Exhibition catalogue and series of letters to young women artists published in conjunction with the Feminist Art Festival at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, 1974. Edited by Miriam Schapiro, Sherry Brody, Molly Rhodes, and Lelia Amalfitano. ... [details]
All issues published of the arts and letters periodical "X Motion Picture Magazine." Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker, Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore, James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler, Arturo Schwarz, Beth B, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. ... [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Kathy Acker, Charles Ahearn, Scott B, Tim Burns, Jimmy de Sana, Stefan Eins, Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard, Craig Gholson, Duncan Hannah, Beth B, Scott Johnson, Tina Lhotsky, Jeremy Lipp, Katy Martin, Aline Mayer, Eric Mitchell, Alan Moore, James Nares, Michael Oblowitz, Judy Rifka, Terence C. ... [details]
Monograph on the work held in the Refco Collection of Contemporary Photography. Organized by Adam Brooks. Introduction by Judith Russi Kirshner. Essay by Dave Hickey. Contributions by Lynne Cooke, Vicki Goldberg, Kathryn Hixson, A. ... [details]
Artist's book published by artists disassociating themselves from the John Weber Gallery. Artists include Katy Martin, Diego Cortez, Bill Brand, Colen Fitzgibbon, Paula Longendyke, Jacki Ochs, Betsy Sussler, and Robin Winters. [details]
Boxed-set of seven exhibition catalogues published in conjunction with show held May 16 - September 27, 2009. Each catalogue is devoted to the individual work of each of the following artists: Alfred Wallis, Lucie Rie, Barbara Hepworth, Lawrence Weiner, Carol Bove, Bojan Sarcevic and Katy Moran. ... [details]
Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Passages: Robert Rosenblum on Dan Flavin," by Robert Rosenblum; "Passages: Carter Ratcliff on Leon Polk Smith," by Carter Ratcliff; "Books: Bruce Hainley on Fashion Plates," by Bruce Hainley; "Books: Bruce Hainley on Fashion Sense," by Bruce Hainley; "Hot List: Mark Van de Walle on Work Sites," by Mark Van de Walle; "After Words: Homi K. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Books: Robert Storr on 'The Grove Book of Art Writing,'" by Robert Storr; "Film: Graham Fuller on Julian Schnabel's 'Before Night Falls,'" by Graham Fuller; "News: Reena Jana on the 'Wall Street Guggenheim,'" by Reena Jana; "Reena Jana on the Guggenheim Las Vegas," by Reena Jana; "Celso Fioravante on São Paulo's New Curator," by Celso Fioravante; "Daniel Birnbaum on M/M," by Daniel Birnbaum; "Jeff Weinstein on the Kaledioscope House," by Jeff Weinstein; "Top Ten," by Gary Indiana; "Regional Exhibitions: Forty Shows Worldwide"; "US Shorts," by Emily Erikson; "Travel Brief: Exhibitions on the Road"; "From the Vault: Richard Shone on Henri Rousseau," by Richard Shone; "From the Vault: Rpbert Rosenblum on Goya," by Robert Rosenblum; "Internatonal Shorts," by Barry Schwabsky; "The Big Picture: The Art of Andreas Gursky," by Katy Siegel, Alberro; "First Take: New Art, New Artists: Daniel Birnbaum on Anneé Olofsson, Bob Nickas on Amy O'Neill, Clarissa Dalrymple on Richard Wright, Dennis Cooper on John Williams, Douglas Fogle on Haluk Akakçe, Katy Siegel on Andrew Bowers, Ralph Rugoff on Shirley Tse, David Frankel on Delia Brown, Susan Kandel, on Los Super Elegantes, Matthew Higgs on Oliver Payne and Nick Relph, Hans-Ulrich Obrist on Anri Sala, Herbert Muschamp on Winka Dubbeldam. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Slant: Greil Marcus Talks with Tim Griffin about the Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Music: Best of 2003," by Christoph Cox, Christian Marclay, Laura Cantrell, Ben Ratliff, and Dennis Cooper; "Architecture: Anthony Vidler on Deconstructivist Architecture in 2003," by Anthony Vidler; "Film: Best of 2003," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, Geoffrey O'Brien, James Quandt, and Stephanie Zacharek; "Tech: Alexander Galloway on Video Games in 2003," by Alexander Galloway; "Books: Best of 2003," by Arthur C. ... [details]