objects: 234
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Field of Stars : A Book on the Books
  • catalogue raisonné
  • pictorial boards
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 16.7 x 29.7 cm.
  • 151 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 8445334352

Field of Stars : A Book on the Books

Richard Tuttle, Dieter Schwarz, Miguel Fernández-Cid

An exhibition catalogue / quasi-catalogue raisonné of Tuttle's artists' books. Not complete but best documentation there is, extremely through and well produced. [details]

Santiago de Campostela, Spain: Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea,
Condition:  Used
  • editioned print
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • color
  • 41 x 30.5 cm.
  • [13] pp.
  • edition size 100 with 10 PP
  • signed and numbered

Stacked Color Drawings, 1971

Richard Tuttle

A suite of 11 loose four-color offset lithographs printed on newsprint plus two additional loose, unprinted, sheets. Housed in an oversize Ziplock bag screenprinted with colophon in English and German and artists' statement in English. ... [details]

München, Germany: Heiner Friedrich,
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Image Bank Postcard Show
  • artists' book
  • boxed edition
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 16 x 11 cm.
  • [49] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Image Bank Postcard Show

Image Bank, Vito Acconci, Mac Adams, Eleanor Antin, John Jack Baylin, Jeff Berner, G.A. Cavellini, James Collins, Diego Cortez, Katharina Sieverding, Coum Transmissions, Robin Lee Crutchfield, Robert Cumming, Dadaland, Peter Daglish, Lowell Darling, Jimmy de Sana, Mario Diacono, Robert Filliou, Hervé Fischer, Charles Henri Ford, General Idea, Geoffrey Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Davi Det Hompson, Victor Hugo, Peter Hujar, Ray Johnson, Allen Jones, Marcel Just, Alison Knowles, Richard Kostelanetz, Les Levine, Glenn Lewis, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mapplethorpe, Gordon Matta-Clark, Eric Metcalfe, Michael Morris, Hermann Nitsch, Footsy Nutzle, Tom Phillips, Yvonne Rainer, Clive Robertson, Edward Ruscha, Willoughby Sharp, Vincent Trasov, Ben Vautier, Allan Zubick

Forty-nine postcards (one for each artist + title card), laid in cardboard box. Includes images by Vito Acconci, Mac Adams, Eleanor Antin, John Jack Baylin, Jeff Berner, G.A. Cavellini, James Collins, Diego Cortez and Katharina Sieverding, Coum Transmissions, Robin Lee Crutchfield, Robert Cumming, Dadaland, Peter Daglish, Lowell Darling, Jimmy de Sana, Mario Diacono, Robert Filliou, Hervé Fischer, Charles Henri Ford, General Idea, Geoffrey Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Davi Det Hompson, Victor Hugo, Peter Hujar, Ray Johnson, Allen Jones, Marcel Just, Alison Knowles, Richard Kostelanetz, Les Levine, Glenn Lewis, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mapplethorpe, Gordon Matta-Clark, Eric Metcalfe, Michael Morris, Hermann Nitsch, Footsy Nutzle, Tom Phillips, Yvonne Rainer, Clive Robertson, Edward Ruscha, Willoughby Sharp, Vincent Trasov a. ... [details]

Vancouver, Canada: Image Bank,
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4 Amerikanare : Jasper Johns , Alfred Leslie , Robert Rauschenberg , Richard Stankiewicz
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 18 x 24 cm.
  • 99 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

4 Amerikanare : Jasper Johns , Alfred Leslie , Robert Rauschenberg , Richard Stankiewicz

Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz, John Cage, K.G. Hultèn, Robert Rosenblum, Pierre Restany, James Schuyler, Grace Hartigan, Chell Buffington, Fairfield Porter, Harriet Janis, André Parinaud

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 17 - May 6, 1962. Includes introduction by K.G. Hultén as well as writing by Robert Rosenblum, Jasper Johns, John Cage, Richard Stankiewicz, Pierre Restany, James Schuyler, Grace Hartigan, Chell Buffington, Fairfield Porter, and Harriet Janis. ... [details]

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  • artists' book
  • screenprint
  • loose leaves
  • slipcase
  • color
  • 22 x 14.5 cm.
  • [7] pp.
  • edition size 100
  • unsigned and unnumbered

A Drawing Book

Richard Tuttle

Reference : "Richard Tuttle : Field of Stars, A Book on the Books." CGAC, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compstela, Spain, 2002, pp. 124. [details]

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  • poster
  • edition size 500
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Allotment 1 : Richard Long Stone Field

Richard Long

Exhibition poster : Renshaw Hall : June - Aug. (Coracle 1991 cat. says edition of 500 copies.) 70.5 x 91 cm.; folded as issues (10 flat -- 27 5 / 8 x 36"); new. Photo by Fred Edwards. "The size of the sheet marked Long's largest single indoor installation, 37 x 20m, with which Coracle opened the cleared space of a former employment exchange in the centre of Liverpool. ... [details]

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  • critical theory
  • cloth boards without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26 x 18 cm.
  • 203 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and numbered

André Breton : Le Surréalisme et la Peinture

André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. William Hayter, Heraclite, Herold, Morris Hirshfield, Victor Hugo, Sidney Janis, Alfred Jarry, Frido Kahlo, Søren Kierkegaard, Paul Klee, Heinrich von Kleist, Kraepelin, Wifredo Lam, Henri Laurens, Eliphas Levi, Georg-Christoph Lichtenberg, Jacques Lipschitz, Raymond Lulle, Mabuse, Maurice Maeterlinck, René Magritte, Majakowsky, Stéphane Mallarmé, André Masson, Pierre de Massot, Henri Matisse, Matta, Meissonnier, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Nadja, Gérard de Nerval, Friedrich Nietszche, Novalis, Richard Oelze, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Wolfgang Paalen, Blaise Pascal, Benjamin Peret, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Poe, Jacques Prévert, Jean Racine, Man Ray, Marcel Raymond, Charles Renouvier, Retz, Arthur Rimbaud, Diego de Rivera, Simon Rosenkreuz, Henri Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sabato, Marquis de Sade, Kay Sage, Nicolas Saunderson, Caroline Schlegel, Kurt Schwitters, Kurt Seligmann, Georges Seurat, Wirt Sikes, Hélène Smith, Philippe Soupault, HIppolyte Taine, Yves Tanguy, Leo Trotsky, Tristan Tzara, Raoul Ubac, Uccello, Jacques Vache, Paul Valery, Vincent Van Gogh, Jacques Vaucanson, Leonardo da Vinci, Edward Young

Anthology of critical essays by André Breton. Artists, philosophers, and other figures mentioned in the text include André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. ... [details]

New York, NY: Brentano's Inc.,
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  • critical theory
  • cloth boards without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30 x 30 cm.
  • 359 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0810906694

Architecture Today

Charles Jencks, William Chaitkin, Alvar Aalto, Burton and Koralek Ahrends, Takefumi Aida, John Andrews, Ant Farm, Archigram, Archizoom, Arquitectonica, Gaetana Aulenti, Carlo Aymonino, Steve Baer, Edward Larrabee Barnes, Welton Becket, Behnisch & Partner, Gunnar Birkerts, Piet Blom, Ricardo Bofill, Gottfried Böhm, Mario Botta, Neave Brown, Colquhoun + Miller, Edward Cullinan, Darbourne & Darke, Vittorio De Feo, Andrew Derbyshire, Francois Deslaugiers, Jeremy Dixon, Steve Durkee, Peter Eisenman, Craig Ellwood, Ralph Erskine, Hassan Fathy, Bernard Feilden, Norman Foster, Friday Architects/Planners, Hiromi Fujii, R. Buckminster Fuller, Frank O. Gehry, Bruce Goff, Bruce Graham, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, Hiroshi Hara, Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates, John Hejduk, Boh Helliwell, Herman Herzberger, Fernando Higueras, Hans Hollein, Michael John Hopkins, Kazuhiro Ishii, Osamu Ishiyama, Arata Isozaki, Toyo Ito, Helmut Jahn, John Johansen, Martin Johnson, Philip Johnson, Louis I. Kahn, Kallmann and McKinnell, Yasufumi Kijima, Kiyonori Kikutake, Josef Paul Kleihues, Rem Koolhaas, Leon Krier, Robert Krier, Lucien Kroll, Kisho Kurokawa, Sir Denys Lasdun, Le Corbusier, Anthony Lumsden, Michael McNamara, Richard Meier, Mayumi Miyawaki, Charles Moore, Monta Kikoh Mozuna, OMA, Frei Otto, I.M. Pei, Gustav Peichl, Cesar Pelli, Renzo Piano, John Portman, Paolo Portghesi, Cedric Price, George Ranalli, Kevin Roche, John Dinkeldoo and Associates, Simon Rodia, Richard Rogers, Peter Rose, Aldo Rossi, Paul Rudolph, Clarence Schmidt, José Lluis Sert, SITE, Thomas Gordon Smith, Paolo Soleri, Robert A.M. Stern, James Stirling, Superstudio, Taft Architects, Minoru Takeyama, Kenzo Tange, Quinlan Terry, Stanley Tigerman, William Turnbull, Oswald Mathias Ungers, Aldo Van Eyck, Frank Van Klingeren, Venturi and Rauch, Derek Walker, Roer Walker, Toyokazu Watanabe, Kazumasa Yamashita

A survey of contemporary architecture published in 1982. "Anyone interested in sorting out the diversities and complexities of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of our homes and cities - will enjoy this spirited, up-to-the-minute book. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.5 x 23 cm.
  • 312 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0933856415
Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.4 x 23.1 cm.
  • 349 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 052055187

Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History

Thomas Albright

Critical history of the art scene in San Francisco between 1945 and 1995 by Thomas Albright. Artists include Thomas Albright, George Abend, Arlo Acton, Ann Adair, Lee Adair, Mark Adams, Tom Akawie, James Alberson, Maxine Labro, Robert Alexander, William Allan, Boyd Allen, Gary Allen, Jesse Allen, John Almond, Alex Anderson, David Anderson, Jeremy Anderson, Steven Andresen, Ruth Armer, Victor Arnautoff, Robert Arneson, Ruth Asawa, Olive Ayhens, Heléne Aylon, Mowry Baden, Jennifer Badger, Martin Baer, Clayton Bailey, Jerrodl Ballaie, Joel Barletta, Carroll Barnes, Matthew Barnes, Raymond Barnhart, John Battenberg, John Baxter, Bruce Beasley, Paul Beattie, Mona Beaumont, Robert Bechtle, Scott Bell, Cleveland Bellow, Jordan Belson, Fletcher Benton, Elio Benvenuto, Richard Berger, Henrietta Berk, Wallace Berman, Roger Berry, David Best, Bernice Lee Bing, Elmer Bischoff, Sue Bitney, Ed Blackburn, Ronald Bladen, Dianne Blell, J. ... [details]

Berkeley / Los Angeles / London, CA / United Kingdom: University of California Press,
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objects: 234