objects: 364
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Various Small Books : Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha
  • catalogue raisonné
  • cloth boards issued without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 23.5 x 16 cm.
  • 288 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780262018777

Various Small Books : Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha

Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton, Hermann Zschiegner, Phil Taylor, Mark Rawlinson, Edward Ruscha, Noriko Ambe, Edgar Arceneaux, Eric Baskauskas, Doro Boehme, Denise Scott Brown, Dan Colen, Julie Cook, Jennifer Dalton, Bill Daniel, Jen Denike, Eric Doeringer, Stan Douglas, Harlan Erskine, Kota Ezawa, Robbert Flick, Jan Freuchen, Anne-Valérie Gasc, Thomas Galler, Marcella Hackbardt, Dejan Habicht, Charles Andrew Hadfield, Mishka Henner, Kai-Olaf Hesse, Taro Hirano, Dominik Hruza, Steven Izenour, Henning Kappenberg, Joachim Koester, Tanja Lazetic, Gabriel Lester, Jonathan Lewis, Jochen Manz, Michael Maranda, Daniel Mellis, Jerry McMillan, Martin Möll, Jonathan Monk, Simon Morris, Toby Mussman, Maurizio Nannucci, Luke Batten, Jonathan Sadler, John O'Brian, Michalis Pichler, Tadej Pogacar, Susan Porteous, Clara Prioux, Robert Pufleb, John Rafman, Achim Riechers, David Russ, Mark Ruwedel, Tom Sachs, Joachim Schmid, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder, Yann Sérandour, Travis Shaffer, Tom Sowden, Kim Stringfellow, Derek Stroup, Derek Sullivan, Chris Svensson, Eric Tabuchi, John Tremblay, Marc Valesella, Louisa Van Leer, Robert Venturi, Reinhard Voigt, Henry Wessel, Keith Wilson, Charles Woodard, Mark Wyse

Compendium / chronology documenting both the artists'' books of Edward Ruscha, and the books inspired by, or aping, Ruscha''s artist''s books. Edited by Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton and Hermann Zschiegner. ... [details]

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22.2 x 15.2 cm.
  • 198 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0915570076


Robert Pincus-Witten, Richard Serra, Keith Sonnier, Eva Hesse, Richard Tuttle, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Barry Le Va, Jackie Ferrara, Vito Acconci, Lynda Benglis, James Collins, Scott Burton

Critical theory documenting the years 1966 - 1976, written by Robert Pincus-Witten. Artists include Richard Serra, Keith Sonnier, Eva Hesse, Richard Tuttle, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Barry Le Va, Jackie Ferrara, Vito Acconci, Lynda Benglis, James Collins and Scott Burton. ... [details]

New York / Norristown / Milano, NY / PA / Italy: Out of London Press,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
Text-Sound Texts
  • critical theory
  • partial cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 23.5 x 16 cm.
  • 441 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0688036163

Text-Sound Texts

Richard Kostelanetz, Walter Abish, Jonathan Albert, Charles Amirkhanian, Beth Anderson, Douglas Barbour, Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, Warren Burt, John Cage, Alissandru Caldiero, Rosemarie Castoro, Guy De Cointet, Geoffrey Cook, Michael Cooper, Philip Corner, Jean-Jacques Cory, Bruce Curley, Charles Dodge, Charles Doria, Jon Erickson, Raymond Federman, Camille Foss, Four Horsemen, Sheldon Frank, Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Kenneth Gaburo, Jon Gibson, Abraham Lincoln GIllespie, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Malcolm Goldstein, Mark Goodman, Glenn Gould, Courtenay P. Graham-Gazaway, Brion Gysin, Lafcadio Hearn, William Hellerman, Scott Helms, Dick Higgins, Tom Johnson, Eugene Jolas, Kevin Jones, Lionel Kearns, W. Bliem Kern, Jack Kerouac, Kenneth King, Christopher Knowles, Lawrence Kucharz, S.J. Leon, Charles Levendosky, Annea Lockwood, Cindy Lubar, Alvin Lucier, Toby Lurie, Jackson Mac Low, David Mahler, Steve McCaffery, Aaron Miller, Charles Morrow, bp Nichol, Claes Oldenburg, John Oswald, Spiros Pantos, Michael Joseph Phillips, Pedro Pietri, Norman Henry Pritchard II, Faye Ran, Henry Rasof, Ernst Robson, Jerome Rothenberg, Patrick Saari, R. Murray Schafer, Arleen Schloss, Armand Schwerner, Stephen Scobie, Judith Johnson Sherwin, Mary Ellen Solt, Charles Stein, Gertrude Stein, Ned Sublette, Jose Garcia Villa, Lawrence Weiner, Larry Wendt, Stephen Ruppenthal, Jon Whyte, Emmett Williams, Reese Williams, Robert Wilson, A.J. Wright, Nina Yankowitz, Karl Young, Harriet Zinnes, Ellen Zweig

Collection of "text-sound" art / "sound poetry" texts. Edited by Richard Kostelanetz. Text by Richard Kostelanetz, Walter Abish, Jonathan Albert, Charles Amirkhanian, Beth Anderson, Douglas Barbour, Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, Warren Burt, John Cage, Alissandru Caldiero, Rosemarie Castoro, Guy De Cointet, Geoffrey Cook, Michael Cooper, Philip Corner, Jean-Jacques Cory, Bruce Curley, Charles Dodge, Charles Doria, Jon Erickson, Raymond Federman, Camille Foss, Four Horsemen, Sheldon Frank, Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Kenneth Gaburo, Jon Gibson, Abraham Lincoln GIllespie, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Entries (Maximalism) : Art at the Turn of the Decade
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22.1 x 14.9 cm.
  • 158 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0915570203

Entries (Maximalism) : Art at the Turn of the Decade

Robert Pincus-Witten, Julian Schnabel, David Salle, Robert Longo, Gary Stephan, Eric Fischl, Siah Amarjani, Ross Bleckner, Mel Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Joel Shapiro, Scott Burton, Benni Efrat, Lucio Pozzi, Jackie Winsor, Michael Hurson

Compendium of profiles on artists Julian Schnabel, David Salle, Robert Longo, Gary Stephan, Eric Fischl, Siah Amarjani, Ross Bleckner, Mel Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Joel Shapiro, Scott Burton, Benni Efrat, Lucio Pozzi, Jackie Winsor and Michael Hurson. ... [details]

New York / Norristown / Milano, NY / PA / Italy: Out of London Press,
Condition:  Used
Wait, Later This Will Be Nothing : Editions by Dieter Roth
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 25.5 x 20.5 cm.
  • 96 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780870708503

Wait, Later This Will Be Nothing : Editions by Dieter Roth

Dieter Roth, Sarah Suzuki, Brenna Campbell, Scott Gerson, Lynda Zycherman

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 13 - June 24, 2013. Texts by Sarah Suzuki, Brenna Campbell, Scott Gerson, and Lynda Zycherman. "Dieter Roth''s wildly inventive artistic practice encompassed everything from painting and sculpture to film and video, but it is arguably through his editioned works-books, prints and multiples-that he made his most important and radical contributions. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
F.R. David
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 19.2 x 12 cm.
  • 237 pp.
  • edition size 1000
  • unsigned and unnumbered

F.R. David

The "Stuff & Nonsense" Issue / No. 2

Ann Demeester, Will Holder, Dieter Roelstraete, Goethe, Stephen Bann, Eugen Gomringer, Jérôme Peignot, John & Yoko, Experimental Jetset, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Matt Mullican, Steven Shearer, Martin Bormann, Marc Nagtzaam, Sol LeWitt, Scott Myles, Barry Johnston, Kasper Andreassen, Kurt Schwitters, Bertrand Russell, OmniPage Pro, Samuel Nyholm, James Lee Byars, Margriet Schavemaker, Robert Ashley, Jan Tschichold, Ann-Sofie Thomsen, Enrico David, Adam Avikainen, Dexter Sinister, Paul Sietsema, Adam Pendleton, Hugo Cole, Sue Tompkins, Jonathan Meese, Matias Faldbakken, Jeff Koons, David Thorpe

Issue number two of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited by Ann Demeester, Will Holder and Dieter Roelstraete. Designed by Will Holder. Essays "The Plastic and the Poetic Form," by Goethe; "Ian Hamilton Finlay, an Illustrated Essay," by Stephen Bann; "Poetry as a Means for the Structuring of a Social Environment," by Eugen Gomringer; "Ici, le langage brille par son absence," by Jérôme Peignot; John & Yoko meet Experimental Jetset meet Marinetti; "Essex," by Matt Mullican; "Voiceless Alters of Flesh," by Steven Shearer; "Rundschreiben," by Martin Bormann; "A Lot of Searching Went into these Words," by Marc Nagtzaam; "The Location of A Circle," by Sol LeWitt; "Untitled," by Scott Myles; "The Votes Under My Bed," by Barry Johnston; "Bourgeois Poetry," by Kasper Andreassen; "What a. ... [details]

Amsterdam, Netherlands: de Appel Arts Centre,
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Artists Make Toys [aka : Make Toys]
  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 30 cm.
  • [52] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Artists Make Toys [aka : Make Toys]

Laurie Anderson, Jared Bark, Trisha Brown, Chris Burden, Scott Burton, John Chamberlain, Angus Chamberlain, Enrique Castro-Cid, Cara Croninger, Brad Davis, Jean Dupuy, Steve Gianakos, Charles Ginnever, Michael Goldberg, Peter Gourfain, James Grashow, Marty Greenbaum, Bob Grosvenor, Susan Hall, Sue Hartnett, Peter Hutchinson, Bob Israel, Laurace James, Kurt Kranz, Robert Kushner, Jeffrey Lew, Les Levine, Kim MacConnel, Christa Maiwald, Gordon Matta-Clark, Richard Mock, Ree Morton, Frosty Myers, Max Neuhaus, Richard Nonas, Claes Oldenburg, Gary Perkins, Howardina Pindell, Lucio Pozzi, Italo Scanga, Willougby Sharp, Alan Shields, Charles Simonds, Marjorie Strider, George Sugarman, Don Sunseri, Richard Tuttle, Richard Van Buren, Bob Watts, Susan Weil, Hannah Wilke, Joe Zucker

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with "Artists Make Toys" exhibition held at The Clocktower, New York, January 1 - 25, 1975. Artist include Laurie Anderson, Jared Bark, Trisha Brown, Chris Burden, Scott Burton, John Chamberlain, Angus Chamberlain, Enrique Castro-Cid, Cara Croninger, Brad Davis, Jean Dupuy, Steve Gianakos, Charles Ginnever, Michael Goldberg, Peter Gourfain, James Grashow, Marty Greenbaum, Bob Grosvenor, Susan Hall, Sue Hartnett, Peter Hutchinson, Bob Israel, Laurace James, Kurt Kranz, Robert Kushner, Jeffrey Lew, Les Levine, Kim MacConnel, Christa Maiwald, Gordon Matta-Clark, Richard Mock, Ree Morton, Frosty Myers, Max Neuhaus, Richard Nonas, Claes Oldenburg, Gary Perkins, Howardina Pindell, Lucio Pozzi, Italo Scanga, Willougby Sharp, Alan Shields, Charles Simonds, Marjorie Strider, George Sugarman, Don Sunseri, Richard Tuttle, Richard Van Buren, Bob Watts, Susan Weil, Hannah Wilke and Joe Zucker. ... [details]

out of stock
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Philip Pearlstein
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • color
  • 26.6 x 21.6 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Philip Pearlstein

Philip Pearlstein, Scott Burton

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 9 - March 9, 1985. Text by Scott Burton. Includes chronology, awards, selected exhibitions, public collections and exhibition checklist. ... [details]

out of stock
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80 Langton Street Documentation : Catalog for Presentations from May 1981 through April 1982
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white
  • 21.5 x 13.9 cm.
  • 107 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

80 Langton Street Documentation : Catalog for Presentations from May 1981 through April 1982

Jon Appleton, Tom Chapman, Tony Labat, Dan Ake, Richard Simmons, Ruth Wallen, Colin Lee, Bob Bates, Jim Hobart, Tom Jenkins, Daniel Schmidt, Yoshimasa Wada, Richard Waters, Bob Wilhite, Doug Hollis, Fredric Jameson, Mary Pratt, David Plotke, Jonathan Albert, Ted Berrigan, Paul Forte, Jerome Rothenberg, Peter Gordon, Anna Valentina Murch, Kathy Acker, Lyn Hejinian, Esmerelda, Mark Pauline, Doug Hall, Tom Johnson, Magdalen Pierrakos, Jim Pomeroy, Jo Harvey Allen, Carlos Hernandez, Tom Hatch, Tony May, Ed Tannenbaum, Max Almy, Gene Tyranny, Bob Griffin, Glen Moriwaki, Peggy Simon, Fashion Moda, Kat Fitzgerald, John Sanborn, Jan Heyneker , Glen Scantlebury, Jana Haimsohn, Mal Waldron, Joan La Barbara, Diamanda Galas, Ed Friedman, Jim Hirschfield, John Driscoll, Jill Scott, Kurt Kaiser, Barry Nelson, Ted Greenwald, Malcolm Goldstein, Paul Dresher, Bruce Chao, Bob Cobbing, P.C. Fencott, Philip Loarie, Maggi Payne, Robert Yarber, Richard Posner, Dan Graham, Jill Kroesen

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 1981 - April 1982. Artists include Jon Appleton, Tom Chapman, Tony Labat, Dan Ake, Richard Simmons, Ruth Wallen, Colin Lee, Bob Bates, Jim Hobart, Tom Jenkins, Daniel Schmidt, Yoshimasa Wada, Richard Waters, Bob Wilhite, Doug Hollis, Fredric Jameson, Mary Pratt, David Plotke, Jonathan Albert, Ted Berrigan, Paul Forte, Jerome Rothenberg, Peter Gordon, Anna Valentina Murch, Kathy Acker, Lyn Hejinian, Esmerelda, Mark Pauline, Doug Hall, Tom Johnson, Magdalen Pierrakos, Jim Pomeroy, Jo Harvey Allen, Carlos Hernandez, Tom Hatch, Tony May, Ed Tannenbaum, Max Almy, Gene Tyranny, Bob Griffin, Glen Moriwaki, Peggy Simon, Fashion Moda, Kat Fitzgerald, John Sanborn, Jan Heyneker , Glen Scantlebury, Jana Haimsohn, Mal Waldron, Joan La Barbara, Diamanda Galas, Ed Friedman, Jim Hirschfield, John Driscoll, Jill Scott, Kurt Kaiser, Barry Nelson, Ted Greenwald, Malcolm Goldstein, Paul Dresher, Bruce Chao, Bob Cobbing, P. ... [details]

San Francisco, CA: 80 Langton,
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Documenta 13 : Catalog I / 3, The Book of Books
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 28.4 x 23.5 cm.
  • 767 pp.
  • edition size 1,200
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9783775729512

Documenta 13 : Catalog I / 3, The Book of Books

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Chus Martínez, Franco Berardi, Bani Abidi, Etel Adnan, Korbinian Aigner, Barmak Akram, Khadim Ali, Jeniffer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Kai Althoff, Maria Thereza Alves, Francis Alys, Kanwar Amar, Ida Applebroog, Julietta Aranda & Anton Vidokle, Doug Ashford, Tarek Atoui, Kader Attia, Princess Bactrian, Nanni Balestrini, Amy Balkin, Massimo Bartolini, Thomas Bayrle, Jerome Bel, Gordon Bennett, Rosella Biscotti, Alighiero Boetti, Anna Boghiguian, Carol Bove, Andrea Bruno, Andrea Büttner, Gerard Byrne, Emily Carr, Mariana Castillo Deball, Paul Chan, Critical Art Ensemble, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Istvan Csakany, Attila Csörgö, Salvador Dali, Tacita Dean, Mark Dion, Thea Djordjadze, Willie Doherty, Song Dong, Trisha Donnelly, Sam Durant, Jimmie Durham, Guillermo Faivovich & Nicolas Goldberg, Geoffrey Farmer, Omer Fast, Lara Favaretto, Ceal Floyer, Liyn Foulkes, Chiara Fumai, Ryan Gander, Dora Garcia, Mario Garcia Torres, Theaster Gates, Mariam Ghani, Symrin Gill, Julio Gonzale, Fiona Hall, Donna Haraway, Susan Hiller, Horst Hoheisel, Pierre Huyghe, Sanja Ivekovic, Emily Jacir, Toril Johannessen, Joan Jonas, Brian Jungen, Robin Kahn, Hassan Khan, William Kentridge, Erkki Kurenniemi, Adriana Lara, Dinh Quang Le, Yan Lei, Gabriel Lester, David Link, Maria Loboda, Mark Lombardi, Renata Lucas, Marcos Lutyens, Goshka Macuga, Anna Maria Maiolino, Nalini Malani, Man Ray, Maria Martins, Fabio Mauri, Julie Mehretu, John Menick, Gustav Metzger, Lee Miller, Amanullah Mojadidi, Kyungwon Moon & Joonho Jeon, Gareth Moore, Rabih Mroue, Christian Phillipp Müller, Zanele Muholi, Vann Nath, Shinro Ohtake, Roman Ondak, Otolith Group, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Giuseppe Penone, Claire Pentecost, Susan Philipsz, Sopheap Pich, Lea Porsager, Michael Portnoy, Margret Preston, Seth Price, Ana Prvacki, Walid Raad, Michael Rakowitz, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Doreen Reid Nakamarra, Pedro Reyes, Gunnar Richter, Stuart Ringholt, Ruth Robbins & Dixie Evans, Paul Ryan, Hannah Ryggen, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Anri Sala, Seed Constellation Project, Albert Serra Juanda, Wael Shawky, Charlotte Salomon, Ines Schaber, Tino Sehgal, Albert Serra Juanola, Tejal Shah, Nedko Solakov, Alexandra Sukhareva, Mika Taanila, Javier Tellez, Aase Texmon Rygh, Alexander Tarakhovsky, Warwick Thornton, Rosemarie Trockel, Rojas Adrian Villar, Jeronimo Voss, Tjapaltjarri Warlimpirringa, Jessica Warboys, Lori Waxman, Clemens Wedemeyer, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Lawrence Weiner, Haegue Yang, Akram Zaatari, Anton Zeilinger, Konrad Zuse

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June 9 - September 16, 2012. Exhibition curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. Texts by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Chus Martínez, Franco Berardi. ... [details]

Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz,
Condition:  Used
objects: 364