objects: 36
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  • critical theory
  • paper over boards issued without dust-jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24 x 15.5 cm.
  • [68] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

American Abstract Artists

Josef Albers, A.E. Gallatin, Karl Knaths, Fernand Léger, L. Moholy-Nagy, Piet Mondrian, George L.K. Morris

Critical anthology on writings by artists on the subject of American abstraction. Forward by George L.K. Morris. Essays by Josef Albers, A.E. Gallatin, Karl Knaths, Fernand Léger, L. Moholy-Nagy, Piet Mondrian, and George L. ... [details]

New York, NY: The Ram Press,
out of stock
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Whitney Museum of American Art, Annual Exhibition 1961 : Contemporary Painting
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 21 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Whitney Museum of American Art, Annual Exhibition 1961 : Contemporary Painting

Pat Adams, Josef Albers, Ivan Albright, Milton Avery, Rudolf Baranik, Robert Barnes, Will Barnet, William Baziotes, Janice Biala, Elmer Bischoff, Isabel Bishop, Peter Blume, Seymour Boardman, Ilya Bolotowsky, Ernest Briggs, Robert Broderson, James Brooks, Charles Burchfield, Paul Cadmus, Lawrence Calcagno, Nicolas Carone, Edmund Casarella, Giorgio Cavallon, Carmen Cicero, Carroll Cloar, Edward Corbett, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Elaine de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, Enrico Donati, Jimmy Ernst, Philip Evergood, Perle Fine, Seymour Fogel, Sam Francis, Helen Frankenthaler, Jared French, Elaine Galen, Lee Gatch, Thomas George, Paul Georges, Edward Giobbi, Joseph Glasco, Michael Goldberg, Sidney Goodman, Robert Goodnough, Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Graves, Cleve Gray, Balcomb Greene, Stephen Greene, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, John Heliker, Margo Hoff, Hans Hofmann, Carl Holty, Edward Hopper, Angelo Ippolito, Paul Jenkins, Jasper Johns, Wolf Kahn, Ellsworth Kelly, William Kienbusch, Franz Kline, Karl Knaths, Yayoi Kusama, Jacob Lawrence, Alfred Leslie, Jack Levine, Denver Lindley, Michael Loew, David Lund, Loren Maciver, Leo Manso, Conrad Marca-Relli, Nicholas Marsicano, Richard Mayhew, Gerald McLaughlin, George McNeil, Samuel M. Middleton, Joan Mitchell, Randall Morgan, Kyle Morris, Robert Motherwell, George Mueller, Walter Murch, Kenneth Noland, Kenzo Okada, Arthur Okamura, Georgia O'Keeffe, Nathan Oliveira, Stephen Pace, William Pachner, Robert Andrew Parker, I. Rice Pereira, Gabor Peterdi, Fairfield Porter, Richard Pousette-Dart, Gregorio Prestopino, Leo Rabkin, Abraham Rattner, Robert Rauschenberg, Ad Reinhardt, Milton Resnick, Robert Richenburg, Larry Rivers, Tadashi Sato, Karl Schrag, Charles Schucker, John Schueler, Ethel Schwabacher, Kurt Seligmann, Ben Shahn, Honore Sharrer, Sasson Soffer, Hyde Solomon, Raphael Soyer, Theodoros Stamos, Joseph Stefanelli, Ann Steinbrocker, James Strombotne, Teiji Takai, Reuben Tam, Mark Tobey, George Tooker, Joyce Treiman, Jack Tworkov, Esteban Vicente, Jon von Wicht, Hiram Williams, Jane Wilson, Andrew Wyeth, Adja Yunkers

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 13, 1961 - February 4, 1962. Artists included in the exhibition are Pat Adams, Josef Albers, Ivan Albright, Milton Avery, Rudolf Baranik, Robert Barnes, Will Barnet, William Baziotes, Janice Biala, Elmer Bischoff, Isabel Bishop, Peter Blume, Seymour Boardman, Ilya Bolotowsky, Ernest Briggs, Robert Broderson, James Brooks, Charles Burchfield, Paul Cadmus, Lawrence Calcagno, Nicolas Carone, Edmund Casarella, Giorgio Cavallon, Carmen Cicero, Carroll Cloar, Edward Corbett, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Elaine de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, Enrico Donati, Jimmy Ernst, Philip Evergood, Perle Fine, Seymour Fogel, Sam Francis, Helen Frankenthaler, Jared French, Elaine Galen, Lee Gatch, Thomas George, Paul Georges, Edward Giobbi, Joseph Glasco, Michael Goldberg, Sidney Goodman, Robert Goodnough, Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Graves, Cleve Gray, Balcomb Greene, Stephen Greene, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, John Heliker, Margo Hoff, Hans Hofmann, Carl Holty, Edward Hopper, Angelo Ippolito, Paul Jenkins, Jasper Johns, Wolf Kahn, Ellsworth Kelly, William Kienbusch, Franz Kline, Karl Knaths, Yayoi Kusama, Jacob Lawrence, Alfred Leslie, Jack Levine, Denver Lindley, Michael Loew, David Lund, Loren Maciver, Leo Manso, Conrad Marca-Relli, Nicholas Marsicano, Richard Mayhew, Gerald McLaughlin, George McNeil, Samuel M. ... [details]

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1947 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 23 x 15 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

1947 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting

Whitney Museum of American Art

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 6, 1947 - January 25, 1948. Artists included in the exhibition are Ivan Le Lorraine Albright, Bernard Arnest, David Aronson, Carl Ashby, William Baziotes, Romare Bearden, Eugene Berman, Isabel Bishop, Arnold Blanch, Aaron Bohrod, Louis Bosa, Louis Bouché, Louise Bourgeois, Raymond Breinin, Alexander Brook, Carlyle Brown, Byron Browne, Audrey Buller, Paul Burlin, Kenneth Callahan, Federico Castellon, Marc Chagall, Edward Chavez, Francis Colburn, Fred Conway, Aleta Cornelius, Ralston Crawford, Virginia Cuthbert, Norman Daly, Stuart Davis, Julio de Diego, Daniel Dickerson, Werner Drewes, Guy Pène du Bois, Harry Engel, Philip Evergood, Kenneth Evett, Ernest Fiene, Perle Fine, James H. ... [details]

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Geometric Abstraction in America
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 23 x 23 cm.
  • 66 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Geometric Abstraction in America

John Gordon, Josef Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Will Barnet, Karl Benjamin, Ilya Bolotowsky, Paul Brach, Patrick Henry Bruce, Alexander Calder, Chryssa, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Deborah de Moulpied, Jose de Rivera, Burgoyne Diller, Arthur G. Dove, Lorser Feitelson, Perle Fine, Adolf Fleischmann, Sue Fuller, Naum Gabo, Albert E. Gallatin, Fritz Glarner, Sidney Gordin, Arshile Gorky, Balcomb Greene, Gertrude Greene, Louise Guglielmi, Marsden Hartley, Al Held, Hans Hofmann, Carl Holty, Harry Holtzman, Alfred Jensen, Ellsworth Kelly, Joseph Konzal, Harold Krisel, Alexander Liberman, Richard Lippold, Michael Loew, Helen Lundeberg, Albert Manchak, Agnes Martin, Alice Trumbull Mason, John McLaughlin, Jeanne Miles, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, George L.K. Morris, Kenneth Noland, Georgia O'Keeffe, George Ortman, Henry Pearson, I. Rice Pereira, Williams Reimann, Ad Reinhardt, Theodore Roszak, Ludwig Sander, Stephanie Scuris, Charles Shaw, Oli Sihvonen, Robert Slutzky, David Smith, Leon Polk Smith, Frank Stella, Myron Stout, Albert Swinden, Charmion von Wiegand, Vaclav Vytlacil, Sidney Wolfson, Jean Xceron

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 20 - May 13, 1962. Text by John Gordon. Artists included are Josef Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Will Barnet, Karl Benjamin, Ilya Bolotowsky, Paul Brach, Patrick Henry Bruce, Alexander Calder, Chryssa, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Deborah de Moulpied, Jose de Rivera, Burgoyne Diller, Arthur G. ... [details]

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  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 21.5 cm.
  • 140 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0874270170

Abstract Expressionism : The Formative Years

Robert Carleton Hobbs, Gail Levin, William Baziotes, Willem de Kooning, Arshile Gorky, Adolph Gottlieb, Hans Hofmann, Lee Krasner, Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollock, Richard Pousette-Dart, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko, Theodoros Stamos, Clyfford Still, Bradley Walker Tomlin

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, March 30 - May 14, 1978; the Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, June 17 - July 12, 1978; and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, October 5 - December 3, 1978. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • screw bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 29 x 30 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • monograph
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 30 cm.
  • 216 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0810915545

Ad Reinhardt

Ad Reinhardt, Lucy Lippard

"In this penetrating study of Ad Reinhardt, the uncompromising gadfly of the American art scene until his death in 1967, the noted critic Lucy Lippard explores the paradoxes by which Reinhardt lived and made art. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 23.5 cm.
  • 155 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 8881581396
An American Renaissance : Painting and Sculpture Since 1940
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 20.5 cm.
  • 269 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0896596494

An American Renaissance : Painting and Sculpture Since 1940

Sam Hunter, James D. Robinson, Elliot B. Barnett, George Bolge, Harry F. Gaugh, Robert C. Morgan, Richard Sarnoff, Malcolm Daniel, Karen Koehler, Kim Levin, Vito Acconci, Nicolas Africano, John Ahearn, Gregory Amenoff, Carl Andre, Ida Applebroog, Siah Armajani, Arman, Robert Arneson, Richard Artschwager, Alice Aycock, Donald Baechler, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Jennifer Bartlett, Jean-Michel Basquiat, William Baziotes, William Beckman, Mel Bochner, Ilya Bolotowsky, Jonathan Borofsky, Richard Bosman, Louise Bourgeois, Troy Brauntuch, Chris Burden, Scott Burton, Alexander Calder, John Chamberlain, Chuck Close, Joseph Cornell, Stuart Davis, Willem de Kooning, Walter de Maria, Richard Diebenkorn, Jim Dine, Mark di Suvero, John Duff, Richard Estes, Eric Fischl, Audrey Flack, Dan Flavin, Sam Francis, Helen Frankenthaler, Charles Garabedian, Jedd Garet, Sam Gilliam, Jack Goldstein, Leon Golub, Arshile Gorky, Adolph Gottlieb, Nancy Graves, Red Grooms, Philip Guston, Hans Haacke, Duane Hanson, Keith Haring, Michael Heizer, Al Held, Eva Hesse, Hans Hoffmann, Edward Hopper, Douglas Huebler, Bryan Hunt, Robert Irwin, Neil Jenney, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Alex Katz, Ellsworth Kelly, R.B. Kitaj, Franz Kline, Joseph Kosuth, Lee Krasner, Barbara Kruger, Robert Kushner, Alfred Leslie, Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Lindner, Robert Longo, Morris Louis, Kim MacConnel, Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Mary Miss, Joan Mitchell, Malcolm Morley, Robert Morris, Robert Moskowitz, Robert Motherwell, Elizabeth Murray, Bruce Nauman, Louise Nevelson, Barnett Newman, Isamu Noguchi, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Coosje van Bruggen, Jules Olitski, Tom Otterness, Philip Pearlstein, Judy Pfaff, Jackson Pollock, Katherine Porter, Richard Pousette-Dart, Robert Rauschenberg, Ad Reinhardt, George Rickey, Judy Rifka, Rodney Ripps, Larry Rivers, Dorothea Rockburne, James Rosenquist, Theodore Roszak, Susan Rothenberg, Mark Rothko, Edward Ruscha, Robert Ryman, David Salle, Lucas Samaras, Peter Saul, Kenny Scharf, Julian Schnabel, Sean Scully, James Seawright, George Segal, Richard Serra, Joel Shapiro, Charles Simonds, David Smith, Tony Smith, Robert Smithson, Ned Smyth, Frank Stella, Gary Stephan, Clyfford Still, Donald Sultan, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, Neil Welliver, Tom Wesselmann, H.C. Westermann, William Wiley, Terry Winters, Robert S. Zakanitch, Joe Zucker

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 12-March 30, 1986. Contributions by Sam Hunter, James D. Robinson, Elliot B. Barnett, George Bolge, Harry F. Gaugh, Robert C. Morgan, Richard Sarnoff, Malcolm Daniel, Karen Koehler and Kim Levin. ... [details]

Fort Lauderdale, FL: Museum of Modern Art,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 33 x 25 cm.
  • 248 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0262071312

Arts & Architecture : The Entenza Years

Barbara Goldstein, Esther McCoy, Ray Eames, Jacob I. Zeitlin, Ralph Rapson, David Runnells, R.M. Schindler, Jackson Pollock, Dalton Trumbo, Arnold Schoenberg, Peter Yates, Charles Ives, Sidney Janis, James Whitney, John Whitney, Herbert Matter, R. Buckminster Fuller, Robert Joseph, Eva Maria Neumeyer, Henry Moore, Garrett Eckbo, Alexander Calder, Eliot Noyes, Konrad Wachsmann, Gyorgy Kepes, Walter Gropius, Ad Reinhardt, Margaret DePatta, George Nelson, László Moholy-Nagy, Alfred Auerbach, Jan de Swart, Gregory Ain, Joseph Johnson, Alfred Day, John Lautner, Raphael S. Soriano, James Prestini, Elodie Courter, Victor Gruen, Hans Hofmann, Paul Ellsworth, Oscar Niemeyer, George Nakashima, Sibly Moholy-Nagy, Robert Motherwell, Adolf Gottleib, Jules Langsner, Richard Neutra, Frederick E. Emmons, A. Quincy Jones, Harry Seidler, Bernard Rudofsky, Wayne Thiebaud, Jerry McLaughlin, Harry Bertoia, Craig Ellwood, Pierre Koenig, Gibson Danes, Theodore Little, Max Bill, Roberto Brle Marx, Peter Yates, Peter Blake, Raymond Kappe, Michel Tapié, Claire Falkenstein, Rico Le Brun, June Wayne, Felix Candela, Paul Rudolph, Thornton M. Abell, Brassaï, Edward Steichen, Stanley Tigerman, Dore Ashton, Isamu Noguchi, Constantino Nivola

"This anthology brings together seminal articles from one of America's most distinguished architecture magazines, copies of which are now extremely difficult to locate. Published and edited by John Entenza from 1938 to 1962, when he left Los Angeles to direct the Graham Foundation full time, Arts & Architecture played a significant role in the cultural history of Los Angeles and in the development of American modernism in general. ... [details]

Cambridge / London, MA / United Kingdom: The MIT Press,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
objects: 36