objects: 523
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Six Years, The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 : A Cross-Reference Book of Information on Some Esthetic Boundaries ... / edited and annotated by Lucy R. Lippard.
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21.5 x 17.5 cm.
  • 272 pp.
  • edition size unknown [published in four editions]
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Six Years, The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 : A Cross-Reference Book of Information on Some Esthetic Boundaries ... / edited and annotated by Lucy R. Lippard.

[First Edition / Paperback]

Lucy R. Lippard, Vito Acconci, Bas Jan Ader, Dennis Adrian, Carl Andre, Eleanor Antin, Keith Arnatt, Art-Language, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, David Askevold, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Frederick Barthelme, N.E. Thing Co., Joseph Beuys, Mel Bochner, Alighiero Boetti, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Donald Burgy, Ian Burn, Jack Burnham, James Lee Byars, Hanne Darboven, Agnes Denes, Jan Dibbets, Peter Downsbrough, Gerald Ferguson, Rafael Ferrer, Barry Flanagan, Gilbert & George, Dan Graham, Guerrilla Art Action Group, Hans Haacke, Charles Harrison, Michael Heizer, Douglas Huebler, Peter Hutchinson, Stephen Kaltenbach, Allan Kaprow, On Kawara, Joseph Kosuth, Christine Kozlov, John Latham, Barry Le Va, Sol LeWitt, Richard Long, Lee Lozano, Bruce McLean, Walter de Maria, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Yoko Ono, Dennis Oppenheim, Adrian Piper, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sigmar Polke, Mel Ramsden, Allen Ruppersberg, Edward Ruscha, Robert Ryman, Gerry Schum, Richard Serra, Willoughby Sharp, Seth Siegelaub, Tony Smith, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, Keith Sonnier, Athena Tacha Spear, Bernar Venet, Wolf Vostell, Franz Erhard Walther, William Wegman, Lawrence Weiner, William Wiley, Ian Wilson, La Monte Young

Essential source book of documentation of the Conceptual Art, Land Art, Earth Art, Arte Povera, Minimal Art, Performance Art, Video Art movements. Documents the activities, day by day, month by month, year by year of artists including Vito Acconci, Bas Jan Ader, Dennis Adrian, Carl Andre, Eleanor Antin, Keith Arnatt, Art-Language, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, David Askevold, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Frederick Barthelme, N. ... [details]

New York / Washington, NY / DC: Praeger Publishers Inc.,
Condition:  Used
Robert Morris : The Mind / Body Problem
  • exhibition catalogue
  • partial cloth boards
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • die-cut
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 23.5 cm.
  • 329 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0892071176

Robert Morris : The Mind / Body Problem

[Hardcover Edition]

Robert Morris, Peter Lawson-Johnston, Thomas Krens, Rosalind Krauss, Maurice Berger, David Antin, Annette Michelson, W.J.T. Mitchell, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Kimberly Paice

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January - April 1994. Introduction by Thomas Krens, texts by Rosalind Krauss, Maurice Berger, David Antin, Annette Michelson, W.J.T. Mitchell, Jean-Pierre Criqui and Kimberly Paice. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
Robert Morris
  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white
  • 20 x 25.5 cm.
  • 128 pp. plus two-sided folded poster
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Robert Morris

Robert Morris, Michael Compton, David Sylvester

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held April 28 - June 6, 1971. Essays by Michael Compton and David Sylvester. Includes a biography, a duologue between Robert Morris and Sylvester, and a folded poster with a checklist. ... [details]

London, Great Britain: The Tate Gallery,
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Aspen Magazine in a Box [for Stephane Mallarmé] [aka : The Minimalism Issue]
  • periodical
  • boxed edition
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • color
  • 21.5 x 21.5 x 5.5 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Aspen Magazine in a Box [for Stephane Mallarmé] [aka : The Minimalism Issue]

No. 5 + 6 (Fall - Winter 1967)

Brian O'Doherty, David Dalotn, Lynn Letterman, Susan Sontag, George Kubler, Roland Barthes, Samuel Beckett, William Burroughs, Alain Robbe-Grillet, John Cage, Max Neuhaus, Morton Feldman, Tony Smith, Hans Richter, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Robert Morris, Stan Van Der Beek, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp, Richard Huelsenbeck, Naum Gabo, Norton Pevsner, Douglas MacAgy, Merce Cunningham, Michael Benedikt, Dan Graham, Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner

Aspen 5 + 6 for Stephane Mallarmeé [aka : The Minimalism Issue," is a boxed edition consisting of 28 numbered elements edited and designed by Brian O''''Doherty, with art direction by David Dalton and Lynn Letterman. ... [details]

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Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet, No. 2 ; Numero tre a cura di Vincenzo Accame / Number three edited by Vincenzo Accame, No. 3 ; Numero quattro a cura di Sol LeWitt / Number four edited by Sol LeWitt, No. 4 ; Numero cinque a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo di Biumo / Number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, No. 5 ; Numero sei a cura di Arturo Schwarz / Number six edited by Arturo Schwarz, No. 6
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 29.7 x 21.1 cm.
  • 5 vol : [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Edizione Cenobio Visualità : Numero due a cura di Bernar Venet / Number two edited by Bernar Venet, No. 2 ; Numero tre a cura di Vincenzo Accame / Number three edited by Vincenzo Accame, No. 3 ; Numero quattro a cura di Sol LeWitt / Number four edited by Sol LeWitt, No. 4 ; Numero cinque a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo di Biumo / Number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, No. 5 ; Numero sei a cura di Arturo Schwarz / Number six edited by Arturo Schwarz, No. 6

[All Issues Published / Lacking No. 1] / No. 2 - No. 6 (June 1980 - June 1984)

Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Vincenzo Accame, Paolo Buzzi, Bruno Munari, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Guido Ballo, Arakawa, Alberto Faietti, Hermann EsRichter, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Earle Brown, Gianni Colombo, Mauro Staccioli, Sol LeWitt, Gino De Dominicis, Piero Manzoni, Giovanni Anselmo, Timm Ulrichs, Giuseppe Di Napoli, S. Lombardo, Gianni Robusti, Alik Cavaliere, Vincenzo Ferrari, Artists include John Hilliard, Douglas Huebler, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Zvi Goldstein, Stephen Willats, Dotty Attie, Laura Grisi, Antoni Mikolajczyk, Ryszard Winiarski, Ryszard Wäsko, Umberto Raponi, Jenny Holzer, Jean C. Pigozzi, Afranio Metelli, Mike Glier, May Stevens, Charles Gaines, Gene Beery, Ingeborg Lüscher, Ewa Partum, Pat Steir, Giuseppe Panza, Carl Andre, Larry Bell, Dan Flavin, Robert Irwin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Richard Nonas, Robert Long, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Eric Orr, Richard Serra, James Turrell, Doug Wheeler, Jene Highstein, Arturo Schwarz, Gianfranco Baruchello, Alighiero Boetti, Alik Cavaliere, Ettore Colla, Flavio Costantini, Sergio Dangelo, Ugo Dossi, Lucio Fontana, Franco Francese, Pinot Gallizio, Osvaldo Licini, Piero Manzoni, Fausto Melotti, Gastone Novelli, Giulio Paolini, Claudio Parmiggiani, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mimmo Rotella, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Fausta Squatriti, Tancredi, Jean-François Lyotard, Achille Bonito Oliva, Leonardo Sciascia, Roger Pontecorvo, Francesco Arcangeli, Luigi Carluccio, Francesco Poli, Germano Celant, Pierre Restany, Giulio Carlo Argan

Issues number two through six of Edizione Cenobio Visualità. Issue two edited by Bernar Venet, 1980. Essay by Bernar Vernet. Artists include Bernar Venet, Alexander Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevitch, Wladyslaw Strzeminski, Katarzyna Kobro, Theo van Doesburg, Georges Vantongerloo, Richard Paul Lohse, Max Bill, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin and Donald Judd. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 139 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 17, No. 2 (October 1978)

Joseph Masheck, Richard Pommer, Carrie Rickey, Jeffrey Keeffe, Robert A. Sobieszek, Gilberto Perez, Brice Rhyne, Maureen Connor, Kate Linker, Stuart Greenspan, C.L. Morrison, David Diao

Issue edited by Joseph Masheck. Essay "Philip Johnson and History," by Richard Pommer; "Fashion / Style / Custom: Alan Cote and David Diao," by Carrie Rickey; "Cecile Abish: Building from the Ground Up," by Jeffrey Keeffe; "Composite Imagery and the Origins of Photmontage, Part II: The Formalist Strain," by Robert A. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 18, No. 2 (October 1979)

Joseph Masheck, Jonathan Crary, Nancy Foote, Donald B. Kuspit, David Carrier, Peter Fuller, Hal Foster, Tiffany Bell, Kate Linker, Hal Fischer, Ronald J. Onorato, C.L. Morrison, Susan Platt, Joanna Frueh, Jeff Perrone, Richard Flood, Christopher Knight, Mary Stofflet, Martin Puryear

Issue edited by Joseph Masheck. Essays "'Martin Puryear's Sculpture," by Jonathan Crary; "Monument - Sculpture - Earthwork," by Nancy Foote; "Cosmetic Transcendentalism: Surface-Light in John Torreano, Rodney Ripps and Lynda Benglis," by Donald B. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 80 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 16, No. 4 (December 1977)

Joseph Masheck, Edward Levine, Eric Cameron, Leo Rubinfien, Barbara Blum, James Hoekema, John Brooks, Regina Cornwell, Carrie Rickey, Deborah Perlberg, Jeff Perrone, Edit deAk, Hal Foster, Deborah Perlberg, Leo Rubinfien, Judith Lopes Cardozo, Richard Lorber, C.L. Morrison

Issue edited by Joseph Masheck. Essays "Robert Irwin'S Recent Work," by Edward Levine; "Peter Hutchinson: From Earth Art to Story Art," by Eric Cameron; "The Man in the Crowd," by Leo Rubinfien; "Technique and Meaning: The Example of Andean Textiles," by Barbara Blum; "Drawing Toward Architectural Drawings," by James Hoekema; "Andy Warhol's 'Folk and Funk,'" by John Brooks; "The New York Film Festival: A Cultural Landmark?" by Regina Cornwell; "Tepid Yesterdays," by Carrie Rickey; "David Hare's 'Cronus' Series," by Deborah Perlberg. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 14, No.1 (September 1975)

John Coplans, Rudolf Baranik, Gene Davis, Stephen Greene, Buffie Johnson, Wolf Kahn, R.B. Kitaj, Terence La Noue, Ellen Lanyon, Adele Leonard, Allan McCollum, Dona Nelson, Pat Passlof, Tony Robbin, Jim Roche, Edwin Ruda, Peter Saul, David Simpson, Joan Snyder, Paul Staiger, May Stevens, Sidney Tillim, John Torreano, Mario Yrissary, Max Kozloff, Andrew Forge, Amy Goldin, Pat Adams, Nancy Graves, Budd Hopkins, Irving Petlin, Peter Plagens, Hayden Herrera, Roberta Smith, Susan Heinemann

Special painting issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "'Painters Reply," by Rudolf Baranik, Gene Davis, Stephen Greene, Buffie Johnson, Wolf Kahn, R.B. Kitaj, Terence La Noue, Ellen Lanyon, Adele Leonard, Allan McCollum, Dona Nelson, Pat Passlof, Tony Robbin, Jim Roche, Edwin Ruda, Peter Saul, David Simpson, Joan Snyder, Paul Staiger, May Stevens, Sidney Tillim, John Torreano, Mario Yrissary; "Painting and Anti-Painting: A Family Quarrel," by Max Kozloff; "Painting and the Struggle for the Whole Self," by Andrew Forge; "Patterns, Grids, And Painting," by Amy Goldin; "Remarks on Their Medium by Four Painters," by Pat Adams, Nancy Graves, Budd Hopkins, Irving Petlin: "None Dare Call it Boho," by Peter Plagens. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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objects: 523