objects: 556
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Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet, No. 2 ; Numero tre a cura di Vincenzo Accame / Number three edited by Vincenzo Accame, No. 3 ; Numero quattro a cura di Sol LeWitt / Number four edited by Sol LeWitt, No. 4 ; Numero cinque a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo di Biumo / Number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, No. 5 ; Numero sei a cura di Arturo Schwarz / Number six edited by Arturo Schwarz, No. 6
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 29.7 x 21.1 cm.
  • 5 vol : [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet, No. 2 ; Numero tre a cura di Vincenzo Accame / Number three edited by Vincenzo Accame, No. 3 ; Numero quattro a cura di Sol LeWitt / Number four edited by Sol LeWitt, No. 4 ; Numero cinque a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo di Biumo / Number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, No. 5 ; Numero sei a cura di Arturo Schwarz / Number six edited by Arturo Schwarz, No. 6

[All Issues Published / Lacking No. 1] / No. 2 - No. 6 (June 1980 - June 1984)

Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Vincenzo Accame, Paolo Buzzi, Bruno Munari, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Guido Ballo, Arakawa, Alberto Faietti, Hermann EsRichter, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Earle Brown, Gianni Colombo, Mauro Staccioli, Sol LeWitt, Gino De Dominicis, Piero Manzoni, Giovanni Anselmo, Timm Ulrichs, Giuseppe Di Napoli, S. Lombardo, Gianni Robusti, Alik Cavaliere, Vincenzo Ferrari, Artists include John Hilliard, Douglas Huebler, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Zvi Goldstein, Stephen Willats, Dotty Attie, Laura Grisi, Antoni Mikolajczyk, Ryszard Winiarski, Ryszard Wäsko, Umberto Raponi, Jenny Holzer, Jean C. Pigozzi, Afranio Metelli, Mike Glier, May Stevens, Charles Gaines, Gene Beery, Ingeborg Lüscher, Ewa Partum, Pat Steir, Giuseppe Panza, Carl Andre, Larry Bell, Dan Flavin, Robert Irwin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Richard Nonas, Robert Long, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Eric Orr, Richard Serra, James Turrell, Doug Wheeler, Jene Highstein, Arturo Schwarz, Gianfranco Baruchello, Alighiero Boetti, Alik Cavaliere, Ettore Colla, Flavio Costantini, Sergio Dangelo, Ugo Dossi, Lucio Fontana, Franco Francese, Pinot Gallizio, Osvaldo Licini, Piero Manzoni, Fausto Melotti, Gastone Novelli, Giulio Paolini, Claudio Parmiggiani, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mimmo Rotella, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Fausta Squatriti, Tancredi, Jean-François Lyotard, Achille Bonito Oliva, Leonardo Sciascia, Roger Pontecorvo, Francesco Arcangeli, Luigi Carluccio, Francesco Poli, Germano Celant, Pierre Restany, Giulio Carlo Argan

Issues number two through six of Edizione Cenobio Visualità. Issue two edited by Bernar Venet, 1980. Essay by Bernar Vernet. Artists include Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin and Donald Judd. ... [details]

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Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 29.7 x 21.1 cm.
  • unpaginated
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet

No. 2 (June 1980)

Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd

Issue number two of Edizione Cenobio Visualità edited by Bernar Venet. Essay by Bernar Vernet. Artists include Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin and Donald Judd. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 120 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 19, No. 7 (March 1981)

Ingrid Sischy, Sanda Miller, Bernard Tschumi, Raimund Abraham, Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, John Bernard Myers, Kate Linker, Ted Castle, Hal Foster, Richard Flood, Thomas Lawson, Ronny H. Cohen, Carrie Rickey, Colin L. Westerbeck Jr., Shelley Rice, Jayne Merkel, Martha Fleming, Stuart Morgan, Annelie Pohlen, Mickey Piller, Paul Groot, Raimund Abraham

Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "Constantin Brancusi's Photographs," by Sanda Miller; "Architecture and Limits II," "Introduction," by Bernard Tschumi, "Collisions," by Raimund Abraham, "Transformations, Decompositions and Critiques," by Peter Eisenman, "Intimations of Tactility: Excerpts From a Fragmentary Polemic," by Kenneth Frampton; "Words and Pictures: Notes on Alexander Pope and William Carlos Williams," by John Bernard Myers; "Public Sculpture: The Pursuit of the Pleasurable and Profitable Paradise," by Kate Linker; "Kes Zapkus' Modern Warfare," by Ted Castle; "Pastiche/Prototype/Purity: 'Houses for Sale,'" by Hal Foster. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 118 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 18, No. 7 (March 1980)

Ingrid Sischy, Ted Castle, Mike Glier, Komar and Melamid, Paul Rodgers, Germano Celant, René Denizot, Nancy Foote, Brooks Adams, Colin L. Westerbeck Jr., Carrie Rickey, Shelley Rice, Maureen Connor, Deborah Perlberg, Christopher Knight, Joanna Frueh, Richard Armstrong, Richard Flood, Mary Stofflet

Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "Ulrich Rückriem: The Monumental Ritual," by Ted Castle; "The 1979 Dime Store Figurine," by Mike Glier; "The Barren Flowers of Evil," by Komar and Melamid; "Towards a Theory/Practice of Painting," by Paul Rodgers; "Urban Nature: The Work of Maria Nordman," by Germano Celant; "Ian Wilson, For Example: Texts on Words," by René Denizot. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 38.4 x 28.3 cm.
  • 54 pp.
  • edition size unknown


Vol. 7, No. 12

Robert Hayes, Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Ron Wood, Earl McGrath, Victor Hugo, Bernardo Betolucci, Marina Schiano, Barbara Allen, Robin West, Catherine Guinness, James Hunt, Monique Van Vooren, Jessica Mitford, Serge Lutens, Robert Hayes, Barry Humphries, Tinkerbelle, Paul Bocuse, Maxime De La Falaise, Paige Rense, Suzie Frankfurt, Jasper Johns, Philip Smith, Andy Gibb, Victor Bockris, Glenn O'Brien, Bob Colacello, Peter Lester, Fran Lebowitz, Iman, Paul von Ravenstein, Arastein, Richard Bernstein, Robert Mapplethorpe, Bill Cunningham

Issue edited by Robert Hayes. Publisher: Andy Warhol. Interviews :"A Stones Tea," Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Ron Wood, and Earl McGrath interviewed by Andy Warhol with assistance from Catherine Guinness and Victor Hugo; "Sushi with Betoluci," Bernardo Betolucci interviewed by Andy Warhol, Marina Schiano, Barbara Allen, Robin West, Catherine Guinness, and Bob Colacello; "James Hunt: A Racy Chat with Monique Van Vooren," James Hunt interviewed by Monique Van Vooren; "Words with my Aunt : Jessica Mitford," Jessica Mitford interviewed by Catherine Guinness; "Behind the Masque of Serge Lutens," Serge Lutens interviewed by Robert Hayes; "Barry Humphries / Dame Edna : The Two Faces of Everage" Barry Humphries interviewed by Tinkerbelle; "Paul Bocuse," Paul Bocuse interviewed by Maxime De La Falaise; "Paige Rense digests Archictecture with Suzie Frankfurt," Paige Rense interviewd by Suzie Frankfurt; "Jasper Johns," Jasper Johns interviewed by Philip Smith; "Gibberish with Andy Gibb," Andy Gibb interviewed by Victor Bockris. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.6 cm.
  • 81 PP.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 15, No. 2 (October 1976)

John Coplans, Nancy Foote, Richard Pommer, Barbara Flynn, Eric Cameron, Lawrence Alloway, Phil Patton, Jeff Perrone, Paul Brach, Carter Ratcliff, Jeff Perrone, C.L. Morrison

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "The Apotheosis of the Crummy Space," by Nancy Foote; "The New Architectural Supremacists," by Richard Pommer; "A Conspiracy of Bachelors," by Barbara Flynn; "Mac Adams: The 'Mysteries,'" by Eric Cameron; "Site Inspection," by Lawrence Alloway; "MOMA Hails the Cab," by Phil Patton; "Books: Topics in American Art Since 1945," by Jeff Perrone. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 10, No. 9 (May 1972)

John Coplans, Carter Ratcliff, Leon Golub, Rosalind Krauss, Steve Reich, Emily Wasserman, John Elderfield, P. Adams Sitney, Carter Ratcliff, April Kingsley, Peter Plagens, Lizzie Borden, Robert Pincus-Witten, Kenneth Baker, Paul Arthur, Jo Baer

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Jo Baer: Notes on 5 Recent Paintings," by Carter Ratcliff; "Utopia/Anti-Utopia," by Leon Golub; "Keith Sonnier: Video and Film as Color-Field," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Richard Serra: Sculpture Redrawn," by Rosalind Krauss; "An Interview with Composer Steve Reich," by Emily Wasserman; "London: Roeluf Louw," by Kenneth Baker; "Grids," John Elderfield; "The Films of Harry Smith," by P. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 10, No. 6 (February 1972)

John Coplans, Phyllis Tuchman, Barbara Rose, Max Kozloff, Hollis Frampton, Robert Pincus-Witten, Jerrold Lanes, Albert Elsen, William C. Seitz, Peter Plagens, Kenneth Baker, Robert Pincus-Witten, Joseph Masheck, Jerrold Lanes, Lizzie Borden, John Chamberlain

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Bruce Nauman: Another Kind of Reasoning," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "An Interview with John Chamberlain," by Phyllis Tuchman; "On Chamberlain's Interview," by Barbara Rose; "The Futurist Campaign," by Max Kozloff; "Meditations Around Paul Strand," by Hollis Frampton; "Minneapolis: Burgoyne Diller," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Richard Diebenkorn: Cloudy Skies over Ocean Park," by Jerrold Lanes; "Drawing and the True Rodin," by Albert Elsen; "Mondrian and the Issue of Relationships," by William C. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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The New Television : A Public / Private Art. Essays, Statements, and Videotapes [ Based on
  • monograph
  • paper over boards issued without dust-jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25.1 x 18.5 cm.
  • 289 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0262040506
Eastvillage : A Guide. A Documentary
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26.5 x 20 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
objects: 556