lambert, Inez van Lamsweerde, Thomas Lawson, Pamela M. Lee, Lisa Liebmann, Arto Lindsay, Barbara London, Charles Long, Chip Lord, Guy Maddin, Christian Marclay, Matmos, Nick Mauss, Lucy McKenzie, Josephine Meckseper, James Meyer, Jason Middlebrook, Aleksandra Mir, Katy Moran, Jessica Morgan, Dave Muller, Christopher Münch, Marissa Nadler, Rosalind Nashashibi, Kori Newkirk, Bob Nickas, Philip Nobel, Linda Nochlin, Geoffrey O'Brien, Glenn O'Brien, Ken Okiishi, Paulina Olowska, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Phillips, Paola Pivi, Peter Plagens, Olivia Plender, Jane Pollard, Stephen Prina, Rob Pruitt, James Quandt, Eileen Quinlan, Raqs Media Collective Ben Ratliff, Simon Reynolds, Daivd Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Robbins, Jonathan Romney, Kay Rosen, Robert Rosenblum, Marina Rosenfeld, Daniela Rossell, Neather Rowe, Ralph Rugoff, Mayer Rus, Lisa Ruyter, Tomas Saraceno, Elizabeth Schambelan, Paul Schimmel, Jim Shaw, Richard Shone, Choire Sicha, Katy Siegel, Amy Sillman, Laurie Simmons, Debra Singer, Guy Richards Smit, Susan Sontag, Carol Squiers, Frances Stark, Georgina Starr, Robert Storr, D. Strauss, Ali Subotnick, Amy Taubin, John Tremblay, Donald Urquhart, Jeffrey Vallance, Tom Vanderbilt, Banks Violette, Stephen Vitiello, Bruce Wagner, Hamza Walker, Kelley Walker, Alex Waterman, John Waters, Toby Webster, Olav Westphalen, T.J. Wilcox, Cathy Wilkes, Stephanie Zacharek

Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]

Brooklyn, NY: No Input Books,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Artist / Author : Contemporary Artists' Books
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25.3 x 23 cm.
  • 183 pp.
  • edition size unknown [in two editions]
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 1885444079

Artist / Author : Contemporary Artists' Books

[Paperback Edition]

Cornelia Lauf, Clive Phillpot, Glenn O'Brien, Jane Rolo, Brian Wallis, Martha Wilson, Thomas Padon

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, North Carolina, February 8 - April 12, 1998. Traveled to Emerson Gallery, Clinton, New York, August 31 - October 18, 1998; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois, November 6, 1998 - January 3, 1999; Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida, February 18 - April 14, 1999; Western Gallery, Bellingham, Washington, April 30 - June 27, 1999; and University Art Gallery, Amherst Massachusetts, October 29 - December 18, 1999 and other venues. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 18.2 x 11 cm.
  • 96 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Artists' Books / Artists' books, booklets, pamphlets, catalogues, periodicals, anthologies, and magazines almost all published since 1970, selected by Martin Attwood and Clive Phillpot for a traveling exhibition organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain for which this is the catalogue

Clive Phillpot, Richard Francis, Martin Attwood, Brandon Taylor, Joanna Drew

Exhibition catalogue for traveling show, no venues or dates noted within catalogue. Forward by Joanna Drew. Essay by Richard Francis and Martin Attwood. Important critical text on artists' books by Clive Phillpot. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: Arts Council of Great Britain,
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Fluxus : Selections from the Gilbert and Lila Silverman Collection
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 20.5 x 21 cm.
  • 64 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0870703110

Fluxus : Selections from the Gilbert and Lila Silverman Collection

Jon Hendricks, Clive Phillpot, George Maciunas

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 17, 1988 - March 10, 1989. Text by Jon Hendricks, Clive Phillpot, and George Maciunas. Artists included in the exhibition are Eric Anderson, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, John Chick, Christo, Willem de Ridder, Henry Flynt, Ken Friedman, Hi Red Center, Alice Hutchins, Per Kirkeby, Milan Knizak, Alison Knowles, Takehisa Kosugi, Shigeko Kubota, Arthur Koepcke, John Lennon, Carla Liss, Larry Miller, Kate Millett, Peter Moore, Serge Oldenbourg, Benjamin Patterson, Jock Reynolds, James Riddle, Tomas Schmit, Mieko [Chieko] Shiomi, Daniel Spoerri, Francois Dufrêne, Yasunao Tone, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell, Yoshimasa Wada, La Monte Young, George Maciunas, Nam June Paik, Ay-O, Claes Oldenburg, Ben Vautier, George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Dick Higgins, Joe Jones, Takako Saito, Robert Watts, Emmett Williams, and Yoko Ono. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • artists' book
  • pictorial wrappers
  • photocopy / xeroxed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 28 x 21.5 cm.
  • 49 pp.
  • edition size unknown [100 copies suspected]
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Total Metal [aka : Tötal Metal]

Richard Phillips, Joshua Decter, Ashley Bickerton, Kathy Burckhart, John Currin, Jessica Diamond, Cheryl Donegan, Alex Perlstein, Tom Henry III, Mike Kelley, Doris Kloster, Donna Draker, Bob Krasner, Debra Trebitz, Sean Landers, Richard Lee, Daniel Levine, Lip Service LA, Ken Lum, Patti Martori, Aimee Morgana, Vik Muniz, Peter Nagy, Carl Ostendarp, Kevin Landers, Joel Otterson, Raymond Pettibon, Philip Pocock, Rob Pruitt, Jack Early, Alexis Rockman, Gary Simmons, Debbie Stoller, Julie Wachtel, Chris Wilder

Artists' publication / 'zine produced in conjunction with exhibition held at October - November 1990. Curated by Richard Phillips this publication takes the format of an "assembling" / 'zine featuring essays by Phillips and Joshua Decter ["Thrash Criticism"] and artists' projects by the exhibition participants. ... [details]

New York, NY: Simon Watson,
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Amsterdam, Paris, Düsseldorf
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • staple bound
  • slipcase
  • black-and-white
  • 22 x 19.5 cm.
  • 3 vol. : [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated]
  • edition size 2500

Amsterdam, Paris, Düsseldorf

[Three Volumes]

Thomas Messer, Cor Blok, Ad Dekkers, Jeroen Henneman, Reinier Lucassen, Jan Roeland, Jan Schoonhoven, Carel Visser, Blaise Gautier, Christian Boltanski, Joel Kermarrec, Jean Le Gac, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, Jean-Michel Sanejouand, Gerard Titus-Carmel, Ben Vautier, Claude Viallat, Jürgen Harten, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, Gotthard Graubner, Konrad Klapheck, Sigmar Polke, Dieter Rot, Klaus Rinke, Andre Thomkins, Gunther Uecker

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1972, featuring the work of artists working in three major European art centers - Amsterdam, Paris, and Düsseldorf. ... [details]

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Sequenzen : Fotofolgen Zeitgenössischer Künstler
  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • spiral bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 17 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Sequenzen : Fotofolgen Zeitgenössischer Künstler

Uwe M. Schneede, Manfred Schmalriede

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 15 - February 27, 1977. Text by Uwe M. Schneede and Manfred Schmalriede. Artists included are Christian Boltanski, Ger Dekkers, John Hilliard, Jürgen Klauke, Urs Lüthi, Duane Michals, and Helmut Schweizer. ... [details]

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Absage an das Einzelbild : Foto, Foto Text, Foto Foto, Foto Text Foto, Foto Folgen
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 28 x 21.5 cm.
  • 61 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Absage an das Einzelbild : Foto, Foto Text, Foto Foto, Foto Text Foto, Foto Folgen

Ute Eskildsen, Manfred Schmalriede

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 12, 1980 - January 18, 1981. Text by Ute Eskildsen and Manfred Schmalriede. Artists included are John Baldessari, Didier Bay, Bernhard Becher, Hilla Becher, Bernhard Blume, Christian Boltanski, Diane Buckler, Victor Burgin, Heinz Cibulka, Gregor Cürten, Jan Dibbets, Valie Export, André Gelpke, Jochen Gerz, Edward Grazda, Renate Heyne, John Hilliard, Douglas Huebler, Peter Hutchinson, Kenneth Josephson, Jürgen Klauke, Rolf H. ... [details]

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Eternal Network : A Mail-Art Anthology
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 23 cm.
  • 304 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • signed and unnumbered
  • ISBN 1895176271
objects: 262