objects: 556
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Journal [LAICA Journal]
  • periodical
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27.6 x 21.2 cm.
  • 101 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Journal [LAICA Journal]

No. 28 (September - October 1980)

Peter Clothier, Richard Ross, Robert C. Morgan, David Askevold, Michael Kelley, Susan Ehrlich, Paul Arthur, Richard Armstrong, James Hugunin

Edited by Bridget Johnson, cover design by Doug Wheeler. Essays "Art at Large," by Peter Clothier; "At Large in Santa Barbara," by Richard Ross; "You Can't Tell a Book by Its Cover (But You Can Locate a Text by Its Spine)," by Robert C. ... [details]

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Kandinsky in Munich : 1896 - 1914
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25.3 x 21.4 cm.
  • 312 pp.
  • edition size 10000
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0892070307

Kandinsky in Munich : 1896 - 1914

Wassily Kandinsky, Peter Jelavich, Peg Weiss, Carl E. Schorske, Anonymous, Anton Azbe, Erma Barrera-Bossi, Karl Bauer, Vladimir von Bechtejeff, Peter Behrens, J. Hilsdorf Bingen, Albert Bloch, Rudolf Bosselt, Walter Crane, Hans Christiansen, Martha Cunz, Julius Diez, Emmy von Egidy, August Endell, Robert Engels, Fritz Erler, Gustav Freytag, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Stefan George, Pierre Girieud, Thomas de Hartmann, Ferdinand Hauser, Waldemar Hecker, Thomas Theodor Heine, Adolf Hengeler, Rolf Hoerschelman, Ludwig von Hoffmann, Adolf Hölzel, Patriz Huber, Wilhelm Hüsgen, Eugen von Kahler, Kastner and Lossen, Paul Klee, Moissey Kogan, Alfred Kubin, Max Littmann, August Macke, Franz Marc, Gabriele Münter, Rolf Niczky, Hermann Obrist, Bruno Paul, Poppel and Kurz, Richard Riemerschmid, Arpad Schmidhammer, Hans Schmithals, Gertraud Schnellenbühel, Arnold Schönberg, Ernst Stern, Carl Strathmann, Franz von Stuck, Hugo von Tschudi, Albert Weisgerber, Emil Rudolf Weiss, Marianne von Werefkin, Wolfgang von Wersin, Karl Wolfskehl, Ludwig von Zumbusch

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in 1982. Foreword by Carl E. Schorske. Essays by Peter Jelavich and Peg Weiss. Artists include Anonymous, Anton Azbe, Erma Barrera-Bossi, Karl Bauer, Vladimir von Bechtejeff, Peter Behrens, J. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27.5 x 24 cm.
  • 176 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 15 cm.
  • 48 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3720400956

Kupferstich, Radierung, Aquatinta : Werke von Schongauer bis Baselitz aus dem Kupferstichkabinett Basel

Marianne Wackernagel, Meister des Todes Mariae, Meister mit den Bandrollen, Meister E.S., Martin Schongauer, Israhel van Meckenem, Meister M.Z., Andrea Mantegna, Hausbuchmeister, Urs Graf, Daniel Hopfer, Albrecht Dürer, Marcantonio Raimondi, Lucas van Leyden, Lucas Cranach d.A., Hanns Lautensack, Jacques Bellange, Hendrick Goltzius, Claude Mellan, Hendrick Goudt, Matthaeus Meria d.A., Jacques Callot, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Louis-Marin Bonnet, Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, James McArdell, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Giovanni Antonio Canal, James Ensor, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Eugène Delacroix, Camille Corot, Charles François Daubigny, Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Max Klinger, Edvard Munch, Emil Nolde, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Klee, Album Anatole Jakovski, Max Beckmann, Markus Raetz, Miriam Cahn, Eduardo Chillida, Georg Baselitz, Martin Disler, Barnett Newman, Cy Twombly, Claes Oldenburg, Dieter Roth, Bernhard Luginbühl

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Kunstmuseum Basel, May 18 - August 25, 1996. Essay by Marianne Wackernagel. Artists in the exhibition include Meister des Todes Mariae, Meister mit den Bandrollen, Meister E. ... [details]

Basel, Switzerland: Kunstmuseum Basel,
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  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 19 x 14 cm.
  • 136 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
L.A. Rising : SoCal Artists Before 1980
  • exhibition catalogue
  • paper over boards issued without dust-jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 24.7 cm.
  • 516 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780917571138

L.A. Rising : SoCal Artists Before 1980

Lyn Kienholz, Elizabeta Betinski, Corinne Nelson, Clinton Adams, Ron Adams, Bas Jan Ader, John Alberty, Lita Albuquerque, Anders Aldrin, Peter Alexander, Martha Alf, Neda Al-Hilali, Carlos Almaraz, John Altoon, Mabel Alvarez, Arthur Ames, Jean Goodwin Ames, Laura Anderson, Oliver Andrews, Eleanor Antin, Craig Antrim, Chuck Arnoldi, Michael Asher, David Askevold, Walter Askin, Ralph Bacerra, Don Bachardy, Jo Baer, Herman Kofi Bailey, George P. Baker, Michael Balog, John Baldessari, Jack Barth, Richmond Barthé, Joel Bass, Lynn Bassler, Robert C. Bassler, Wall Batterton, Herbert Bayer, Phoebe Beasley, Larry Bell, Billy Al Bengston, Karl Benjamin, Ed Bereal, Pat Berger, Tony Berlant, Ben Berlin, Eugene Berman, Wallace Berman, John Bernhardt, Gary Beydler, Edward Biberman, Natalie Bieser, Les Biller, Annette Bird, Streeter Blair, Sandy Bleifer, Bob and Bob, Gloria Cole Bohanen, Douglas Bond, Dorr Bothwell, David Bradford, Rex Brandt, Jerry Brane, Bettina Brendel, Michael Brewster, William Brice, Nicholas Brigante, Morris Broderson, William Theophilus Brown, Nancy Buchanan, Conrad Buff II, David Bungay, Jerry Burchfield, Jerrold Burchman, Chris Burden, Hans Burkhardt, Nathaniel Bustion, JoAnne Callis, Cameron, Greg S. Card, Elaine Carhartt, Harry Carmean, Jae Carmichael, Carol Caroompas, Barbara Carrasco, Eduardo Carrillo, Karen Carson , Bernie Casey, Elizabeth Catlett, Vija Celmins, Roberto Chavez, Carl Cheng, Judy Chicago, Grace Clements, Caron Colvin, Dan Concholar, Houston Conwill, Ron Cooper, Sister Mary Corita, Philip Cornelius, Mary Corse, Eileen Cowin, Robert Cremean, James L. Croak, Keith Crown, William Crutchfield, Robert Cumming, Darryl Curran, Dorit Cypis, Dan Cytron, Edie Danieli, Avery Danziger, Lowell Darling, Paul Darrow, Alonzo Davis, Dale B. Davis, Michael Davis, Ronald Davis, Woods Davy, Guy De Cointet, Francis de Erdely, Rupert Deese, Tony DeLap, Diane Destiny, Boris Deutsch, Charles Dickson, Richard Diebenkorn, Dietrich, Phil Dike, Guy Dill, Laddie John Dill, Paul Dillon, Morton Dimondstein, Sue Dirksen, John Divola, William Dole, James Doolin, Daniel Douke, Robert Dowd, Roy Dowell, Laurence Dreiband, Hildegarde Duane, Tom Eatherton, Bruce Edelstein, Jean Edelstein, Doug Edge, Leonard Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Jules Engel, Marion Epting, Sam Erenberg, Merion Estes, Ned Evans, Bruce Everett, Fredericl Eversley, Connor Everts, Edgar Ewing, Martin Facey, Claire Falkenstein, Joe Fay, Lorser Feitelson, Lilly Fenichel, Jud Fine, Bruria Finkel, Max Finkelstein, Oskar Fischinger, Ethel Fisher, Judy Fiskin, Robbert Flick, Betty Davenport Ford, Llyn Foulkes, Sam Francis, Magdalena Frimkess, Michael Frimkess, Walter Gabrielson, Simone Gad, Charles Garabedian, John Garrett, Christopher Georgesco, George Geyer, James S. Gill, Shirl Goedike, Betty Gold, Judith Golden, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, John S. Gordon, Robert Graham, Mark Greenfield, Scott Grieger, Ron Griffin, Raul Guerrero, Allan Hacklin, Richard Haines, D.J. Hall, Frederick Hammersley, David Hammons, Lloyd Hamrol, Robert Hansen, Marvin Harden, June Harwood, Maren Hassinger, James Hayward, Wayne Alaniz Healy, Phillip Hefferton, Robert Heinecken, Victor Henderson, Maxwell Hendler, George Herms, Anthony Hernandez, Susan Lautman Hertel, Charles Christopher Hill, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Diana Hobson, David Hockney, Patrick Hogan, Tom Holste, Varnette Honeywood, Dennis Hopper, Channa Horwitz, Bruce Houston, Bernard Hoyes, Douglas Huebler, James Hueter, Robert Irwin, Sandra Jackman, Suzanne Jackson, James Jarvaise, Connie Jenkins, Tom Jenkins, Daniel Larue Johnson, Don Johnson, Wesley Johnson, Ynez Johnston, John Paul Jones, Mary Jones, Reuben Kadish, Steve Kahn, Matsumi Kanemitsu, Allan Kaprow, Barbara Kasten, Craig Kauffman, Claude Kent, Edward Kienholz, The Kipper Kids, Gloria Kisch, Tom Knechtel, Emil Kosa Jr., Peter Krasnow, Patsy Krebs, Roger Kuntz, Suzanne Lacy, Lili Lakich, Paul Landacre, Doyle Lane, William Leavitt, Rico Lebrun, John Lees, Harold Lehman, Mark Lere, Samella Lewis, Peter Liashkov, Joyce Lightbody, Ron Linden

Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Le Symbolisme en Europe
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 21 cm.
  • 274 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Le Symbolisme en Europe

Hans Hofstätter, Franco Russoli, Geneviève Lacambre, J.C. Ebbinge Wubben

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the show held at Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands, November, 1975 - January, 1976. Traveled to Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium, January - March, 1976 ; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany, March - May, 1976 and Grand Palais, Paris, France, May - July, 1976. ... [details]

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  • monograph
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24 x 18 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Leo Castelli : Twenty Years

Leo Castelli, Susan Brundage, Janelle Reiring, Andy Warhol, Richard Artschwager, Robert Barry, Lee Bontecou, Peter Campus, John Chamberlain, Nassos Daphnis, Hanne Darboven, Ron Davis, Jan Dibbets, Dan Flavin, Laura Grisi, Douglas Huebler, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Joseph Kosuth, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Frank Owen, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Edward Ruscha, Salvatore Scarpitta, Richard Serra, Keith Sonnier, Frank Stella, Cy Twombly, Paul Waldman, Lawrence Weiner

A monograph honoring the twenty ten years of the Leo Castelli Gallery and an exhibition celebrating the anniversary. Edited by Susan Brundage and Janelle Reiring. Artists in the publication include Andy Warhol, Richard Artschwager, Robert Barry, Lee Bontecou, Peter Campus, John Chamberlain, Nassos Daphnis, Hanne Darboven, Ron Davis, Jan Dibbets, Dan Flavin, Laura Grisi, Douglas Huebler, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Joseph Kosuth, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Frank Owen, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Edward Ruscha, Salvatore Scarpitta, Richard Serra, Keith Sonnier, Frank Stella, Cy Twombly, Paul Waldman, and Lawrence Weiner. ... [details]

New York, NY: Leo Castelli,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 29 x 22.5 cm.
  • 302 pp.
  • edition size 1000
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9686191054

Leo Castelli y Sus Artistas : XXX Años de Promocion del Arte Contemporaneo

Leo Castelli, Roberto Littman, Calvin Tomkins, Robert Pincus-Witten, Judith Goldman, Mary Jo Marks, Constantin Brancusi, Joseph Cornell, Willem de Kooning, Robert Delaunay, Cesar Domela, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Leonor Fini, Arshile Gorky, John Graham, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Yves Klein, Franz Kline, Andre Lanskoy, Fernand Leger, Matta, Joan Miró, Piet Mondrian, Robert Motherwell, Barnett Newman, Francis Picabia, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Pierre Soulages, Richard Artschwager, Miquel Barceló, Robert Barry, Robert Bart, Jean-Charles Blais, James Brown, Peter Campus, Francesco Clemente, John Chamberlain, Sandro Chia, Christo, Nassos Daphnis, Hanne Darboven, Ron Davis, Jan Dibbets, Friedel Dzubas, Dan Flavin, Gerard Garouste, Ralph Gibson, Laura Grisi, Keith Haring, Douglas Huebler, Edward Higgins, Ti Shan Hsu, Jasper Johns, Cletus Johnson, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Frederick Kiesler, Gabriel Kohn, Joseph Kosuth, Roy Kichtenstein, Marisol, Robert Morris, Robert Moskowitz, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Richard Pettibone, Larry Poons, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Edward Ruscha, David Salle, Ludwig Sander, Salvatore Scarpitta, Julian Schnabel, Richard Serra, Charles Simonds, Keith Sonnier, Frank Stella, Robert Therrien, Cy Twombly, Jack Tworkov, Meyer Vaisman, Esteban Vicente, Paul Waldman, Andy Warhol, Lawrence Weiner, Mia Westerlund Roosen

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June - October 1987. Essays by Leo Castelli, Roberto Littman, Calvin Tomkins, Robert Pincus-Witten, and Judith Goldman, and an interview between Castelli and Mary Jo Marks. ... [details]

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Les Contes de Fees se Terminent Bien
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22 x 17 cm.
  • unpaginated
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 2906422185

Les Contes de Fees se Terminent Bien

Alexandra Midal

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Château du val Freneuse, October 17, 1996 - January 5, 1997. Artists included are Stephan Balkenhol, Simon Beer, Patrick Van Cackenbergh, Claude Closky, Patrick Corillon, Dan Graham, Claudia Hart, Enikö Laczko, Mark Lewis, Paul McCarthy, Fabrice Midal, Regina Möller, Yannick Nédelec, Antoinette Ohannessian, Pierre et Gilles, Sam Samore, Lawrence Weiner, Stephen Willats, and Bruno Yvonnet. ... [details]

Normandie, France: Frac Haute,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
objects: 556