objects: 404
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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white & color
  • 44 x 29 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 94 (December 21, 1970)

Al Goldstein, Jim Buckley, Michael Perkins, Dean Latimer, Paul Varjack, Matthew Davidson, Lige and Jack, Barbara Sorel, R. Sumner, Heidi Handman, John Thomas, Christopher Watson

Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays include "Fuckbooks : Body English," by Michael Perkins; "Does Your Body Stutter When You Cum?" by Dean Latimer; "Fuck as the Famous Do!" by Paul Varjack; "Chancre Chuckles : What to Do about That Dirty Toilet Seat," by Matthew Davidson; "Homosexual Citizen : You Put Your Quarter in and out Comes Liberace," by Lige and Jack; "Is Women's Liberation a Lesbian Plot?" by Barbara Sorel; "My Scene," by R. ... [details]

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Screw : The Sex Review
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 42 x 29 cm.
  • 40 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Screw : The Sex Review

No. 231 (August 6, 1973)

Jim Buckley, John Sposato, Al Goldstein, Woodrow Olivetti, Steve Kraus, Dean Latimer, Bruce David, Honeysuckle Divine, Michael Perkins, John Caldwell, Paul Krassner, Anthony Gambino, John Milton

Issue edited by Jim Buckley. Cover art by John Sposato. Essays "Screw You," by Al Goldstein; "MM : Heroine or Harlot?" by Woodrow Olivetti; " 'I Never Slept with Anyone I Didn't Like' : An Interview with Tuli Kupferberg," by Steve Kraus; "Going Down on That Bloody Curse : Did You Get Your Pint Today?" by Dean Latimer; "Sex Scene," edited by Bruce David; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; "Diary of a Dirty Broad : Hyman in the Footlights," by Honeysuckle Divine; "Fuckbooks : Gashes in the Grave," by Michael Perkins; comic by John Caldwell; "Rumpleforeskin : Does Danny Thomas Eat Shit?" by Paul Krassner; "Dirty Diversions : Porn Free," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," edited by Anthony Gambino; "Mail Order Madness," by John Milton. [details]

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Sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 30.5 x 23 cm.
  • 246 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 080327629X

Sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery

Karen O. Janovy, David Cateforis, Daniel A. Seidell, Peter Boswell, Nancy Dawson, Janice Driesbach, Lonnie Pierson Dunbier, Charles C. Eldredge, Norman A. Geske, Wendy J. Katz, Christin J. Mamiya, Ingrid A. Sepahpur, Robert Spence, Michael R. Taylor, Karen Tsujimoto, Thomas Crawford, John Quincy Adams, Frederick William MacMonnies, Auguste Rodin, Medardo Rosso, Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Mahonri Young, Constantin Brancusi, Daniel Chester French, Paul Manship, Elie Nadelman, John Storrs, Man Ray, Ernst Barlach, Jacques Lipchitz, Alexander Archipenko, Gaston Lachaise, Boris Lovet-Lorski, Saul Baizerman, Malvina Cornell Hoffman, Maurice Sterne, William Zorach, John B. Flannagan, Ibram Lassaw, Theodore Roszak, Alexander Calder, Barbara Hepworth, Robert Laurent, Louise Nevelson, Louise Bourgeois, David Hare, Henry Moore, Marino Marini, Jeremy Anderson, Reginald Butler, Eduardo Chillida, Kenneth Armitage, Hugo Robus, Seymour Lipton, Isamu Noguchi, Joseph Cornell, David Smith, Bruce Conner, Marcel Duchamp, Elisabeth Frink, Tony Smith, Reuben Nakian, Dan Flavin, George Rickey, William King, Charles Biederman, Donald Judd, Lyman Kipp, John McCracken, Peter Voulkos, Alvin Light, Edward Kienholz, Carl Andre, Bryan Hunt, Richard Shaw, Michael Todd, Manuel Neri, George Segal, Joel Shapiro, Larry Bell, Deborah Butterfield, Charles Ginnever, William Tucker, Mark di Suvero, Jun Kaneko, Tom Rippon, Frank Stella, Richard Stella, Richard Serra, Bruce Beasley, Scott Burton, Judith Shea, Haim Steinbach, Fletcher Benton, Tony Berlant, Michael Heizer, Claes Oldenburg, Tom Otterness, David Ireland, Catherine A. Ferguson, Anne Truitt, Joseph Havel, Martin Puryear

Catalogue of sculpture selected from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery at the University of Nebraska. Contributions by Karen O. Janovy, David Cateforis, Daniel A. Seidell, Peter Boswell, Nancy Dawson, Janice Driesbach, Lonnie Pierson Dunbier, Charles C. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • spiral bound
  • black-and-white
  • 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • 409 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3770121813

Skulptur Projekte in Münster 87

Kaspar König, Klaus Bußman, Dennis Adams, Carl ANdre, Giovanni Anselmo, SIah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Stephan Balkenhol, Lothar Baumgarten, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Daniel Buren, Scott Burton, Eduardo Chillida, Thierry de Cordier, Richard Deacon, Luciano Fabro, Robert Filliou, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Peter Fischli, Katharina Fritsch, Isa Genzken, Ludger Gerdes, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Hans Haacke, Keith Haring, Ernst Hermanns, Georg Herold, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Thomas Huber, Donald Judd, Hubert Kiecol, Per Kirkeby, Harald Klingelhöller, Jeff Koons, Raimund Kummer, Ange Leccia, Sol LeWitt, Mario Merz, Olaf Metzel, François Morellet, Rinhard Mucha, Matt Mullican, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, A.R. Penck, Giuseppe Penone, Hermann Pitz, Fritz Rahmann, Ulrich Rückriem, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Thomas Schütte, Richard Serra, Susana Solano, Ettore Spalletti, Thomas Struth, Richard Tuttle, David Weiss, Franz West, Rémy Zaugg

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with exhibition held June 14 - October 4, 1987. Show curated by Kasper König and Klaus Bußman. Artists in the exhibition include Dennis Adams, Carl ANdre, Giovanni Anselmo, SIah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Stephan Balkenhol, Lothar Baumgarten, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Daniel Buren, Scott Burton, Eduardo Chillida, Thierry de Cordier, Richard Deacon, Luciano Fabro, Robert Filliou, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Peter Fischli, Katharina Fritsch, Isa Genzken, Ludger Gerdes, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Hans Haacke, Keith Haring, Ernst Hermanns, Georg Herold, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Thomas Huber, Donald Judd, Hubert Kiecol, Per Kirkeby, Harald Klingelhöller, Jeff Koons, Raimund Kummer, Ange Leccia, Sol LeWitt, Mario Merz, Olaf Metzel, François Morellet, Rinhard Mucha, Matt Mullican, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, A. ... [details]

Köln, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag,
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 31 x 24 cm.
  • 72 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3926530391

Skulpturen für Krefeld I

Lawrence Weiner, Julian Heymen, Gerhard Storck, Richard Long, David Rabinowitch, Claes Oldenburg, Ulrich Rückreim, Richard Serra, Thomas Schütte, Dan Graham, Richard Deacon

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 3 - October 22, 1989. Essay by Julian Heymen and Gerhard Storck. Exhibition included works by Richard Long, David Rabinowitch, Claes Oldenburg, Ulrich Rückreim, Richard Serra, Thomas Schütte, Dan Graham, Richard Deacon and Weiner. ... [details]

Krefeld, Germany: Museum Haus Esters,
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 2 vol. 24 x 17 cm. each
  • 2 vol. : vol. 1. : 272 pp. ; 2 vol. : 112 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9063221355 ; 9063221363

Sonsbeek 86 : Internationale Beelden Tentoonstelling / International Sculpture Exhibition

[Deel 1 / Part 1 & Deel 2 / Part 2]

Saskia Bos, Simone Jongkind, Jolie van Leeuwen, Mathilde Roskam, Brigitte van der Sande, Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Bazile Bustamante, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, James Casabere, John Chamberlain, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Georg Jiri Dokoupil, Lili Dujouri, Ger Van Elk, Luciano Fabro, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Barry Flanagan, Fortuyn / O'Brien, Dan Graham, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, Niek Kemps, Harald Klingelhöller, Bertrand Lavier, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Reinhard Mucha, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Claes Oldenburg, Panamarenko, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Thomas Schütte, Jeroen Snijders, Ettore Spalletti, Rosemarie Trockel, Peer Veneman, Jan Vercruysse, Henk Visch, Carel Visser, Isolde Wawrin, Heimo Zobernig

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June 18 - September 14, 1986. Texts by Simone Jongkind, Jolie van Leeuwen, Mathilde Roskam, and Brigitte van der Sande. Artists in the exhibition include Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Bazile Bustamante, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, James Casabere, John Chamberlain, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Georg Jiri Dokoupil, Lili Dujouri, Ger Van Elk, Luciano Fabro, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Barry Flanagan, Fortuyn / O'Brien, Dan Graham, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, Niek Kemps, Harald Klingelhöller, Bertrand Lavier, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Reinhard Mucha, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Claes Oldenburg, Panamarenko, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Thomas Schütte, Jeroen Snijders, Ettore Spalletti, Rosemarie Trockel, Peer Veneman, Jan Vercruysse, Henk Visch, Carel Visser, Isolde Wawrin, and Heimo Zobernig. ... [details]

Utrecht, Netherlands: Veen / Reflex,
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Studio International
  • periodical
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.7 x 24.1 cm.
  • 304 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Studio International

Vol. 181, No. 934 (June 1971)

Peter Townsend, Daniel Buren, Diane Waldman, Thomas M. Messer, Hans Haacke, Jonathan Benthall, Jindrich Chalupecky, Jane Livington, Les Levine, Tim Hilton, Dore Ashton, Carel Blotkamp, Richard Wollheim, John Latham, Donald H. Karshan, Colin Self

June 1971 issue of Studio International. Edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "Gurgles around the Guggenheim," statements and comments by Daniel Buren, Diane Waldman, Thomas M. Messer, Hans Haacke; "Correspondence;" "David Bohm and the Rheomode," by Jonathan Benthall; "Letter from Prague," by Jindrich Chalupecky; "Some Thoughts on 'Art and Technology,'" by Jane Livington; "The information fall-out," by Les Levine; "UK Commentary," by Tim Hilton; "The Rothko Chapel at Houston," by Dore Ashton; "Dutch Artists on Television," by Carel Blotkamp; "The art-lesson," by Richard Wollheim; "Inno 70," by John Latham; "Supplement on prints and graphics," including Donald H. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: Studio International,
Condition:  Very Good. Light rubbing and dusting of covers with 8.8 cm. of pencil writing on verso. Contents clean and unmarked.
[Object # 39202]
Studio International
  • periodical
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.7 x 24.1 cm.
  • 56 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Studio International

Vol. 182, No. 935 (July / August 1971)

Peter Townsend, Georg Jappe, Robert Kudielka, Marcello Salvadori, Jonathan Benthall, Donald Brook, David Thompson, Frank Whitford, William Tucker, Radu Varia, Barbara Reise, Edward Fry, Thomas M. Messer, Barbara Reise, Sir Norman Reid, Marth Haworth-Booth, Jonathan Benthall, Alan Bowness, Timothy Clark, Richard Cork, Peter Gidal, Andrew Higgens, Timothy Hilton, Frank Whitford, Bridget Riley

July / August 1971 issue of Studio International. Edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "What is Reality? The Theme of Documenta 5," by Georg Jappe; "This Spring in West Germany," by Robert Kudielka; "Science in Art," by Marcello Salvadori; "Correspondence;" "News and Notes;" "Experimental Art: Stubbs to Sonfist," by Jonathan Benthall; "Sydney: Art in the Universities," by Donald Brook; "'True Patriot Love': Joyce Wieland at the National Gallery of Canada;" "Bridget Riley," by David Thompson; "Three Shows at the Hayward: Hodler and Böcklin," by Frank Whitford and "Henri Laurens," by William Tucker; "Letter from Bucharest," by Radu Varia; "A Tail of Two Exhibitions," by Barbara Reise; "Background to the Foreground: The Haacke Exhibition History," by Edward Fry and Thomas M. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: Studio International,
Condition:  Very Good. Light rubbing and bumping of cover edges. 8 cm. vertical creasing to verso with 6 cm. of pencil writing on verso edge. Contents clean and unmarked.
[Object # 39192]
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25.5 x 18 cm.
  • 65 pp.
  • edition size 2000
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Systemic Painting

Lawrence Alloway, Jo Baer, Robert Barry, Al Brunelle, Thomas Downing, Paul Feeley, Dean Fleming, Peter Gourfain, Al Held, Ralph Humphrey, Robert Huot, Ellsworth Kelly, Nicholas Krushenick, Tadaaki Kuwayama, David Lee, Robert Mangold, Agnes Martin, Howard Mehring, Kenneth Noland, David Novros, Larry Poons, Edwin Ruda, Robert Ryman, Frank Stella, Neil Williams, Jack Youngerman, Lawrence Zox

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September - October 1966. Essay by Lawrence Alloway. Artists in the exhibition include Jo Baer, Robert Barry, Al Brunelle, Thomas Downing, Paul Feeley, Dean Fleming, Peter Gourfain, Al Held, Ralph Humphrey, Robert Huot, Ellsworth Kelly, Nicholas Krushenick, Tadaaki Kuwayama, David Lee, Robert Mangold, Agnes Martin, Howard Mehring, Kenneth Noland, David Novros, Larry Poons, Edwin Ruda, Robert Ryman, Frank Stella, Neil Williams, Jack Youngerman, and Lawrence Zox. ... [details]

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Tcheques et Slovaques : 40 Artistes
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 29 x 21 cm.
  • 139 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9782080117380

Tcheques et Slovaques : 40 Artistes

Claude Mollard, Etienne Cornevin, Jindrich Chalupecky, Thomas Strauss, Stanislav Kolibal, Rudolf Sikora

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in 1990 at ABCD Agency, with a focus on modern eastern European art. Artists include Etienne Cornevin, Jindrich Chalupecký, Thomas Strauss, Stanislav Kolibal, Rudolf Sikora, Mária Bartuszová, Jirí Beránek, Milan Bockay, Klara Bockayova, Václav Bostik, Ladislav Carny, Dalibor Chatrný, Václav Cigler, Jirí David, Stansislav Divis, Rudolf Fila, Daniel Fischer, Michal Gabriel, Kurt Gebauer, Josef Jankovic, Vera Janousková, Magdalena Jetelová, Ivan Kafka, Igor Kalný, J. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
objects: 404