objects: 210
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L.A. Rising : SoCal Artists Before 1980
  • exhibition catalogue
  • paper over boards issued without dust-jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 24.7 cm.
  • 516 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780917571138

L.A. Rising : SoCal Artists Before 1980

Lyn Kienholz, Elizabeta Betinski, Corinne Nelson, Clinton Adams, Ron Adams, Bas Jan Ader, John Alberty, Lita Albuquerque, Anders Aldrin, Peter Alexander, Martha Alf, Neda Al-Hilali, Carlos Almaraz, John Altoon, Mabel Alvarez, Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin Ames, Laura Anderson, Oliver Andrews, Eleanor Antin, Craig Antrim, Chuck Arnoldi, Michael Asher, David Askevold, Walter Askin, Ralph Bacerra, Don Bachardy, Jo Baer, Herman Kofi Bailey, George P. Baker, Michael Balog, John Baldessari, Jack Barth, Richmond Barthé, Joel Bass, Lynn Bassler, Robert C. Bassler, Wall Batterton, Herbert Bayer, Phoebe Beasley, Larry Bell, Billy Al Bengston, Karl Benjamin, Ed Bereal, Pat Berger, Tony Berlant, Ben Berlin, Eugene Berman, Wallace Berman, John Bernhardt, Gary Beydler, Edward Biberman, Natalie Bieser, Les Biller, Annette Bird, Streeter Blair, Sandy Bleifer, Bob and Bob, Gloria Cole Bohanen, Douglas Bond, Dorr Bothwell, David Bradford, Rex Brandt, Jerry Brane, Bettina Brendel, Michael Brewster, William Brice, Nicholas Brigante, Morris Broderson, William Theophilus Brown, Nancy Buchanan, Conrad Buff II, David Bungay, Jerry Burchfield, Jerrold Burchman, Chris Burden, Hans Burkhardt, Nathaniel Bustion, JoAnne Callis, Cameron, Greg S. Card, Elaine Carhartt, Harry Carmean, Jae Carmichael, Carol Caroompas, Barbara Carrasco, Eduardo Carrillo, Karen Carson , Bernie Casey, Elizabeth Catlett, Vija Celmins, Roberto Chavez, Carl Cheng, Judy Chicago, Grace Clements, Caron Colvin, Dan Concholar, Houston Conwill, Ron Cooper, Sister Mary Corita, Philip Cornelius, Mary Corse, Eileen Cowin, Robert Cremean, James L. Croak, Keith Crown, William Crutchfield, Robert Cumming, Darryl Curran, Dorit Cypis, Dan Cytron, Edie Danieli, Avery Danziger, Lowell Darling, Paul Darrow, Alonzo Davis, Dale B. Davis, Michael Davis, Ronald Davis, Woods Davy, Guy De Cointet, Francis de Erdely, Rupert Deese, Tony DeLap, Diane Destiny, Boris Deutsch, Charles Dickson, Richard Diebenkorn, Dietrich, Phil Dike, Guy Dill, Laddie John Dill, Paul Dillon, Morton Dimondstein, Sue Dirksen, John Divola, William Dole, James Doolin, Daniel Douke, Robert Dowd, Roy Dowell, Laurence Dreiband, Hildegarde Duane, Tom Eatherton, Bruce Edelstein, Jean Edelstein, Doug Edge, Leonard Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Jules Engel, Marion Epting, Sam Erenberg, Merion Estes, Ned Evans, Bruce Everett, Fredericl Eversley, Connor Everts, Edgar Ewing, Martin Facey, Claire Falkenstein, Joe Fay, Lorser Feitelson, Lilly Fenichel, Jud Fine, Bruria Finkel, Max Finkelstein, Oskar Fischinger, Ethel Fisher, Judy Fiskin, Robbert Flick, Betty Davenport Ford, Llyn Foulkes, Sam Francis, Magdalena Frimkess, Michael Frimkess, Walter Gabrielson, Simone Gad, Charles Garabedian, John Garrett, Christopher Georgesco, George Geyer, James S. Gill, Shirl Goedike, Betty Gold, Judith Golden, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, John S. Gordon, Robert Graham, Mark Greenfield, Scott Grieger, Ron Griffin, Raul Guerrero, Allan Hacklin, Richard Haines, D.J. Hall, Frederick Hammersley, David Hammons, Lloyd Hamrol, Robert Hansen, Marvin Harden, June Harwood, Maren Hassinger, James Hayward, Wayne Alaniz Healy, Phillip Hefferton, Robert Heinecken, Victor Henderson, Maxwell Hendler, George Herms, Anthony Hernandez, Susan Lautman Hertel, Charles Christopher Hill, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Diana Hobson, David Hockney, Patrick Hogan, Tom Holste, Varnette Honeywood, Dennis Hopper, Channa Horwitz, Bruce Houston, Bernard Hoyes, Douglas Huebler, James Hueter, Robert Irwin, Sandra Jackman, Suzanne Jackson, James Jarvaise, Connie Jenkins, Tom Jenkins, Daniel Larue Johnson, Don Johnson, Wesley Johnson, Ynez Johnston, John Paul Jones, Mary Jones, Reuben Kadish, Steve Kahn, Matsumi Kanemitsu, Allan Kaprow, Barbara Kasten, Craig Kauffman, Claude Kent, Edward Kienholz, The Kipper Kids, Gloria Kisch, Tom Knechtel, Emil Kosa Jr., Peter Krasnow, Patsy Krebs, Roger Kuntz, Suzanne Lacy, Lili Lakich, Paul Landacre, Doyle Lane, William Leavitt, Rico Lebrun, John Lees, Harold Lehman, Mark Lere, Samella Lewis, Peter Liashkov, Joyce Lightbody, Ron Linden

Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • reference book
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 28.5 x 22.5
  • 452 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780262072519
Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 43 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 38 (November 24, 1969)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, Al Pseudonym, Sam Martin, James Cameron, Lige and Jack, John Thomas, Dot Smith, Hank Arlecchino, Matthew Davidson, Michael Perkins, Bob Amsel, John Caldwell

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays include "How Do I Fuck Thee? Let Me Count the Ways," by Al Pseudonym; "Stewardess' Suck Part III," by Al Goldstein; "Turdism : A New Movement in Art," by Sam Martin; "Hitler's Secret Sex life Part III," by James Cameron; "Homosexual Citizen : Let Your Cock Do the Walking," by Lige and Jack; comic by John Thomas; "Blanks in the Bedroom," by Dot Smith; "Son of Rock 'N Raunch," by Hank Arlecchino; "Love Me, and I'll Break Every Bone in Your Body!" by Matthew Davidson; "Dirty Diversions : Poking the Porker or Going Down on the Farm," by Al Goldstein; "Shit List," by Jim Buckley; "Fuckbooks : European Sex Press," by Michael Perkins; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; comic by John Caldwell. [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 43 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 41 (December 15, 1969)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, Al Pseudonym, Dot Smith, Bob Amsel, Michael Perkins, John Francis Hunter, O.D. Chance, Lige and Jack, Matthew Davidson, John Caldwell

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. In red, yellow, and green varieties. Essays include "Biblical Smut : First and Best in the World It Created," by Al Goldstein; "Legal Bullshit : 'I Never Met a Cock I Didn't Want to Eat!' -Queen Victoria," by Al Pseudonym; "The Gang That Couldn't Bang Straight," by Dot Smith; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; "Fuckbooks : Manhood Mania," by Michael Perkins; "It's a Drag Being a Male Model," by John Francis Hunter; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; "Morons in Media : Hillbilly Hogshit," by O. ... [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 28 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 44 (January 5, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, M. Ojin, Dean Latimer, Michael Wilson, Lige and Jack, Hank Arlecchino, John Caldwell, Eric Eastman, Bob Amsel, John Thomas, Michael Perkins

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays include "Mannequin Madness," by Dr. M. Ojin; "An Early Ode to Xmas," by Dean Latimer; "Pull-out Pinup," by Michael Wilson; "Homosexual Citizen : Fags of the Future, What's in Store for the 70's?" by Lige and Jack; "Rock 'n Raunch," by Hank Arlecchino; "When the Curtain Goes Up They Go Down"; comic by John Caldwell; "An Essay for Your Edification: CKUF in So Many Words," by Eric Eastman; "Dirty Diversions : They Fuck Mothers, Don't They?" by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; comic by John Thomas; "Fuckbooks : Why the South Won the Civil War," by Michael Perkins. [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 46 (January 19, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, Len Lear, Timothy Leary, Randy Wicker, John Thomas, Lige and Jack, Hank Arlecchino, Michael Perkins, John Caldwell

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays include "31.3% Said They'd Have Their Asses Surgically Removed and Grafted onto the Face of Spiro Agnew : A Final Solution to the Survey Problem," by Len Lear; "Does Timothy Leary Eat Mushroom Pie?: A Screw Interview," by Randy Wicker & Al Goldstein; comic by John Thomas; "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: '69's Best & Worst in Fuckfilm Fare," by Al Goldstein; "Homosexual Citizen : Cops Who Smoke Fags," by Lige and Jack; "Rock 'n Raunch," by Hank Arlecchino; "Dirty Diversions," by Al Goldstein; "Fuckbooks : Sookey Sucks (?)," by Michael Perkins; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; comic by John Caldwell. [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 50 (February 16, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, Jack Nichols, Dan Mouer, Hank Arlecchino, Richard Phelps, Michael Perkins, Ken Gaul, Bob Amsel, John Caldwell, Al Pseudonym, John Thomas

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "To My Beautiful Cock," by Jim Buckley; "To the Cop Who Blew Me at the Baths," by Jack Nichols; "To the Couple Who Answered My Ad," by Dan Mouer; "To the Gang That Raped My Mother, and My Dear Old Dads," by Al Goldstein; "Rock 'n Raunch," by Hank Arlecchino; "The Layman's Guide to Sex Theatres : A Screw Survey," by Dan Mouer; "Look Ma, No Hands!" by Richard Phelps; "Homosexual Citizen : Homo on the Range," by Lige and Jack; "Fuckbooks : California Creamin'," by Michael Perkins; "The Fully-Guaranteed Fuck-Me Doll," by Ken Gaul; "Dirty Diversions : More Bounce to the Pounce," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; comic by John Caldwell; "The Sex Scene," by Al Pseudonym; comic by John Thomas; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein. [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 52 (March 1, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Dean Latimer, Jim Buckley, Viola Vulva, Bela Horvath, Lige and Jack, Michael Perkins, Mocha Bigtits, Hank Arlecchino, Bob Amsel, John Caldwell, Al Pseudonym, John Thomas

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "Fashion & Fetish," by Dean Latimer; "Global Garbage," by Jim Buckley; "A Cock in the Mouth Is Worth Two in the Cunt : Or Blow Your Troubles Away," by Viola Vulva; "Sing Along with Screw," by Bela Horvath; "Homosexual Citizen : Cornholding Is Christlike!" by Lige and Jack; "Fuckbooks : Bad Day at Schlock Rock," by Michael Perkins; "Tail of the Boston Dangler," by Mocha Bigtits; "The Secret Vows of David Merrick and Phyllis Diller," by Hank Arlecchino; "Dirty Diversions : The Organization Cunt," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Bob Amsel; comic by John Caldwell; "The Sex Scene," by Al Pseudonym; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; comic by John Thomas. [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 53 (March 8, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Dan Mouer, Dot Smith, Connie Farrow, Geoffrey Wagner, Robert J. Hodges, Ken Gaul, Al Pseudonym, Nori Amsel Kosok, Lige and Jack, Michael Perkins, Bob Amsel

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "A Coroner's Report on the Life and Death of the New York Review of Sex," by Dan Mouer; "Wanted : Must Have Shiny Armor, Hairy Balls and Able Mount," by Dot Smith; "Finger Power (Or Two's a Crowd)," by Connie Farrow; "Cunt : A Semantic Objection," poem by Geoffrey Wagner; "Fowl Play in the Kitchen," by Robert J. ... [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 54 (March 15, 1970)

Al Goldstein, D.A. Latimer, Dot Smith, Roz Bramms, Ken Gaul, Dan Mouer, Len Lear, Michael Perkins, Lige and Jack, Hank Arlecchino, Bob Amsel, Jim Buckley

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "Lewd Lithography : Rowlandson's Raunch," by D.A. Latimer; "A Virgin's Guide to Buggery," by Dot Smith; "An Interview with a Drag Queen," by Roz Bramms; "The Definative [sic] Piece on the All-American Sex Orgy Part I : The East," by Ken Gual; "Long Island Ass. ... [details]

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objects: 210