objects: 85
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Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.4 x 23.1 cm.
  • 349 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 052055187

Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History

Thomas Albright

Critical history of the art scene in San Francisco between 1945 and 1995 by Thomas Albright. Artists include Thomas Albright, George Abend, Arlo Acton, Ann Adair, Lee Adair, Mark Adams, Tom Akawie, James Alberson, Maxine Labro, Robert Alexander, William Allan, Boyd Allen, Gary Allen, Jesse Allen, John Almond, Alex Anderson, David Anderson, Jeremy Anderson, Steven Andresen, Ruth Armer, Victor Arnautoff, Robert Arneson, Ruth Asawa, Olive Ayhens, Heléne Aylon, Mowry Baden, Jennifer Badger, Martin Baer, Clayton Bailey, Jerrodl Ballaie, Joel Barletta, Carroll Barnes, Matthew Barnes, Raymond Barnhart, John Battenberg, John Baxter, Bruce Beasley, Paul Beattie, Mona Beaumont, Robert Bechtle, Scott Bell, Cleveland Bellow, Jordan Belson, Fletcher Benton, Elio Benvenuto, Richard Berger, Henrietta Berk, Wallace Berman, Roger Berry, David Best, Bernice Lee Bing, Elmer Bischoff, Sue Bitney, Ed Blackburn, Ronald Bladen, Dianne Blell, J. ... [details]

Berkeley / Los Angeles / London, CA / United Kingdom: University of California Press,
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Art, And Therefore, Ourselves : Songs, Recipes, and the Old People, A Soundtrack for the Never - Ending Books, Part II
  • vinyl record
  • offset-printed
  • 31.6 x 31.6
  • edition size 300
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Art, And Therefore, Ourselves : Songs, Recipes, and the Old People, A Soundtrack for the Never - Ending Books, Part II

Allen Ruppersberg, Bill Berkson

Vinyl record produced by Allen Ruppersberg in conjunction with his show "You and Me or the Art of Give and Take," held at the Santa Monica Museum of Art, September 12 - December 19, 2009. Featuring a compendium of music from Ruppersberg''s collection as will as recipes read by the poet Bill Berkson. ... [details]

Los Angeles, CA: Orion Read Records,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 124 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 24, No. 4 (December 1986)

Ingrid Sischy, Bernard Tschumi, Carter Ratcliff, Glenn O'Brien, William Wilson, Herbert Muschamp, Wolfram Schutte, Greil Marcus, Vittorio Gregotti, Lisa Liebmann, Pat Steir, Max Kozloff, Carlo McCormick, Jan van der Marck, General Idea, Ronny Cohen, Jeanne Silverthorne, Patricia C. Phillips, Thomas McEvilley, Donald Kuspit, Charles Hagen, John Yau, Barbara Kruger, Suzaan Boettger, John Howell, Nancy Stapen, Kathryn Hixson, Colin Gardner, Bill Berkson, Ida Panicelli, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Aurora Garcia, Gloria Moure, Annelie Pohlen, Lucy Ellmann, Lars Nittve

Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "On Location: A Park Grows in Paris. bernard Tschumi's La Villette Project"; "Modern Life: After the Loss of Challenger, the Cost of Instant Replay," by Carter Ratcliff; "Like Art: Surrealism with Everything on it," by Glenn O'Brien; "Turned Out: The Return of an Endangered Species - the Artist's Model," by William Wilson; "Ground Up: The Picturesque of the Urbanesque," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Cave: German Film's Archaeology of the Present Past," by Wolfram Schutte; "Speaker to Speaker: Blowing in the Wind or Facing Into It, Writing a Song or Crafting a Career - For Example, Bob Dylan," by Greil Marcus; "Building a Passage: Reflections on the Vision of Gae Aulenti," by Vittorio Gregotti; "The Imagination in Sheep's Clothing: Francois Boucher Delivered from the Guillotine of Taste, and 'Living Fragonardishly' Today," by Lisa Liebmann; "Courbet the Moon, Van Gogh the Wind: Glimpses of the Sound in a Seashell, Project for Artforum," by Pat Steir; "Through the Narrative Portal: Our Stake in the Plot Thickens," by Max Kozloff; "Wrestling the Image into Shape: Rebecca Howland's Vulture-Culture Sculpture," by Carlo McCormick; "Mel Bochner: Point to Point, the Thought of Emotion, The Feel of Thinking," by Jan Van Der Marck. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 142 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 202 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 42, No. 7 (March 2004)

Tim Griffin, Branden W. Joseph, Arthur C. Danto, Sven Lütticken, James Quandt, Jan Tumlir, Steven Henry Madoff, Jennifer Allen, Rachel Withers, Trisha Donnelly, Tacita Dean, Margaret Sundell, David Joselit, John Baldessari, Jeremy Blake, Carlos Basualdo, Reinaldo Laddaga, Andrea Kroksnes, Alison M. Gingeras, Matthew Buckingham, Felicity Scott, Jeffrey Kastner, Brigitte Huck, Barry Schwabsky, Jan Avgikos, David Frankel, John Kelsey, Donald Kuspit, Johanna Burton, Michael Wilson, Tom Breidenbach, Martha Schwendener, Julie Caniglia, RoseLee Goldberg, James Yood, David Carrier, Bruce Hainley, Christopher Miles, Maria Gainza, Pablo Llorca, Alessandra Pioselli, Marco Meneguzzo, Jean-Max Colard, Hans Rudolf Reust, Sabine B. Vogel, Gregory Williams, Noemi Smolik, Anne Pontégnie, Michael Archer

Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Passages: Branden W. Joseph on Billy Klüver," by Branden W. Joseph; "Books: Arthur C. Danto on Francisco de Goya," by Arthur C. Danto; "Film: Sven Lütticken on Lars von Trier's 'Dogville,'" by Sven Lütticken; "Film: James Quandt on 'The Five Obstructions,'" by James Quandt; "Sound: Jan Tumlir on Matmos," by Jan Tumlir; "News: Steven Henry Madoff on James Cuno," by Steven Henry Madoff; "News: Jennifer Allen on the Palais de Tokyo," by Jennifer Allen; "News: Rachel Withers on Jens Hoffmann," by Rachel Withers; "Top Ten," by Trisha Donnelly; "Historical Fiction: The Art of Matthew Buckingham," by Tacita Dean; "1000 Words: Liisa Roberts," by Margaret Sundell; "Inside the Light Cube: Pierre Huyghe's 'Streamside Day Follies' and the Rise of Video Projection," by David Joselit; "In Conversation: John Baldessari & Jeremy Blake," introduction by Tim Griffin; "Rules of Engagement: Art and Experimental Communities," by Carlos Basualdo and Reinaldo Laddaga; "Wall to Wall: The Art of Kristina Braen," by Andrea Kroksnes; "Openings: hobbypopMUSEUM," by Alison M. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 252 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 6 (February 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Amy Taubin, Luc Sante, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Jens Hoffmann, Hua Hsu, Alan Licht, Susan Cianciolo, Tom Holert, Nicholas Cullinan, Maria Gough, Claire Bishop, AA Bronson, Gelitin, Madeln, Guyton\Walker, Das Institut, Claire Fontaine, Tiny Creatures, Kai Althoff, Branden W. Joseph, David Velasco, James Quandt, Michael Ned Holte, Jeffrey Weiss, Carol Armstrong, Romy Golan, Sabeth Buchmann, David Frankel, Robert Pincus-Witten, Lisa Turvey, Johanna Burton, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Suzanne Hudson, Donald Kuspit, Frances Richard, Michael Wilson, Eva Díaz, Ida Panicelli, Emily Hall, Caroline Busta, Joshua Decter, Francine Koslow Miller, Jaleh Mansoor, Nick Stillman, Michelle Grabner, Maggie Taft, Gwen Allen, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Christopher Miles, Catherine Taft, Barry Schwabsky, Anthony Byrt, Lillian Davies, Jian-Xing Too, David Lewis, Guitemie Maldonado, Noemi Smolik, Michèle Faguet, Dominikus Müller, Catrin Lorch, Hans Rudolf Reust, Giorgio Verzotti, Alessandra Pioselli, Brigitte Huck, Sylwia Serafinowicz-Wesolowska, Margarita Tupitsyn, Lee Ambrozy, Midori Matsui, Rex Butler, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Pawel Althamer

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Film: Amy Taubin on 'Bill Cunningham New York,'" by Amy Taubin; "Media: Luc Sante on Cigarette Packaging," by Luc Sante; "Slant: Julia Bryan-Wilson on craft and commerce," by Julia Bryan-Wilson; "Books: Jens Hoffmann on 'Exhibiting the New Art,'" by Jens Hoffmann; "Music: Hua Hsu on Audiocassettes," by Hua Hsu; "Music: Alan Licht on Robert Wyatt," by Alan Licht; "Top Ten," by Susan Cianciolo; "Joint Ventures: The State of Collaboration," by Tom Holert; "Group Think: The Collaborative Art of Slavs and Tatars and Chto Delat?" by Nicholas Cullinan; "Corps Concept: The Soviet Collective," by Maria Gough; "Something for Everyone: The Art of Pawel Althamer," by Claire Bishop; "Statements," by AA Bronson, Gelitin, Madeln, Guyton\Walker, Das Institut, Claire Fontaine, Tiny Creatures; "Artist Project: Hijime," by Kai Althoff; "Dark Energy: The Art of Marco Fusinato," by Branden W. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 340 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 2 (October 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Briony Fer, Joan Kee, Anna Lovatt, Chanchal Dadlani, David Frankel, Lisa Turvey, Jeffrey Kastner, Robert Pincus-Witten, Eva Díaz, Alexander Scrimgeour, Beau Rutland, Frances Richard, Suzanne Hudson, Emily Hall, Lloyd Wise, Michael Wilson, Donald Kuspit, Francine Koslow Miller, Sylvia Lavin, Michelle Grabner, Phyllis Tuchman, Gwen Allen, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Catherine Taft, Michael Ned Holte, Barry Schwabsky, Zehra Jumabhoy, Giorgio Verzotti, Marek Bartelik, Nuit Banai, Jurriaan Benschop, Margaret Ewing, Jens Asthoff, Astrid Wege, Sandra Smallenburg, Catrin Lorch, Julia Friedman, Marco Tagliafierro, Francesco Stocchi, Sylwia Serafinowicz-Wesolowska, Christian Rattemeyer, Pablo Llorca, Javier Hontoria, Achim Hochdörfer, Amy Taubin, Nick Mauss, Daniel Birnbaum, Alan Licht, Nils Norman, Alex Farquharson, Patti Smith, Anne M. Wagner, Chris Burden, Bennett Simpson, John Baldessari, Thomas Crow, Harry Gamboa Jr., Liz Larner, Andrew Perchuk, Ali Subotnick, Maurice Tuchman, Helene Winer, Richard Meyer, Matthew Biro, Elizabeth Schambelan, John Divola, John Miller, James Merle Thomas, Linda Norden, Julia Bryan-Wilson, David E. James, Kara Keeling, Raymond Pettibon, Eleanor Antin, Kerry Tribe, Billy Al Bengston, Simone Forti, Kaari Upson, Jim Shaw, Charles Ray, Liz Glynn, Paul McCarthy, Morgan Fisher, Piero Golia, Larry Bell, James Welling, Martin Kersels, Robert Kinmont, Fred Lonidier, Edward Ruscha, ASCO

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: Achim Hochdörfer on Leo Steinberg," by Achim Hochdörfer; "Film: Amy Taubin on Lars von Trier's 'Melancholia,'" by Amy Taubin; "Fashion: Nick Mauss on Madame Grès at the Musée Bourdelle," by Nick Mauss; "Slant: Daniel Birnbaum on 'Atlas - How to Carry the World on One's Back?" by Daniel Birnbaum; "Music: Alan Licht on Van Dyke's Parks," by Alan Licht; "On Site: Nils Norman on the Copenhagen Free University," by Nils Norman; "On Site: Alex Farquharson on the Piccadilly Community Centre," by Alex Farquharson; "Top Ten," by Patti Smith; "Art in Los Angeles: Introduction," by Michelle Kuo; "Then and There: The Art of Chris Burden," by Anne M. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 21 cm.
  • 336 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3211829253

Austria im Rosennetz

Harald Szeemann, Rudolf Scholten, Felix A. Baumann, Peter Neover, Paul Flora, Peter Assmann, Wolfgang Kos, Christian Theo Steiner, Tobia Bezzola, Walter Methlagl, Otto Breicha, Zsuszanna Gahse, Markus Brüderlin, Franz Schuh, AAO, Friedrich Achleitner, Gabriele D'Annunzio, H.C. Artmann, Carl Freiherr Auer von Welslbach, Belà Balasz, Konrad Bayer, Alban Berg, Elisabeth Bergner, Thomas Bernhard, Günter Brus, Ernst Caramelle, Michael Curtiz, Dada in Tirol, William S. Darling, Carl Djerassi, Heinrich Dunst, Tilla Durieux, Albert Ehrenstein, Kaiserin Elsabeth von Österreich, Valie Export, Ferenc Feher, Max Fleischer, Paul Flora, Heinz Frank, Freaks, Sigmund Freud, Padhi Friedberger, Rainder Ganahl, Ricahrd Gerstl, Bruno Gironcoli, Gustav Arthur Graeser, Franz Graf, Nora Gregor, Franz Grillparzer, Hans Gross, Otto Gross, Anton Grot, Franz Gsellmann, Willy Haas, Josef Matthias Hauer, Johann Hauser, Raoul Hausmann, Helenberg, Paul Henreid, Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando, Richard Hoeck, Hanns Hörbinger, Josef Hoffmann, Oscar Homolka, Hans Hollein, harry Houdini, Franz Huemer, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Ernst Jandl, Erzherzog Johann, Johann Orth, Erzherzog Josef Karl Ledwig, Frank Kafka, Frederick J. Kiesler, Josua Klein, Gustav Klimt, Peter Kogler, Oskar Kokoschka, Sir Alexander Korda, Fritz Kortner, Joseph Kosma, Karl Kraus, Kurt Kren, Peter Kubelka, Alfred Kubin, Anton Kuh, Joseph Kyselak, Rudolf von Laban, Fritz Lang, Hedy Lamarr, Lotte Lenya, Erzherzog Leopold, Erzherzog Leopold Ferdinand Salvator, Leopold Lindtberg, Herbert Lom, Adolf Loos, Peter Lorre, Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator, Bela Lugosi, Paul Lukas, Edmund Mach, Erich Mallina, Ida Franziska Maly, Maria-Theresien-Taler, Rudolph Maté, Mausfallen, Carl Mayer, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, Laszló Móholy-Nagy, Jakob Levi Moreno, Otto Mühl, Paul Muni, Robert Musil, Max Nettlau, Hermann Nitsch, Oswald Oberhuber, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Laurids Ortner, Die Österreichische Exilregierung, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Georg Pal, Mikelis Pankoks, Friederike Pezold, Walter Pichler, Otto Preminger, Ferry Radax, Arnulf Rainer, Pierre Ramus, Wilhelm Reich, Max Reinhardt, Walter Reisch, Max Riccabona, Paul von Rittinger, Leopold Wolfgang Rochowanski, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Gerhard Rühm, Felix Salten, Viktor Schauberger, Egon Schiele, Eva Schlegel, Arnold Schönberg, ManfreDU SCHU, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Selten gehörte Musik, Walter Serner, Pater Peter Singer, Sam Spiegel, Anna Stainer-Knittel, Dominik Steiger, Max Steiner, Rudolf Steiner, Josef von Sternberg, Martin Strauss, Otto Mittmannsgruber, Erich von Stroheim, George Tabori, Der Tod in Österreich, Alexandre Trauner, Elmar Trenkwalder, Christian Josef Tschuggmall, Edgard George Ulmer, Charles Vidor, Otto Wagner, August Walla, Anton Webern, Weegee, Hans Weigand, Lois Weinberger, Lois Weinberger, Otto Weininger, Johnny Weissmüller, Franz West, Oswald Wiener, Wiener Aktionismus, Billy Wilder, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wilhelm Adolf Wohlbruck, Fritz Wotruba, Hella Zahnreich, Ruperta Zahnreich, Robert Zeppel-Sperl, Fred Zinnemann, Heimo Zobernig, Aloys Zötl

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at MAK - Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, September 11 - November 10, 1996. Traveled to the Kunsthaus Zürich, December 6, 1996 - February 23, 1997. ... [details]

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BOMB Magazine : Theatre and Photography
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 37.6 x 27.5 cm.
  • 71 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

BOMB Magazine : Theatre and Photography

No. 5

Betsy Sussler, H.M. Koutoukas, Cookie Mueller, Peter Hujar, Allen Frame, Henry Horenstein, James Purdy, Ronald Girard, Jacki Ochs, James Perry Walker, Mary Mhoon, David Seidner, Theadora Van Runkle, Dianne Blell, Joan Tewkesbury, James McLure, Kate Simon, Gregory Lawrence Lehmann, Alan Kleinberg, Tadeusz Kantor, Umarla Klasa, Rockets Redglare, Mark Magill, M. Stenzler, Robert Mapplethorpe, Jeannette Montgomery, Olue Kuroemon II, Robert Aaron, JoAnne Akalaitis, Craig Gholson, Darrel Ellis, Thomas Ellis, Christopher Makos, Bill Costa, Maris Duval, Susan Mallouk, Susan Landau, Jimmy de Sana, Miriam Cooper, Ellen Brooks, Deborah Turberville, Amanda Means, Joseph Kosuth, Gianfranco Gorgoni, Sarah Charlesworth, Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons, Ericka Beckman, James Casebere, Clegg and Guttmann, Richard Prince, Barbara Kruger, James Welling

Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "H.M. Koutoukas, The Head Gargoyle," by Cookie Mueller; "Nightshift," by Allen Frame; "James Purdy," by Allen Frame; "Mary Mhoon," Allen Frame; "478," by David Seidner; "Joan Tewkesbury," by David Seidner; "James McLure," by Betsy Sussler; "Umarla Klasa," by Tadeusz Kantor; "Rockets Redglare," by Mark Magill; "Olue Kuroemon II from the Grand Kabuki," by Robert Aaron; "JoAnne Akalaitis," by Craig Gholson; "Maris Duval," by Susan Mallouk; "Cathode Cruel," by Susan Landau; "Gianfranco Gorgoni," by Betsy Sussler; "Glossolania," by Sarah Charlesworth and Barbara Kruger. ... [details]

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Britain and the São Paolo Bienal, 1951 - 1991
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 30 x 21 cm.
  • 120 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 086355199

Britain and the São Paolo Bienal, 1951 - 1991

Margaret Garlake, Guy Brett

Reference text compiled by the British Council, focusing on British artists who have participated in the São Paolo Bienal from 1951 - 1991. Features work by artists Francis Bacon, Lucien Freud, Keith Arnatt, William Scott, Anthony Caro, Lynn Chadwick, Alan Davie, Gilbert & George, Barbara Hepworth, Anish Kapoor, Richard Long, Henry Moore, Ben Nicholson, Colin Self, Graham Sutherland, Ceri Richards, Patrick Heron, Patrick Caulfield, Allen Jones, Martin Naylor, Tom Phillips, Stuart Brisley, David Mach, Richard Wilson, Bill Woodrow and many others. ... [details]

London, England: The British Council,
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objects: 85