Program for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. Performances and contributions by Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. ... [details]
Poster for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. Performances and contributions by Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with joint presentation by Art Metropole and Printed Matter at Art Basel, Switzerland, June 12 - 17, 1991. Cover artwork by Richard Prince and Lawrence Weiner. ... [details]
Press release for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. ... [details]
Issue number six of the irregularly issued periodical "0 to 9" edited by Bernadette Mayer and Vito Acconci. Contents include "Sketchbook Notes," by Jasper Johns; "Automatic Writing from my Movies," by Yvonne Rainer; "On Machines," by Alan Sondheim; "Dialogue Piece," by Lee Lozano; "State," by Steve Paxton; "Contacts/Contexts (Frame of Reference): Ten Pages of Reading Roget's Thesauraus (New York: St. ... [details]
Fall 1978 issue of the literature and art periodical " So & So," published by John Marron. Includes: "8 Poems," by Luis Garcia; "A Story About a Family, & Some People Changing," by Cindy Lubar; "3 Cartoons," by Leavenworth Jackson; "Nobody Wants to Hear You Talk About Your Mother," by Ali; "4 Typewriter Pieces," by Christopher Knowles; "4 Poems," by Al Santoli; "syzygy," by Bill Benton; "A I SUE OC," by Tom Savage; "Song," by Abby Child; "Manifesto," by Allen Ginsberg; "Letter to Chris R. ... [details]
Issue Number Five of the irregularly issued periodical "0 to 9" edited by Bernadette Mayer and Vito Hannibal Acconci. Contains texts "Sentences on Conceptual Art," by Sol LeWitt; "Seneca Songs," by Richard Johnny Jon and Jerome Rothenberg; "Non-Site Map of Mono Lake, California," by Robert Smithson; "Three Poetry Events," by John Perreault; "Lecture for a Group of Expectant People," by Yvonne Rainer; "Untitled," by Bernadette Mayer; "Sonnet XXI" and "Suite VII ('triplicates')" by Clark Coolidge; "Four Pages," by Vito Hannibal Acconci; "Poems," by Hannah Weiner; "The Disposable Transient Environment," by Les Levine; "Poem," by Bernadette Mayer; "Untitled," and "Untitled," by Adrian Piper; "The Fashion Show Poetry Event Essay," by Eduardo Costa, John Perreault, and Hannah Weiner; "The Conquest of Pizarro," by Kenneth Koch; "I Can Walk Through the World as Music," by Philip Corner; "Poems," by Jack Anderson; "Scramble," and "Sonnet," by John Perreault; "Act 3, Scene 4," by Vito Hannibal Acconci, "Warhol," by Clark Coolidge; "Firecrackers," by Rosemary Mayer; "Poem," by John Inslee; "Moon in Three Sentences," by Bernadette Mayer; and "Alternatives," by John Perreault. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue made up of irregularly sized pages of text and illustrations published in conjunction with opening held April 16, 1961. Artists include Boris Lurie, Jack Kroll, Sam Goodman, Stanley Fisher, Isser Aronovici, Augustus Goertz, Michelle Stewart, Jerome Rothenberg, Ted Joans, and Bob Logan with texts by Jack Kroll, Boris Lurie, Augustus Goertz, Stanley Fisher, and others. ... [details]
Press release published in conjunction with show opening held April 2, 1961. Artists include Sam Goodman, Stanley Fisher, Boris Lurie, Ted Joans, Augustus Goertz, Michelle Stewart, Bob Logan, Jerome Rothenberg, and Isser Aronovici. ... [details]
Collection of "text-sound" art / "sound poetry" texts. Edited by Richard Kostelanetz. Text by Richard Kostelanetz, Walter Abish, Jonathan Albert, Charles Amirkhanian, Beth Anderson, Douglas Barbour, Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, Warren Burt, John Cage, Alissandru Caldiero, Rosemarie Castoro, Guy De Cointet, Geoffrey Cook, Michael Cooper, Philip Corner, Jean-Jacques Cory, Bruce Curley, Charles Dodge, Charles Doria, Jon Erickson, Raymond Federman, Camille Foss, Four Horsemen, Sheldon Frank, Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Kenneth Gaburo, Jon Gibson, Abraham Lincoln GIllespie, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. ... [details]