objects: 328
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The Spiritual in Art : Abstract Painting 1890 - 1985
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27.5 x 27.5 cm.
  • 435 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0875871305

The Spiritual in Art : Abstract Painting 1890 - 1985

[Hardcover Edition]

Maurice Tuchman, Robert P. Welsh, Carel Blotkamp, Charles C. Eldredge, Sixten Ringbom, Åke Fant, John E. Bowlt, Charlotte Douglas, Rose-Carol Washton Long, Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Harriett Watts, John Moffitt, W. Jackson Rushing, William Moritz, Donald Kuspit, Geurt Imanse, Edward Kasinec, Boris Kerdimun, Robert Galbreath, Judi Freeman, Craig Antrim, Jean Arp, Giacomo Balla, Joseph Beuys, Domenico Bianchi, Emil Bisttram, Bruno Ceccobelli, Serge Charchoune, Konrad Cramer, Jean Crotti, Robert Delaunay, Jean Delville, Maurice Denis, Theo van Doesburg, Arthur Dove, Marcel Duchamp, Suzanne Duchamp, Boris Bender, Maria Ender, Yuri Ender, Helmut Federle, Charles Filiger, Lucio Fontana, Paul Gauguin, Augusto Giacometti, Ludwig Gosewitz, Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Graves, Lawren Harris, Marsden Hartley, Wally Hedrick, Jacoba van Heemskerck, Ferdinand Hodler, Victor Hugo, Robert Irwin, Johannes Itten, Alfred Jensen, Bill Jensen, Jess Collins, Jasper Johns, Raymond Jonson, Wassily Kandinsky, Ellsworth Kelly, Fernand Khnopff, Paul Klee, Yves Klein, Hilma Af Klint, Ivan Kliun, Ivan Kudriashev, Frantisek Kupka, Kazimir Malevich, Franz Marc, Brice Marden, Mikhail Matiushin, Matta, John McLaughlin, Mario Merz, Piet Mondrian, Wilhelm Morgner, George Muche, Lee Mullican, Matt Mullican, Edvard Munch, Bruce Nauman, Barnett Newman, Georgia O'Keeffe, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Eric Orr, Wolfgang Paalen, Agnes Pelton, Francis Picabia, Albert Plasschaert, Sigmar Polke, Jackson Pollock, Richard Pousette-Dart, Arnulf Rainer, Paul Ranson, Odilon Redon, Ad Reinhardt, Dorothea Rockburne, Mark Rothko, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Kurt Schwitters, Paul Sérusier, Gino Severini, Tony Smith, Augustus Vincent Tack, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Johan Thorn Prikker, Mark Tobey, Jan Toorop, Georges Vantongerloo, Janus, Tom Wudl, Norman Zammitt

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 23, 1986 - March 8, 1997. Traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 17, - July 19, 1997; to the Haags Gemeetemuseum, The Hague, September 1 - November 22, 1987. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Art in America
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28.3 x 21.6 cm.
  • 144 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Art in America

Vol. 67, No. 4 (July - August 1979)

Elizabeth C. Baker, Carrie Rickey, Sarah McFadden, Donald B. Kuspit, Holiday T. Day, Carol Herselle Krinsky, Donald B. Kuspit, Carter Ratcliff, John Russell, Michael Brenson, Carter Ratcliff, Joanna Shaw-Eagle, David Tannous, Lucy R. Lippard, Don Celender

July - August 1979 issue of Art in America, edited by Elizabeth C. Baker. Contents include: "Chicago," by Carrie Rickey; "Detroit, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis," by Sarah McFadden; "Columbus," by Donald B. ... [details]

New York, NY: Art in America,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.6 x 26.7 cm.
  • 132 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


[Incorporating full facsimile reprint of Artforum, Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 1962)] / Vol. 26, No. 5 (February 1988)

Ingrid Sischy, Arthur Danto, Peter Schjeldahl, C. Carr, Robert Rosenblum, Gary Indiana, Jack Burnham, Roberta Smith, Glenn O'Brien, Thomas Lawson, Bernard Tschumi, Rosetta Brooks, Sidney Geist, Ben Lifson, Brian O'Doherty, Donald Kuspit, Guerrilla Girls, Carter Ratcliff, Kay Larson, Germano Celant, Thomas McEvilley, Lucas Samaras, Charles Hagen, Jean Fisher, Patricia C. Phillips, Carlo McCormick, Kate Linker, John Yau, Ronny Cohen, John Howell, Michael Tarantino, Paula Marincola, Buzz Spector, Bill Berkson, Colin Gardner, Susan Freudenheim, Catherine Cafopoulos, Aurora García, Alessandra Mammi, Jole de Sanna, Daniel Soutif, Max Wechsler, Helmut Draxler, Anne Krauter, Doris von Drateln, Michael Archer

February 1988 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Includes the following artists in conversation with Thomas McEvilley, Lucas Samaras, and Ingrid Sischy: Arthur Danto, Peter Schjeldahl, C. Carr, Robert Rosenblum, Gary Indiana, Jack Burnham, Roberta Smith, Glenn O'Brien, Thomas Lawson, Bernard Tschumi, Rosetta Brooks, Sidney Geist, Ben Lifson, Brian O'Doherty, Donald Kuspit, Guerrilla Girls, Carter Ratcliff, Kay Larson, Germano Celant, Thomas McEvilley, and Lucas Samaras. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Fair / Good. Dust soiling of covers with curl to text block. 13 cm. scratch with surface tearing to verso, 1.3 cm. dog-ear to top left corner of corner, 9 mm. tear to left side ege and 5 mm. loss. Yellowing of pages. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39531]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 151 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 25, No. 7 (March 1987)

Thomas McEvilley, Sanda Miller, Ingrid Sischy, Jean Fisher, Ida Panicelli, Donald Kuspit, Sanford Schwartz, Alessandro Mendini, Glenn O'Brien, Frederic Tuten, Barbara Kruger, Greil Marcus, Carol Squiers, Eugène Ionesco, Kate Linker, John Yau, Carlo McCormick, Patricia C. Phillips, Nancy Stapen, Ronny Cohen, John Howell, Charles Hagen, Glenn Harper, Colin Westerbeck, Buzz Spector, Mason Riddle, Susan Freudenheim, Ed Hill, Suzanne Bloom, Bill Berkson, Lisa Liebmann, Colin Gardner, Richard Rhodes, Aurora García, Jole de Sanna, Max Wechsler, Daniel Soutif, Doris von Drateln, Wolfgang Max Faust, Michael Archer

March 1987 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents include: "The Opposite of Emptiness: On the Spirit in Art," by Thomas McEvilley; "Excuse Me Madame But It Seems To Me Unless I'm Mistaken That I've Met You Somewhere Before: A Conversation with Eugène Ionesco," by Sanda Miller; "Nine Beatitudes on Eight Pages: After 'Four Saints in Three Acts,' Another Act, with Pictures," by Ingrid Sischy; "Hans Haacke's Corporate Muse: 'Unfinished Business,'" by Jean Fisher; "The Sleeping Beauty in the Castle of Modern Art: A Slumberer Stirs," by Ida Panicelli; "Louise Bourgeois: Where Angels Fear to Tread, A Profile in Courage," by Donald Kuspit; "Museum Piece: Rain. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Good. Dust soiling and yellowing of covers with 6.3 cm. crease to bottom right corner of recto, additional light scratching of covers, and rubbing of cover edges, with 5 mm. surface tear to bottom edge of recto. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39532]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 185 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 27, No. 8 (April 1989)

Ida Panicelli, Barbara Kruger, Michele Wallace, Vilem Flusser, Silvia Kolbowski, Glenn O'brien, Alice Yaeger Kaplan, Max Kozloff, Rainer Crone, David Moos, Christian Boltanski, Annette Messager, Demosthenes Davvetas, Wolgang Laib, Jack Bankowsky, Herbert Muschamp, John Yau, John Welchman, Janet Zweig, Bill Berkson, Charles Hagen, Donald Kuspit, John Yau, Patricia C. Phillips, David Rimanelli, Matthew A. Weinstein, Catherine Liu, Kirby Gookin, Dennis Cooper, Ronny Cohen, Jude Schwendenwien, Lois E. Nesbitt, Richard C. Ledes, John Howell, Francine A. Koslow, Eileen Neff, Howard Risatti, Glenn Harper, Linda Frye Burnham, Donald Kuspit, James Yood, Joan Seeman Robinson, Bill Berkson, David Levi Strauss, Colin Gardner, Amy Gerstler, Benjamin Weissman, Susan Freudenheim, Catherine Cafapoulos, Alessandra Mammi, Anthony Iannacci, Gloria Moure, Alexandre Melo, Daniel Soutif, Max Weschsler, Helmut Draxler, Noemi Smolik, Justin Hoffman, Norbert Messler, Martin Hentschel, Doris von Drateln, Michael Tarantino, Michael Archer, Komar & Melamid

April 1989 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television" by Barbara Kruger; "The Cave: Michele Wallace on Invisibility Blues" by Michele Wallace; "Environment: Vilem Flusser on Future Architecture" by Vilem Flusser; "Expertease: Silvia Kolbowski on Knowledge and Power" by Silvia Kolbowski; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'brien; "Books: Alice Yaeger Kaplan on 'Nuclear Fear,'" by Alice Yaeger Kaplan; "Signs of Light: Walker Evans' American Photographs," by Max Kozloff; "Subjectivity in Time: Kasimir Malevich," by Rainer Crone and David Moos; "Protection: A Project for Artforum," by Christian Boltanski and Annette Messager; "The Erography of Cy Twombly," by Demosthenes Davvetas; "We ? New Jersey," by Komar & Melamid; "The Passageway: A Project for Artforum," by Wolgang Laib; "Words around Warhol," by Jack Bankowsky; "Space around Warhol," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Phoenix of the Self," by John Yau; "Turning Japenese (In)," by John Welchman; "Ambitious: A project for Artforum," by Janet Zweig. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Fair / Good. Yellowing and dusting of covers with curl and rippling to left side edge of publication and light creasing. Rubbing of covers. 2 cm. tear to verso carrying through to last 20 pages. Contents otherwise clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39533]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 162 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 26, No. 9 (May 1988)

Ida Panicelli, Herbert Muschamp, Carol Squiers, Thomas McEvilley, J. Hoberman, John Welchman, Richard Gehr, Glenn O'Brien, Frederic Tuten, Ben Lifson, Lucio Pozzi, Donald Kuspit, Andrew Solomon, Carter Ratcliff, Colin Gardner, John Miller, Claudia Hart, Carlo McCormick, Christian Leigh, Jude Schwendenwien, Matthew A. Weinstein, Charles Hagen, Dennis Cooper, Patricia C. Phillips, Kirby A. Gookin, John Howell, Ronny Cohen, John Yau, Paula Marincola, Glenn Harper, Buzz Spector, Bill Berkson, Robert Dean, Richard Rhodes, Alessandra Mammì, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Daniel Soutif, Max Wechsler, Ingrid Rein, Anne Krauter, Jutta Koether, Doris von Drateln, Uli Bohnen, Adrian Searle, Brian Hatton, Jean Fisher, Tim Rollins

May 1988 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Ground Up," Herbert Muschamp on Architecture; "Special Effects," Carol Squiers on the News and It's Pictures; "Marginalia," Thomas McEvilley on Son of Sublime; "Believe it or Not," J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Good. Dusting of covers with light edgewear and yellowing of covers and pages. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39534]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 166 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 26, No. 1 (September 1987)

Ingrid Sischy, Germano Celant, Donald Kuspit, Stephen Barber, Ilona Granet, Gloria Moure, William Bailey, Max Wechsler, Dan Cameron, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Ingrid Rein, Shigeo Anzai, Lisa Liebmann, Glenn O'Brien, J. Hoberman, Herbert Muschamp, Barbara Kruger, Vilem Flusser, Alessandro Mendini, Carlo McCormick, Kate Linker, Charles Hagen, John Yau, Jean Fisher, Thomas McEvilley, John Howell, Patricia C. Phillips, Ronny Cohen, Nancy Stapen, Paula Marincola, Glenn Harper, Buzz Spector, Bill Berkson, Kenneth Baker, Colin Gardner, Susan Freudenheim, Catherine Cafopoulos, Aurora García, Ida Panicelli, Jole de Sanna, Denys Zacharopoulos, Daniel Soutif, Helmut Draxler, Anne Krauter, Martin Hentschel, Doris von Drateln, Stuart Morgan, William Wegman

September 1987 issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "The Tale That Wags the Dog: Documenta 8. A Bite Before the Show"; "What Was that Masked Museum? The Mind's Construction in the Face. Gaetano Pesce," by Germano Celant; "Hugo: Ink into Ocean," by Donald Kuspit; "A Foundry of the Figure: Antonin Artaud, To be Somebody," by Stephen Barber; "Nuclear Towers Town & Country: A Project for Artforum," by Ilona Granet; "An Encounter with a Secret: The Sculpture of Susana Solano," by Gloria Moure; "Untitled Drawings: A Project for Artforum," by William Bailey; "The Critics' Way: Sculpture Goes to Town," by Donald Kuspit, Max Wechsler, Dan Cameron, Pier Luigi Tazzi, and Ingrid Rein, with photography by Shigeo Anzai; "Icons at Large: Icontact," by Lisa Liebmann; "Like Art: Amaretto di Ollie," by Glenn O'Brien; "Believe it or Not: Comrades in People," by J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Good. Yellowing, dusting, scuffing of covers with light soiling and light edgewear. 2 cm. dog-ear to top right corner of pages 5-10. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39535]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 118 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 20, No. 10 (Summer 1982)

Ingrid Sischy, Lawrence Weschler, Robin White, Richard Tuttle, Germano Celant, Robert Mangold, Thomas McEvilley, Dr. Siegfriend Gohr, Marcia Tucker, Frederic Tuten, Colin Westerbeck, Kate Linker, Thomas Lawson, Jeanne Silverthorne, Ida Panicelli, Donald Kuspit, Jamey Gambrell, Richard Flood, Barbara Kruger, Ronny H. Cohen, Lisa Liebmann, Nancy Stapen, Judith Russi Kirshner, John Perreault, Susan C. Larsen, Hal Fischer, Max Wechsler, Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Paul Groot, Saskia Bos, Stuart Morgan, Robert Mangold

Summer 1982 issue of Artforum edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents include: "Forum: Waking Up to How We Sleepwalk," by Lawrence Weschler; "Great Expectations: Artists' TV Guide," by Robin White; "Book for Nigel Greenwood," a project by Richard Tuttle; "Framed: Innocence or Gilt?" by Germano Celant; "Three Color + within +," a project by Robert Mangold; "Negative Presences in Secret Spaces: The Art of Eric Orr," by Thomas McEvilley; "In the Absence of Heroes: The Early Work of Georg Baselitz," by Dr. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Good. Light soiling of covers including dust soiling, spiling along cover edges, and rubbing with light edge wear. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39485]
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 100 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 20, No. 9 (May 1982)

Ingrid Sischy, Francis Naumann, Ted Castle, Pedro Meyer, Joseph Kosuth, Lawrence Weiner, Kathy Acker, Robert Mapplethorpe, Nancy Princenthal, Douglas Huebler, Clive Phillpot, Richard Flood, Kate Linker, Joan Casademont, Colin Westerbeck, Donald Kuspit, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Lawson, Jamey Gambrell, Judith Russi Kirshner, Richard Armstrong, Stuart Morgan, Xavier Girard, Annelie Pohlen

May 1982 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents: "Man Ray's Early Paintings 1913-1916: Theory and Practice in the Art of Two Dimensions," by Francis Naumann; "Pat Steir and the Science of the Admirable," by Ted Castle; "The Candidate: Photographs by Pedro Meyer"; "Portraits: Necrophilia, Mon Amour," by Joseph Kosuth; "Portraits: Section 2," by Lawrence Weiner; "Portraits: Impassioned with Some Song We," by Kathy Acker; "Portraits of Joseph Kosuth, Lawrence Weiner, and Kathy Acker," by Robert Mapplethorpe; "The Sounds of Violence: Max Neuhaus' Siren Project," by Nancy Princenthal; "Sabotage or Trophy? Advance or Retreat?" by Douglas Huebler; "Books: Clive Phillpot on 'Real Lush,'" by Clive Phillpot; "Reviews," by Richard Flood, Kate Linker, Joan Casademont, Colin Westerbeck, Donald Kuspit, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Lawson, Jamey Gambrell, Judith Russi Kirshner, Richard Armstrong, Stuart Morgan, Xavier Girard, and Annelie Pohlen. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
Condition:  Good. Handling wear with light bumping and creasing of covers, dusting of covers, and light edge wear. Contents clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 39490]
Art After Modernism : Rethinking Representation
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 25 x 18 cm.
  • 461 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0879236329
objects: 328
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