Exhibition catalogue and series of letters to young women artists published in conjunction with the Feminist Art Festival at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, 1974. Edited by Miriam Schapiro, Sherry Brody, Molly Rhodes, and Lelia Amalfitano. ... [details]
Large-scale compendium of artists' writings edited by Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz. Artists include Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, Louise Bourgeois, Alfred H. ... [details]
April 1989 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television" by Barbara Kruger; "The Cave: Michele Wallace on Invisibility Blues" by Michele Wallace; "Environment: Vilem Flusser on Future Architecture" by Vilem Flusser; "Expertease: Silvia Kolbowski on Knowledge and Power" by Silvia Kolbowski; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'brien; "Books: Alice Yaeger Kaplan on 'Nuclear Fear,'" by Alice Yaeger Kaplan; "Signs of Light: Walker Evans' American Photographs," by Max Kozloff; "Subjectivity in Time: Kasimir Malevich," by Rainer Crone and David Moos; "Protection: A Project for Artforum," by Christian Boltanski and Annette Messager; "The Erography of Cy Twombly," by Demosthenes Davvetas; "We ? New Jersey," by Komar & Melamid; "The Passageway: A Project for Artforum," by Wolgang Laib; "Words around Warhol," by Jack Bankowsky; "Space around Warhol," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Phoenix of the Self," by John Yau; "Turning Japenese (In)," by John Welchman; "Ambitious: A project for Artforum," by Janet Zweig. ... [details]
Inaugural issue of Journal 188, edited by Meredith Allen, Joan Ratajack, and Lynette Diaz. Contents include: "Cutting," by D. Travers Scott; "Invisible Girls," by Barbara Seyda; "(excerpt from) The Double Standard," by Kathe Burkhart; "Poetry," by Kathleen McShane, John Hosford, Robert Monda, Nancy Taylor, Leslie Ladds, Catherine Jackson; and "Art," by Jude Schwendenwien, Chuck Agro, Joel Peter Johnson, Ebon Fisher, Lisa Haney, Terry Corgey, Susan Cowles, Robin Locke Monda, Alfred Stuart, Carol Sun, Doug Aitken, Rebecca Bailen, Guerrilla Girls, Joyce Roeutter, Madonna Dunbar, Yael Routtenberg, Kerr & Malley, and Deborah Whitney; and "Bios. ... [details]
May 1982 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents: "Man Ray's Early Paintings 1913-1916: Theory and Practice in the Art of Two Dimensions," by Francis Naumann; "Pat Steir and the Science of the Admirable," by Ted Castle; "The Candidate: Photographs by Pedro Meyer"; "Portraits: Necrophilia, Mon Amour," by Joseph Kosuth; "Portraits: Section 2," by Lawrence Weiner; "Portraits: Impassioned with Some Song We," by Kathy Acker; "Portraits of Joseph Kosuth, Lawrence Weiner, and Kathy Acker," by Robert Mapplethorpe; "The Sounds of Violence: Max Neuhaus' Siren Project," by Nancy Princenthal; "Sabotage or Trophy? Advance or Retreat?" by Douglas Huebler; "Books: Clive Phillpot on 'Real Lush,'" by Clive Phillpot; "Reviews," by Richard Flood, Kate Linker, Joan Casademont, Colin Westerbeck, Donald Kuspit, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Lawson, Jamey Gambrell, Judith Russi Kirshner, Richard Armstrong, Stuart Morgan, Xavier Girard, and Annelie Pohlen. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Cambridge, MA, March 4 - July 16, 2007, organized by Cornelia H. Butler and Lisa Gabrielle Mark. "There had never been art like the art produced by women artists in the 1970s--and there has never been a book with the ambition and scope of this one about that groundbreaking era. ... [details]
Survey of young artists of the school of New York edited and with an introduction by B.H. Friedman. Contents include: "Helen Frankenthaler," by B.H. Friedman; "Robert Goodnough," by Barbara Guest; "Grace Hartigan," by Emily Dennis; "Jasper Johns," by Ben Heller; "Alfred Leslie," by James Schuyler; "Joan Mitchell," by Irving Sandler; "Raymond Parker," by Bill Godden; "Robert Rauschenberg," by David Harrison Myers; "Larry Rivers," by Frank O'Hara; "Jon Schueler," by Alastair Reid; and "Richard Stankiewicz," by Fairfield Porter. ... [details]
Issue no. 7 of the quarterly periodical Cover, edited by Judith Aminoff. Contents include: "New York / Paris," by Barre Phillips; "Jazz Visuals," by Arthur Beatty; "a Pierre et Marie," by Claude Gintz; "Pointed Portraits," by Chalkie Davis, Paula Court, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Philippe Cazal; "Pina Bausch;" "Ingrid Caven;" "Richard Foreman;" "Honneur, Puissance et Amour des Femmes," by Craig Owens; "Willy Ronis;" "Figuration: Libre?," by Remy Blanchard, Calum Fraser, Louis Jammes; "Entre Chien et Loup," by Aude Bodet; "Portfolio: Originaux," Jean Goussebaire-Dupin, Bernard Frize, Daniel Buren, Gerard Garouste, Sarkis, Joan Logue, and Bill Woodrow; "Malcolm Morley;" "Dialogue: Bernard Lamarche-Vadel;" "Richard Prince;" "Robert Kramer;" "John Fekner;" "Jean Jacques Schuhl;" "Jacques Minnasian;" and "Lizzie," by Eve Zheim. ... [details]
Hand written printed flyer / poster published in conjunction with opening held January 29, [1978]. Exhibition featured the staged works of Ida Applebroog, Manny Farber and Patricia Patterson and book art by Richard Kostelanetz. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of performances and exhibitions held at The Kitchen in New York in 1974 and 1975. Introduction by Bruce Kurtz. Artists include: Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin, John Baldessari, Kirsten Bates, Connie Beckley, David Behrens, David Behrman, Carmen Beuchat, Scott Billingsley, Trisha Brown, Jim Burton, Jim Byrne, Peter Campus, Cornelius Cardew, Sergio Cervetti, Rhys Chatham, Peggy Cicierska, Andy Mannik, Jim Cobb, David Cort, Alvin Curran, Barbara Dilley, Juan Downey, Jean Depuy, Susan Ensley, Henry Flynt, Nova'Billy, Simone Forti, Jon Gibson, Davidson Gigliotti, Frank Gillette, Tina GIrouard, Dan Graham, Amy Greenfield, Ellen Grossman, Noel Harding, Julia Heyward, Nancy Holt, Gerard Hovagimyan, Nelson Howe, Tannis Hugill, Tom Johnson, Joan Jonas, Beryl Korot, Jill Kroesen, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Kushner, Richard Landry, Darcy Lange, Garrett List, Anna Lockwood, Alvin Lucier, Jackson Mac Low, Ingram Marshall, Michael McClard, Mike Metz, Dick Miller, Phill Niblock, Steve Paxton, Liz Phillips, Virginia Quesada, Eliane Radique, Steve Reich, Jonathan Richman, Ripert Center, Joost Romeu, Jim Rosenberg, Leon Rosenblatt, Martha Rosler, Arthur Russell, Ira Schneider, Robin Schwartz, Allen Sekula, S. ... [details]